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Everything posted by Ulfast

  1. Thanks for the advice and I will try to check that podcast out. I think the Cypher lords could be very fun to play.
  2. As a new player of Warcry and thinking to start Cyper Lords, do you have any good advice?
  3. I must just say that I love both oyur minatures but also your battle board. Great work! Hope to see more
  4. I think some allies can be part of the FEC . they are not a must and usually I play without them. But I´m myself thinking to add morghasts at some point just to get some more heavy hitters.
  5. Thanks for your adsvice, it seems like some intersting options
  6. So what is a good basic to get for the army ?
  7. So, I´m thinking to perhaps start a small army (around 1000p), mostly as a hobby project. But I´m thinking that perhaps it could be fun an later expand it to 2000p. I want to play with it even if its lower points. But do you think this is army that will contuie to be and army and not disapear and what advice about the army could you give me?
  8. Looks like intersting list that should work.
  9. @Reuben Thanks. That what was I thought. Hope that we perhaps get some hunger spell list or something
  10. I got to ask another question: What kind of spells can we use? If I understand it right it´s only the one that are on every wizards (ghoul kings) and malign magic spells. Or have I missed something?
  11. Thanks Glaurung. Then I plaued it right and as you said, it´s actually a relly terribly ability. It would be ok(ish) if we rolled every time we killed some models and not a unit or if it happend on a 2+ instead (or why not both).
  12. A question, when do we need to roll for feeding frenzy? Is it after we destroy a whole unit or just a model? Im new and we played it that a whole unit needed to be gone before we rolled for it. But that means that it hardly happend and of course rolling a 6 at right time is a little chance. So what is right? I also agree a new book with new miniatures and units would be great. Also some changes to ghouls would be welcomed ?
  13. Congratulation to you Andreas and team Sweden! Great work. Can you tell more about your games?
  14. @Karchev23 Look at @Andreas list on page 2 on this thread and I think you will find a good compative list ?
  15. Some very intersting list there and I really like your input Andreas. Will be intersting to hear how your tournament goes. Lets hope that our fyreslayers make a big success Myself is right now painting full time to get some minaitures ready for a campagint that starts in ausgust in my gaming club. Hopefull I can soon play my first game too. Then I will report back what I experinced and learned.
  16. That sounds very intersting Andreas. What did you use in your old list? and wanna share any nice advice for a new player? Looking forward to your report later on the tournament).
  17. So has anyone tried out the new edition with there fyreslayers and if you have, what did you think about them?
  18. The are a new logde called Tangrim and have allready showed themself to be honorful snd good fighters. Thats what I know about. Really cool mark so fun if you build them.
  19. As magic seems to be a new big thing in aos2 and we cant do that, Im wondering which allies will you use for your fyreslayers to get some magic?
  20. As someone that is restarting fyreslayers I got another question: what books do I need to get? Is it enought with fyreslayers book and the new GHB 2018 or do I need some other book too?
  21. @The Jabber TzeentchThanks for your reply. Thats good to know. I´m thinking to buy some if I restart and those MW do look nice. I will meet orruks, undead and other so it will get in handy. About your question carrigher82 I think you are right. It seems strange as magic will get a huge part in AoS2 that we get more expensive and got zero protection. But I´m hoping that GW will do a stormcast with us and gives us some new units, perhaps some with protection against magic, our own magic perhaps even and hopefull some new unit (I´m a big fan of fyreslayers riding lizard so we get some mounted unit that are faster).
  22. Ok, as I´m thinking to restart my army and that would mean to buy some new models, like the hearthguards, I got a question: What weapon should I give them, the broadaxe or the poleaxe? What do you guys recommend with all the new stormcast and nighthaunt armies coming out?
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