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Everything posted by Starfyre

  1. Presumably it'll be for Endless Spells and Incarnates, but I wonder if the manifestation lore could also be used for unit summoning as well to simplify summoning points. Like manifesting a new unit of daemons or raising Undead.
  2. Most non-unique units can be reinforced "with more than one model" but double-reinforcing is gone. I don't understand this line. Does it mean you can't get to 3x the original starting number of models? So I could take 10 Bloodletters to 20 but not 30. Is that right?
  3. It's at the very end of the gallery, use the right arrow. I've just checked that product and it's there on iPhone
  4. There's a chart in the image gallery - I genuinely think these are really cool and really want some haha. If only my stuff was painted nice enough to go in one...
  5. Personally I still prefer the original Stormcast, albeit the shield from the Thunderstrike version is nicer - the OG version looks very flat and featureless in comparison.
  6. I mean it doesn't actually say that in the article, unless it was mentioned in the video, in the same way the penumbral engine wasn't faction terrain for SCE.
  7. My take 4th Edition Trailer: The trailer was awesome and did a fantastic job of telling a story and setting up the edition. Great piece of work. SCE: I have to say I'm more excited for the design of the new SCE than I was after the trailer for Dominion, which I skipped as I had a large SCE army already. I'm tempted though this time round, to the point where I could still get the Dominion models and maybe start a new Stormhost instead. Skaven: Don't love the Ratling gun, but the mounted Clawlord looked cool. The new edition- I'm slightly apprehensive that they started by saying they've rewritten my favourite GW game from the ground up. Combat range and USRs sound like good ideas. Spearhead sounds fine, and sounds like it's compatible with the Vanguard boxes which is good. I've got a mild urge to pick up a Vanguard box now for a new army and get it ready for when it drops. If they really do achieve elegant, balanced and reflect the lore on the tabletop, then we're in for a good ride. Fingers-crossed. Abraxia: It's a cool model but not one I'm wow'd or particularly excited about, and I think that's largely because Abraxia appears to be the same as any other mortal StD hero. Nexus Chaotica: Very cool scenery piece and I wonder if this is faction terrain for StD going forwards Darkoath: Presumably were meant to be part of the show and agreed with Neverchosen it would have been nice if these hadn't been spoiled prior. Dawnbringers VI: good to get confirmation that this one is the final one of the series, and like Broken Realms I think the story has been really good and a great way to see out the edition. Kruthusa's was a bit random, but the story has been full of intrigue I think. Brethren of the Bolt: The execution is just too out there for me. Fantasy tasers. The Skinnerkin: The bat-man is the winner from the warband, otherwise fine but not particularly inspiring. Teratic Cohorts: For me it would have been great if the Mortek Guard had looked like the Mortek Cykloptians when they were first released, they look fantastic. I like the Centari a lot and the prowlers are fine. Harpies look odd to me without arms Twistweald: a very characterful evolution of the existing kits. Not terribly exciting, but I like the models. What I found slightly ironic is that there have been some calls to see the dryads get redone for AoS, and the Dryads in this kit basically just look like the current Dryads, so what would the point be. Ravening Gnarloak: Looks like something from Kingdom Death to me. Creepy AF.
  8. I do actually agree the command corps should be 0-1, because it’s a unit of heroes basically. But I have no issue with it not being. Blissbarbs are just slaaneshi Chaos marauders with bows, so I’m fine with ravening packs of them. Sharks… I just think it is funny.
  9. Pretty easily justified. The type restrictions obviously don’t exist because they want people to buy whatever models they want and build interesting collections. I don’t think it’s outside the realms of possibility that an army might include two command corps. Blissbarbs are basic soldiers so that’s fine. I’m finishing up 40 bloodletters, what’s the difference. If it was WHFB, a horde of archers would be perfectly acceptable. All sharks is just cool! Like a vehicle detachment. I think that’s fine. Bit dull looking maybe on the tabletop, but narratively a shark-cavalry corps sounds plausible. Spamming mono-pose vexillors and knight-judicants is where I struggle…
  10. I also started with SCE, and played them since AOS was launched up until a year ago when I started a PTG nighthaunt army, and this summer started a khorne daemon army. But I also want DoT, HoS, IDK, and KO, and am partial to DoK, and the old Dark Elf range. I do also like the FEC bat riders and flirt with the idea of SBGL and OBR… and those masked LRL river dancers look great too 🤣
  11. Don’t all hobbyists have this problem 🧐 🤔
  12. Thing is, it’s so out of the blue, I’m thinking do I need to panic buy any of the existing vanguard boxes. DOK, DoT, HoS, BoK and KO all appeal. Sure, it’ll be a slow roll out, but there’s never any notice. The only other thing I want to point out though, is that the Spearhead set is in the 3.0 branding and colours, and I’d have thought that 4.0 will come with a redesign.
  13. Me! I’ve got an original SCE army, and don’t overly like Yndrasta. I prefer the light wings to the feathered ones… if they’d all been feathered from the start, that’d have been fine.
  14. Surely OBR are death stormcast. I don’t think chaos stormcast (darkcast?) would happen but it’d be cool to see redeemed or purged followers of chaos in SCE. Death-worshipping cults - a la the chaos warcry warbands - seems logical as far as new units and heroes go.
  15. The Celestant-prime imho is a lot nicer than say Yndrasta and I definitely don’t want to see angel wings on SCE, that’s the part of her I dislike the most. Having a celestial vortex around him is cool, but I agree I’d have liked the pose to be pronounced like his artwork which looks epic. And he does need better rules. I doubt he’ll get a do-over, and rather another of Sigmar’s champions from another realm will be released instead. Does anyone have any thought as to who is behind the mask? I assume it’s either Valten or Karl Franz, leaning toward the former. What about Ionus Cryptborn? I reckon Mannfred.
  16. Agree. I do always enjoy my opponents reaction to him when he does hit the table though, either stay away since he moves so slow, or try and kill him because he’s a big scalp and then fail and die. I feel like I’m one of the only ones who like the so-called ‘old cast’ and am not thrilled by the idea of thunder strike versions of the stuff I already have, but then again I’ve played SCE since 1st ed. I’m switching to BoK now.
  17. As a proud owner of Bastian, I’m a big fan of the model 🙂
  18. I think people get hung up on what system models get released for. Whether they’re released for whfb, aos, warcry or underworlds, they’re just warhammer models. It’s pretty obvious that the end times models in particular were designed with the knowledge that AoS was coming. Archaon and Nagash are ‘AoS’ models released during the final month or year or whatever of WHFB. This ‘replace whfb’ battle models or ‘whfb characters should be retired’ stuff doesn’t make any sense. Older kits will get replaced because that’s what GW does (in the main - waiting for skaven and boc players to tell me I’m wrong. Besides, for me, it was always eldar, IG and tyranids that needing replacing the most urgently…) Archaon, Be’lakor, Nagash, kroak and Teclis are far more interesting than Bastian, Tahlia and Kragnos imho.
  19. Yeah and if course it affects all daemons units. From what I see, there’s a lot of activation shenanigans with blood masters and blood thirsters, so having multiple units with +1 to hit and some with +1 to wound, all attacking one after the other is quite powerful. the shenanigans are one of the things that appeal to me. That sounds cool. I went for the daemon combat patrol as it was good value for a core of units I’ll use in every game basically, adding to a box of bloodletters and flesh hounds I had already. It’s quite repetitive building and painting them now to be honest, so try and mix in the heroes and bloodcrushers in between, plus the bloodthirster. I had a metal one but I think I must have sold it in error because I was sure I kept it.
  20. Baleful lords specifically excludes Skarbrand in the rule. The most popular sub factions I’ve seen for an all-bloodthirster list is reapers of vengeance, not just for the +1 to hit against enemy heroes but also the extra blood tithe point you get when a hero dies. I’m building mine that way, though haven’t tried it out yet. Tbf I’ll probably go blood lords to start as I have load of bloodletters.
  21. A box of plastic Empire Knights, 10 for about £15, for 6th edition fantasy. The orc v empire starter set soon followed. I can’t really remember what was released after that, the plastic beastmen set was exciting (with the mixed unit of goes and ungors), and the revamped pre-aos chaos warriors.
  22. Thanks for your incredible insight. I know they have saved me a bunch of cash buying this army.
  23. My understanding is that they already grind up and recycle sprues. Better than having stock sat in a warehouse that doesn’t sell.
  24. I don't think the big plastic monsters like the carnosaur, stegadon or bastiliadon will go anywhere, I expect all the resin stuff to be redone or removed, but the Saurus knights and saurus/temple guard are surely both open to being redone as they don't match the Saurus warriors. Skinks are a question mark - I was surprised when GW redid the dire wolves and skeletons, so maybe it's on the cards but until it's clearer I'll hold off investing I think. Which makes it a long wait to June! I did wonder if the temple guard would become a dual-kit with the saurus warriors, but I feel like they stopped doing this sort of thing years ago.
  25. Wonder what will become of the skink kit, the weapons and shields don't fit the new theme. Was considering a getting started: skinks and prepping ahead of the new battletome, but might wait until more of the range is confirmed.
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