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Everything posted by Boggler

  1. Same. I don't own two MBMK's otherwise I would try em out. Everytime I write a BW list I can't see myself getting to 20 WP before turn 3. Ironsunz might be the way to go, and with only one Warchanter and or Weirdnob.
  2. Yeah. I am going to take an MBMK Ironclad/Ammy The agonizing question is Big Waagh vs Ironjawz. I want to take the cheaper Savage Orruks for objectives and the +1/+1 BW does help a lot, though Mighty Destroyers is too good to pass up and I can't see myself ever going Brutish Cunning in a BW. Maybe Vanilla Ironjawz with a 20 man Savage Orruk blob for camping somewhere. Sadly, I do not have two MBMK's Here is the list I am going to plat this Thursday vs Seraphon: I'm sticking with Ironjawz this time and I'm going with the Arcane Tome to try out the Warchanter Hand of Gork.
  3. Hi guys. I am way behind the curve here in 3.0 knowledge. I am doing my best to catch up, but I literally just started to read last Monday. Now I am doing my best to find all the information I can about the game. Help! If you know about a great resource for AoS please let me know. I was super into 2.0 and want to do my best to play and learn and help the community. I pre ordered Dominion without even knowing that the 2nd half would be more Orruks. And since Vince is calling them Swamp Bogglers then I have to play then for sure, because no one takes the good Boggler's name unless they do the work. Here is my 3.0 list: Does this work? Does the Big Drogg Ally fit in to the one drop Battalion or does he make this a two drop list? Does every list take the MBMK now? How can you not go Ironclad/Metalrippas? Yayaya. There aren't any Dominion models in this army... I don't even have my box yet because I am too busy to pick it up. I just want to play! and these are some of the models I have. More yayaya, wait for the new book to come out! Dammit!
  4. Well, I have been absent from the forums for a bit. I got a house on May 15 and had to renovate the whole thing before move in at the end of June. All the new 3.0 news was so hard to ignore, but I did it! House complete, and 2.0 over. One of the reasons I had to ignore 3.0 was because I was participating in the Grand Clash Goodbye 2.0 100 person tournament in Shawinigan, QC I took a Big Waaagh list and wound up going 3-3. The format was very different in that there were four 24 player rooms that were each their own separate event due to distancing and grouping restrictions. I finished 2-1 on Day 1, with my loss being a close 9-11 loss that could have been a 11-9 win if I made 7+ charge on turn 5 to take an objective. Oh well, it was vs Slaves to Darkness, and against a great player who went on to runner up for best sportsmanship award. The other games were vs Stormcast who had to many wounds to chew through and a FEC player who only killed 15 Savage Orruks after double tapping 6 Horrors into them on a charge with +3 extra attacks. The Orruks then killed half the unit and that was the game. Dead Kunin is for Inspiring Presence. Here is my list: Day Two: Uhhohhh. This is the room with all the players who went 2-1 on Day 1 and had a high points total. The room was full of all the filth. DoK Seraphom, Lumineth, Tzeentch Archaon, Changehost, Kharadron. Anyways, I deserved to be playing in here but it wasn't going to be much fun. Game 1: DoK - 15 Blood Stalkers, Morathi, Focal Points. I took first turn and Hard of Gork'd behind him then charged his Hag Queen on Cauldron getting all 10 Ardboys in to combat. With +1 to Hit I only managed to do 7 wounds and then it all went downhill from there. I was certain that I would kill it, and then be in combat with the Blood Stalkers to tie them up and or force them to shoot the Ardboys in the hero phase. Nope. A bunch died to combat, then more to MW's from spells, and the final wound was an Arcane Bolt. This meant that the Blood Stalkers could shoot whatever they wanted and blasted the other unit of 10 Ardboys off the table. My turn 2 could have gone well, I cast Hand of Gork on a 9, and Morathi unbind it on a 10. If she didn't then 6 buffed up GG's were about to tele, Mighty Destroyer and smash those Blood Stalkers off the table. It didn't, Morathi was trading well for her 3 wounds a turn and would have died but it was clear who was going to win this one going in to turn 3. I lost 20-0 and felt I had this matchup. My list is gogogo. This DoK is finely tuned top tier. No comments. Game 2: Who do you play when you lose 20-0? Changehost! On Places of Arcane Power vs Changehost with 3 Exated Flamers. I don't out range this army. I can't screen their threats. His Flamers did 17D3 damage to one on my Warchanters. My Weirdnob was hiding in the back corner of my board so that I could hopefully tele and complete Pillage to get one VP and lose 1-19. Seriously. This game was a lot of me not caring about the game and wondering how could gtfo of 2.0 as quickly as I could. Any other scenario and we have a game. So, I'm now 1-39 on day two. 2W 3L Who do I have to play in game 3? Who else could have gone 1-39? The new Soulblight Gravelords. I won this one and we both had fun, (not really, we were tired and this was game 6 of the weekend) We both took beatdowns that day. Thanks for reading. Now, I have to catch up on AoS 3.0 I have a few lists in mind but I am not sure how the rules work. I will use the other threads to comment on each topic to hopefully keep things together. See ya later 2.0. I feel like we never really got to know each other.
  5. I'm not sure if I like the idea of 1/3 of an army being a $200+ dollar model but Kragnos has potential... From a hobby perspective. I intend to get him, and a bunch of Ungor Raiders and use them as "Counts As" Bonesplitterz. Or even see if he can round out a Sons of Behemat list. Ironjawz don't need him and 6GG's one shot him.
  6. Thanks @Erik Sorbonen You are right about sharing but it was mostly the other guys who did the work. I am looking at Thunderdome. and a 2200pts Bonesplitterz list is very good. Here is my old list: The only question is whether I go with 2 x 20 Savage Orruks and 2 x 20 Arrow Boyz or 4 x 20 Arrow Boyz. I might even put Chompas on the Savage Orruks. I think both possibilities have their place and both have their opportunities for an Alpha. Two of the units could move 18" before charging T1 and tying something up or better... The Arrow Boyz would definitely be able to clear the chaff and take out support characters. See ya Fyreslayers/Cathalar/Kairos!/Archaon! 4 x 20 Shootas with the double tap is 360 shots. Even unbuffed vs a 5+ save is 24 - 54 wounds (vs Archaon unbuffed its 9-18 wounds, so he likely dies T1 with a few CP's spend to re-roll 1's, or getting one buff off, +1 hit or 6's explode) It is also a lot of bodies for objectives with CP for Inspiring Presence, and no we don't mess around with a Rogue Idol. Since there is a rule of 2. I guess its 2x20 and 2x20. Still strong and my original preference.
  7. Bonereapers in my lockdown army. I still haven't played them but my hobby game is strong. Here is the list I am working on. No Katakros, no crawlers. Please let me know what you think.
  8. Great question. It has to be Icebone. The additional -1 Rend and movement tricks with the pigs is too good. 4++ 4+++ is great but the Wurggog Mask is better and is some much needed output. One other thing for above. Glutos and his -1 hit aura sucks. He is tanky, and not a MONSTER so when he slams in to your lines his utility is amazing.. -'s to hit kill this list. Thanks for reading.
  9. I just did another 5 game tournament with the Bonesplitterz. Same list as above. I went 2-3 this time and ran in to a couple of hard match-ups. KO still seems unbeatable for my list. It doesn't matter what I do. KO can always outrange me and shoot whatever they want, move wherever they want. As a whole. The list is damn fun to play. Win or lose. Can this list beat Tzeeentch Archaon? Ya. Sure. Why not? Screen and shoot. Game 1 Starstrike: Hedonite of Slaanesh I felt confident going in to this matchup. Glutos unfortunately isin't a MONSTER and the Fomoroid trick to get that depravity going is possibly not the way the designers envisioned the new Slaanesh. In the end I totally underestimated the speed of those Slickblade Seekers and the MSU build basically had me always trying to shoot more that I was capable of. Sure, I did ok and the game was close but in the end you need speed to get on to those objectives. Loss. Game Two: Scorched Earth - Lumineth Realmlords He shoots me. I shoot him. I have a 6++ 6+++. He finally breaks his shining company to charge my screens and I shoot him some more. Total Eclipse sucks, but with that many starting CP's its not that bad. I mostly used the CP's for Inspiring Presence. Dawnriders are what I want Boarboys to be. Win. Game Three: Battle for the Pass - Tzeeentch Screamers I set up my screens, and give him the first turn. He crashes in to my front lines and mostly bounces off. He is controlling the objectives at this point and there are so many wounds in the way. I shoot a lot. I shoot more. Lots of Screamers are dying and not a whole lot of Orruks are falling. He is in the way and I can not get on to the objectives. By turn 4, he has too much of a points lead even though I have a really good position. The highlight or lowlight was when I killed a Screamer unit down to 1 model on 1 wound left. He used his destiny 6's to 12 cast Fold Reality and rolled a 6 to bring back 6 more. Ugh 18 more wounds and more bodies in the way. This was a great game. I enjoyed it a lot. Loss. Game Four: Shifting Objectives - Petrifex Bonereapers Finally a MONSTER, and two of them. I set up my screens and gave him the first turn. In my first hero phase I shot at some Mortek. The Harvesters mostly brought them back. I then moved in to range and then shot both of the Harvesters off the table in my first shooting phase. After this it was the slow process of cleaning up. We called it on turn 4, he only had his Crawler left at that point. Win. Game Five: Total Conquest - Kharadron Overlords. He deployed in a corner. I deployed fairly symmetrically and screened out as much as I could. I gave him first turn. He shot half my army off the table. That Hero phase Fly High and disembark 3" from me is brutal. KO will always out range and out maneuver everything I do. Loss. Well. That is it folks. I don't have any plans to play any more AoS until at least after the Summer. By then AoS 3.0 will likely be out and this list will surely be invalid. I hope that you have at least enjoyed reading my reports. Best of success.
  10. Here is the deployment from my Game 1 vs Kharadron Overlords I'm thinking 16-0 going in to their T2. My Arrow Boys are ready to take down anything that comes on to those objectives. Instead, the whole left side got shot off the table and T2 ended 12-8 Would this have been better? In this one I am holding back and giving away first turn. My 8" moves get on to all the objectives and force the issue if they want points. The front boyz are supposed to be within 6" of a boss for the inspiring presence. The two units of arrow boys are ready for their buffs and to double tap if there is a target in range, otherwise move up. I'll eat a lot of shots, and he can place Warp Lightning basically anywhere he wants. What do you think?
  11. Played today. went 2-1. I'll take it. Considering I had never played Bonesplitterz before this morning at 4am. I have to really think about if this is actually a 4-1 list. It has tricks, and the 6++ 6+++ with 175 wounds has meat, even against a few Tecnados, or Sentinels, or Mortek Crawlers. And starting with 4CP and 1960pts for a Triumph, or better yet, not giving a Triumph. It seems to me that this is what it is. And, that means you have to really think about what it is. Your opponent might think they know what it is, and when they are wrong, that is how you will win. If they give you something, you take it. If they want to wait, you control the whole board. It not a killing army, its a movement army and a lot of the game is lost during deployment and that 8" pre game move. Here is the list. My first game was vs KO. I found out when I got home from work, about 7.5 hours before game time. Thinking about deployment cost me a lot of sleep last night and I would like to make a separate post about how to deploy vs them. In the end it went as good as it could have been and I am not sure I would do anything different. As always, I can be better at choosing the Auxiliaries but I didn't look at them until 4am zzz Kharadron Overlords - Shifting Objectives I played this list before and knew what to expect. I knew I chose who goes first. I knew he would put his units in a corner. I looked at the map and I figured that I could completely surround the objective so that he couldn't get any points on his T1. I was hoping to Win priority and take an early 16-0 points lead. What happened was that I took an 8-4 lead and then lost priority. I used the 8" pre game to move up, then the Hero move to move up, and the movement phase to completely block the objectives. The two units of 10 Savage Orruks just had to tank a bunch of shooting and then not get charged. Every time they got shot I pulled a model to make the charge longer. His company had a 3d6 charge but they failed, and the Frigate made an 11" to get on to the objective and finish off the unit in combat with the MW's. This charge was the game changer as it gave him 4pts. The objective had "Shifted" on to the side of the board that he just happened to be at too... Of course! The boys laughed at his Warp Lightning Vortex and it took a good first turn of shooting to clear my guys. No worries, I win priority and I get all the objectives back and another 8 pts. My two units of Arrow Boys are in position to both double tap. Nope. I lost priority and he continued to shoot off a unit of 20 Arrow Boyz and a hero. The rest is history. End of Turn 2 it was still 12-8 for me but my forces were getting thin. You can not body block things that fly wherever they want. T3 he won priority again. GG Game two vs Osiarch Bonereapers - Battle for the Pass I deployed on the line. No teleport to worry about. It was fairly symmetrical with Stikkas, then Arrow Boys and Boars on the sides. I pre game moved on the both side objectives and used the Stikkas to get in the way to whole game. I scored 25-7 at the end. This was a movement game. In shooting I put about 200 shots in to a unit of 20 Mortek Guard before they finally went down. That damn 3+ save. I even had to use the Wurgog Mask which did 3 MW's to me and 3 MW's to him. In combat the stikkas did nothing, but their wounds was enough and the Boss was always nearby for passing the battleshock. The other threat was a unit of Deathriders that I wanted to pin in to his deployment zone. With tripple move and +1 hit, I literally flew up the table and charged the side of line. The Maniaks did basically nothing, and were piled in to by 3 Deathriders. They killed 3 of them boars and the other two fled to battleshock. lol! Those same Deathriders later hit my Stikkas, and had four of them shot off the table in the hero/shooting phase. The last one was finished off by the other Maniaks who obviously wanted revenge for their cousins. The whole game I took the shooting from the Crawlers. I would take 5-10 damage at a time, and the 6++ 6+++ did not let me down. Sure, some of my boys would die but they had wounds to spare. In the end, movement won. Game 3 vs Lumineth Realmlords and Blades Edge This map is controversial for a reason. Sure, it is fun and interactive but then there is Bonesplitterz. I knew I had 1 drop, I knew I had two hero moves. I knew I could take all 6 T1 so I did. And I took Aggressor as well. He deployed Teclis and the Cathalar far enough away that I couldn't shoot them until T3. So I body blocked and capped the objectives all game. I even gave away the double in to T2 just so I could move the Geminids and cap one of his objectives. At the end of T2 it was 10-3 for me. If I won priority I would give it away just to cap his objective. Did I mention the 6++ 6+++ saves? Well they did work here, and the Tatoo guy with his 4++ 4+++ shrugged about a dozen mortals this game. Really, I don't know the math but it seemed like a 33% reductions in MW's taken. Something my Ironjawz would be jealous of. If you have read this far then you must be bored. Thanks for reading. I hope this ramble makes some sense and that someone somewhere will find it useful and give these guys a chance. I am building these guys in RL and can't wait to get them on to the table when games are allowed again. Sure, it took 200 shots to kill 20 Mortek. Sounds weak right? Well, those Mortek are harder to kill than Teclis and Archaon. If you can get your boys lined up on to something and even get some buffs on to their shooting they can be deadly. That is a pretty scary thing for an opponent to think about. EDIT: Oh yeah. I just remembered. I only got 2/3 Triumphs with 1960pts. Guess what. I rolled SAVES BOTH TIMES WTF
  12. Come on! 20 Savage Orruks, 5 Savage Boarboys, and a Savage Big Boss. Though that is not much of a savings... I will personally be using Hedkrakka's Madmob as 3/4 of my heroes anyways.
  13. My copycat version of the list that I have been building in RL is basically this. I already have the Savage Orruks so I opted for 2x10. I was 50/50 on the mask vs the paint but went mask in the end. With the 6++/6++ it is very unlikely that you will kill yourself with the mask. On the other hand, it is very likely that you do 4/5/6 damage to something. I don't have a balewind, and I don't want to bid against Kroaknados to get one. The mobility of not being on one will better I feel. Like if I have to follow a screen or something. 1960pts, Triumph? Great. Not giving a Triumph to my opponent. Even better. Tireless Trackers 8"? Yes please. But yeah. BCR tier list. Where the heck is our Start Collecting Bonesplitterz? I would save on those Finecasts.
  14. Day Two Round 4: 19-1 Win vs Sons of Behemat I had all night to prepare. A big thanks to 1D4chan! I had never faced the Sons before. I was very excited. Forcing the Hand He gave me first go. I was castled up and got 15 Waaagh pts I knew that if I sent in a unit of Ardboys in to the Kraken Eater then I would be at 16 and be hitting on 2's. I Warchanted them up and Gork'd them across the table. The rest stayed back conservatively. There was still space between us and I knew my pigs were faster than anything he had. The Ardboys went in. They took 12 wounds off the Kraken Eater who hit back and killed 4 and then put another 3 in to his pants. The rest of the boyz quickly fled. It was at this moment that I knew I that anything I hit, couldn't be alive to hit back. I had to take these things down one by one, and only one in each combat phase. His turn, he moved on to the objectives. No charges. My turn, I buffed up the pigs and took down a Gatebreaker. He then charged the pigs with his General and killed most of them. I then fled those pigs away and sent in another buffed unit to take it down. He called game there. It was easy to see where this was going. For fun we played out the turn. His Kraken eater killed a dozen Savage Orruks before they took it down to its last wound. I had a Warchanter nearby for the Inspiring Presence! This was something that I found myself doing often. The Warchanter is their cheerleader. It didn't matter who was killing those Savage Orruks, they could kill 20 of them, that is 40 wounds and the last 10 stuck around. That is value for a CP if you ask me. Even those Heathguard Berserkers took a couple rounds to get through them. Round 5: 18-2 Win vs Beasts of Chaos Border War - He chooses who goes first and it was me. I was castled up. and got my Waaagh pts He was deployed in a way that meant that if I charged any of his screens, his Enlightened would hit me back re-roling everything. I certainly did not want that and the game played out in a more strategic way than I thought. I kept positioning my units so that I could use MD on those pigs and try to go around him. The Savage Orruks and a Warchanter held on side, the rest I kept in the middle. I had a lot of wounds to go through. A unit of Ardboys was tele'd and I wound up leaving them on the objective rather than doing the charge. I think I got a 9" and I wanted a 12-13" to get in to some Enlightened. Those Ardboys got Devolved 9" right in to the face of his screen, and they didn't live long. On turn 3 I was able to get the pigs in a position to try a 3D6 charge from 6" away from his screen. I needed to roll big to get at least two models in to his Enlightened. I got an 11. This was ok, but not great. In the end I killed the screen, the Shaggoth and 1 Enlightened. He hit back but did most of his damage to the Ardboys that had also charged the screeen. The Ardboys mostly fell leaving only 1 remaining. There game came down to maintaining priority. He would roll a 6, I would roll a 6. I win ties. He rolled a 5, I rolled a 5. I win ties. This was important. If he got the double even one time the game would have changed. He would have been able to charge where he wanted and not just be stuck in combat somewhere. Whereas I could just use MD to clean up the combat and charge where I wanted. Final thoughts: Bursting with Power was great. That 2nd cast allowed me some utility in the form of Arcane Bolt or Mystic Shield. Shield on the Savage Orruks was quite good. When I was at 30 WP I used D6 for the +2 to cast the D3 MW Arcane Bolt on some stuff. It was fun. Pigs are the army. At 24th place, I almost got Best Destruction. It went to 23rd place which is saying a lot about where Destruction sits in the current Meta. If you want to win a 5 game tourney. You have to beat KO, Tzeentch, Seraphon. I don't see this happening. Best is possibly 4-1
  15. I recently went 3-2 at the Battle of Copenhagen. https://tabletop.to/battle-of-copenhagen-tts Round 1: 19-1 loss to KO, Round 2: 16-4 Win vs Nighthaunt, Round 3: 20-0 loss vs Fyreslayers, Round 4: 19-1 Win vs Sons of Behemat, Round 5: 18-2 Win vs Beasts of Chaos I am pretty happy with these result, but I know I can improve. My two losses were my favourite games. I knew the competition would be tough, but I am still only playing on TTS with models that I already have painted. Here is my list: Round 1: 19-1 loss to KO I knew about the Round 1 match up the night before the game. I knew we were both 5 drops, and I knew the scenario was Focal Points. I knew that it did not matter how I deployed, since he was going to shoot my Weirdnob off the table on Turn 1. It is basically impossible to screen out or bubble out 24" range shooting in this scenario. I knew I had to win the roll off to choose who goes first. I lost the roll. I knew I had to now spend an hour on deployment to base block the Warp Lightning Vortex out of my deployment zone. Ultimately, I couldn't do this because using the models in TTS are super unforgiving and it would have taken five hours, that I just did not have. In the real world, where deploying model sis much easier, I am certain to do this in the future. He took T1, killed a Warchanter and the Weirdnob. Charged my flanks and pinned me in to my deployment zone. The Arkanaught Company took a lot of casualties in return and the two of the Frigates took some damage. My T1. 2 Waaagh Points - Game over right there. Though I did a pretty good job pushing back. The two flanks were hit hard, and the Frigates had very low wounds left. The Savage Orruks pushed in to the middle objective and took a dozen wounds off of the Ironclad in their encounter. I was feelin pretty good. I needed to win this roll off! Nope, didn't get it. His T2, He retreated the Frigates out of combat and killed the other Warchter. He put all his shooting in to the Savage Orruks and killed about 20 of them. At this point I did not have many models left. My T2: 4 Waaagh Points! For the morale of the boyz, I put everything I had in to the Ironclad. It didn't die. I did not have enough left to play the objective game. Game over. Round 2: 16-4 Win vs Nighthaunt Mega MSU Bladegheists on Focal Points. 18 units of 5 Bladegheists. I castled up. Gave him first turn. and held vs everything he charged at me. No significant losses. He got Wave of Terror on his first two charges! That was interesting! In my first Hero phase, I Mighty Destroyered and Wrath of Gork'd myself out of combat. Since I was still castled, Gork put 6 MW's in to one of the units! I was at 12 Waagh pts. I took back the side objectives, then won the roll off for the double. I was too far ahead on points after this. Round 3: 20-0 loss vs Fyreslayers The Blades Edge. This was a great game. That bubble of fight first, then fight again meant that I really was not the instigator in this matchup. My pigs couldn't just ram themselves in to either of his hammer/shields. I did not realize how fast one of his units were, with + to run and charge. My opponent played very deliberately. He knew what he was doing with his advance, he used the Aetherwings to grab an objective and even to screen off the backfield from Hand of Gork. The Vulkites were easy, but those triple Runesmiters and that guaranteed Triumph... re-roll hits... of course! There was a moment where I had a window to get in to his heros. I used MD to move, then move again, the Warchanter ran his ass off to get that Get'Em beat off then the pigs really broke their legs. I got a 7 on 3D6. This was not enough to get most of the unit in to combat. Sure. I killed one of the heros, but he still had his bubble, and let me tell you about those 2 MW's on 6's to hit! Well, he did a lot, and thank Gork'n'Mork for Laugh at Em, cuz that saved my ass plenty! The naked fire dorfs eventually wheeled themselves around the table and cleaned up. It took a lot of dice, but the game was over. Without any ranged way to deal with those heroes, its just a game of cat and mouse. I feel that the opponent really has to make a serious mistake for us to win this match up. I would love to hear about what you guys think about this. That was the end of Day 1 for me. I felt good. Though I really felt like ass because I started playing at 4am 1 win, 2 losses. Great games. Great opponents. I will post my Day Two in a bit. Thanks for reading.
  16. Every time I make the Warboss the General and take the Right Fist of Dakkbad I wish I had made the Weirdnob the General and taken Dead Kunin instead. Then I get in matchups and have too many CP's and wish I had gone with Burstin with Power. I guess I always feel that in hindsight I am using the wrong trait. Does anyone else feel this way?
  17. Thanks. I agree. Though I did have someone recently tell me no way. Hopefully I can find the rule about Normal moves.
  18. I searched this topic but I can not find the answer. When I use Mighty Destroyers. Can that unit make a run?
  19. I think you can only have 1 Extra Command Point
  20. @kozokus When you and your friend were making your Big Rukk, did you ever consider a Teef Rukk instead of the Snaga Rukk? And, possibly putting it all in to a BW for the magic and or +2/+2 Turn 2/3 Big Stabbas? Obviously the two Kunnin Rukks will do great for board control, and the Snaga was well explained, I just want to know! Let me know what you considered. The goal is still a 1 drop.
  21. One more start collecting box and then you have to decide if you want a MBMK or not.
  22. Come on GW. Is it really too damn hard for you to give the Warchanter a useful relic?
  23. I played a 16 man tourney this past weekend. Went 2-1. My first game was a 20-0 loss to KO. My list was Ironsunz. Weirdnob, MBMK, 2x Warchanter, 2x6 Gruntas 1 with Hackas, 1 with Choppas, 2 x 10 Ardboys, Ironfist. 5 drops. I thought I was did well. Made a few mistakes, and went with the dice as best I could. My first game, Shifting Objectives, had the KO deploy back in a castle. He had a screen of 30 guys protecting his other stuff. He gave me first turn. I moved up to take all the objectives, Gorked a WC buffed unit of 10 Ardboys up to one side of his screen, and the GG's up the middle. Things looked pretty good. The Ardboys made their charge. The GG's did not. That was sooo bad for me. I only needed a 5, and will never learn to keep the MBMK up there for that RR needed insurance policy. I remember when this happened against a unit of 30 Witch Elves. I had intentionally held the MBMK back with the other unit of 6 GG's. Oh well, what was worse was that the 10 buffed Ardboys only killed 2 of his guys. They hit their attacks but I rolled 12 2's to wound. He made his saves, re-rolling of course. After that it was a game of move and shoot. By turn 4 I had no models left, he did not have much left either, but in the objective game it was his as he could easily pick-up and grab wherever he had to go. I will say it was the closest 20-0 loss I have had. The other two games were against Stormcast and Sylvaneth. Both fun games that had their moments. Some thoughts: It is a dice game. the MBMK either killed a ridiculous amount, or didn't. Ironsunz and the MBMK is crazy, I used 5-6 CP for counter charges in my opponents turn over the 3 games. Never failed a charge and got the big guy where he needed to be. One counter charge had him head in to a pack of 6 Kurnoth Hunters with scythes. He killed all of them. The next turn, he hit a blob of Dryads and killed none. At the end of the SC game, the MBMK had 12 attacks and just bounced around the middle killing everything. Dead Kunin - 1-3 CP is very good. Using Mighty Destroyers to get all 6 objectives in the first turn of Blades Edge is great. Its hard for most armies to come back from that since they will likely only get 3 on their first turn. I like the Weirdnob, he gives the 1-3 CP. I only made one Gork the whole day, my first hero phase of my first game. I failed the cast 7 other times, even with the skullcape. These points are likely going towards a unit of Brutes... -1 to hit on the first turn is great, but there are so many situations where you do not want to alpha anything the hackas vs choppas debate is endless, I used both to much success, I would drop the MBMK before I drop a unit of 6 GG's
  24. My list was 4 drops, and only 8 units. I felt that the Brutes did nothing the entire time. Other than screening, but for 130 pts, This seemed expensive for that role. If they had the +/+ mid to late game I am sure they would have don better and it likely wouldn't have impacted my ability to go aggressively too much. Everything has its tradeoff. I am going to take Ironsunz again for sure, but with 3 more GG's, and I am going to go for pure Alpha strike. I'm not going to bother with the Weirdnob as there is nothing fast enough to keep up with them Ardboys. Some of the Auxiliaries require a Battleline to do stuff. If I take a unit of 5 Ardboys, I guess I can't use them for Battleline stuff. And in Better Part of Valour they can't even cap objectives. My thinking is that Savage Orruks will do a better job for less points.
  25. I played in a two day tournament this past weekend. I took Ironsunz. I went D W L L W W I am overall very happy with how I did, especially since I have not played this much AoS in such a long long time. Of course I would do a lot of things differently, and I made a lot of mistakes, but so did everyone else as the energy and excitement to play again was the key. I don't think I am better than a 4-2 player, and I have learned that this list is definitely not a 5-1 list. All my games were against super fantastic opponents that I learned a lot from. Here is my list: The key takeaways are that Ironsunz are great, but Big Waagh is just better. Having only one Warchanter was a mistake, you definitely need two. No one understands you when you tell them that for one CP, you can charge them at the end of their Charge phase. The 5 Brutes really underperformed, really they didn't do much more that act scary and screen out some board space. Maybe that is what they are for? It is not unlikely to fail a 6" charge! Game 1 - Gloomspite - Total Commitment Game 2 - Daughters of Khaine - Focal Points Game 3 - Hallowheart - Starstrike Game 4 - Kharadron Overlords - Battle for the Pass I will add games 5 and 6 tomorrow with photos. This took longer than I thought. Thanks for reading.
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