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Everything posted by Mungrun

  1. Or could be a mobile game Plants vs Squigs
  2. In my opinion, the chaos duardins are the true descendants of the last duardins who fought against chaos. In the map of Chamon there is a placed called "The Betrayal of the Last King". I think that the high king of the duardins was corrupted by the chaos forces and turned back against his people when they were fighting against the chaos daemons (somehow like the battle of Istvaan V in 40k) the loyal dwarfs died and the other ones were corrupted like his king.
  3. Maybe I'm wrong but didn't the Dispossessed also fled from Chaos? I mean the Dispossessed are those Duardin who went to Azyr with Sigmar and closed the realmgate right? The duardins who stayed loyal to its traditions and stayed in their Karaks were all of them slaughtered by the Chaos forces.
  4. So are they Reavers/Looters? Stealing and using Stormcast Armors A kind of Chaotic Stormcast
  5. I just want Warscrolls to use the warbands in AoS. Warcry it's not what I expected but I like the box.
  6. Forgive the interruption of this Kharadron, but do you guys have seen this?: Rumour Thread Link Opinions?
  7. Wanderers NEXT?? The Glade Guard is not available anymore (sold out online). https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Glade-Guardhttps://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Glade-Guard And now this image: New battletome and new miniatures?
  8. Oh, sheet... That's sad. I hope GW reconsider that, Ogor Mercenaries were unique.
  9. Yeah but Ogor Mercenaries, at least in Fantasy, were known for fighting alongside other factions as mercenaries. I would love to see an official army of this guys being part of the Order Grand Alliance. Same with the old Tomb Kings.
  10. @Emmetation Ogor Maneater (Mercenary) archetype, possible PC or not likely?
  11. Can we expect a translated version of the game in the future? In my case i'm from Spain.
  12. Maybe this was mentioned before, i'm sorry in that case. But taking a closer look into this image: You can see the BoK fighting against the Deathrattle. Do you think Deathrattle will have his own battletome this year?
  13. i think Dispossessed and Free People's players shouldn't be worried. This armies have a great fanbase.
  14. Maybe i'm wrong but i think he is right. Ironjawz and Moonclan have never been allies. Outside of the destrucion grand alliance at least Edit: Seems that i'm wrong. Moonclan were allies of the Ironjawz but Ironjawz were not allies of the Moonclan...hmmm that's strange.
  15. I was thinking the same, paint them as an independent force from the sky-port's army. But according to GW i guess the Grundstock use the colours of the sky-port when they are hired, for example:
  16. I'm fairly new to the hobby, and i have some questions: Could you tell me which is the best Sky Fleets at the moment? What are your opinions about Barak-Urbaz and Barak-Thryng (i'm doubting between this two). It's this image true?: If i decide to play (in the future) an official tournament, can i use the rules of Barak-Ziflin (for example) even if i have painted my army with the Barak-Thryng's colour scheme? Thanks in advance.
  17. I have a question the movement of the Bad Moon is erratic or it follows a pattern so you can predict it's next position? Until now all factions had a pattern in this kind of rules, but according to the lore the movement of the Bad Moon should be erratic.
  18. We already know that Chaos Dwarfs exist in Age of Sigmar (they have a stronghold in Shyish) they will be the Duardin race with magic i guess.
  19. True, i don't see how Kharadron will be ables to use magic. They don't even have a Navigator in their band to use as anti-magic measure.
  20. God... GW please STOP. You already have all my money
  21. At least in my case, the independent retailer store where i buy GW's material had a Kharadron Battleforce until just 2 months ago, so i guess they keep them until they sell them.
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