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Everything posted by Dreadmund

  1. When my Daemon list is fully painted I will be putting a mortal list together and the Warshrine could be a cool addition. I do like the model a lot. Thanks for the insight!
  2. I've had bad experiences with Gutrot because although he can be useful, he's also incredibly easy to counter against an opponent who understands his warscroll. I've had games where the opponent made sure to place units during set up in such a way that I couldn't put gutrot on the board in any place where he'd be well utilised. Also with just a little bit of intelligent unit placement, you can make it so that he can't attack anyone at all because a hero is within 3", but not in range of any of Gutrot's attacks. Infuriating! I think both LoB and LoP are more dependable personally. If you can give LoP any kind of plus to hit he is awesome, because it allows his blighted weapon to explode more often. I would probably go with him. That said, if you like Gutrot's look the most, go for him! Sounds like this is mostly for small friendly games so just play what inspires you. When his warscroll does work, it's brilliant. Watch you opponent look on in horror as his heavy hitting hero can't use his weapon at all.
  3. I have a friendly meet up in a couple of weeks with 5 other players for a round robin tournament. They will be bringing Stormcast, Seraphon, Nighthaunt, Beasts of Chaos and Sylvaneth. I'm going to be testing a couple of lists to help me decide what to take to my first tournament later this year (probably Blackout in August). Any thoughts on the below list would be welcome! The GUO and Horticulus will stroll around with 30 plaguebearers each to activate their locus and cap points with the GUO going where I think the more dangerous action is going to take place. Between the GUO's bell and Horty's extra tree moving around should be a little easier than usual. The Lord of Afflictions will fly around with his plague drone retinue, deploying the Witherstave debuff where it's most useful and being the hammer to the PB's anvil using their locus ability, the GUO's command ability and Festus' Blades of Putrefaction. The Cogs will be deployed next to Festus so he can attempt both Blades and Curse of the Leper each turn, and to give him some slight resilience. Of course if I need to get somewhere in a hurry, I can also use them to speed up my army, but I'd rather use them for spells. Ideally Festus will also be deployed next to another hero to keep them healthy. The shackles are just there to fill out the last 20 point but hopefully I can use them creatively to hinder the enemy. An alternative to this list is to drop the cogs and Festus to take 3 more Plague Drones instead. Heroes Great Unclean One with Bell and Bileblade (General, Grandfather's Blessing, Favoured Poxes) - 340 Horticulus Slimux - 220 Lord of Afflictions (Witherstave) - 220 Festus the Leechlord (Blades of Putrefaction) - 140 Battleline 30x Plaguebearers - 320 30x Plaguebearers - 320 5x Putrid Blightkings - 160 Other 3x Plague Drones - 200 Endless Spells Chronomantic Cogs - 60 Soulsnare Shackles - 20 Total 2000/2000
  4. I recommend the Ghyrstrike on the Lord of Plagues. Gives +1 to hit and wound. Since the LoP gets d6 attacks on a 6+, that means he is a 2+ hit, 2+ wound dealing d6 hits on a roll of 5+.
  5. I would probably go for the rustfang to soften enemy units up for your blightkings who have no rend. The debuff persists all game, even if your lord of blights dies which is great. I also love the fecund flask for fluff and for the chance to summon a random beast of nurgle which is funny, but perhaps not the best play tactically haha. Does your army have a realm of origin or do you keep it flexible?
  6. Ah yes, I had forgotten that you're right to call it out. What you could do is use foul regenesis to set up this trick on wheel stage 5 and let it ride over to stage 6. Then you have the flexibility to wither get a damage/heal combo next turn or save it to do that combo the turn after depending on the circumstance. Basically the ability to manipulate the wheel is excellent and always serves me well when I use it.
  7. Blight cyst is one of our better battalions, I say go for it. Blight kings are swingy, but when they hit good it's the best feeling. They exert a lot of pressure. Have you considered chronomatic cogs instead of the balewind? Has similar applications for spellcasting, but it also has the versatility to make up for your blightkings worst attribute: glacial movement speed. Even with tactical tree placement, it can often be a pain to get your units where they are most needed in time to be effective. If you're worried about the prohibitive cost of buying the malign sorcery set, it's one the easier ones to make yourself with some green stuff a handful of steampunk decorative cogs bought off ebay for cheap. I don't rate hulking physique on a Bell/Dagger GUO. That build of GUO excels most at supporting your army, not putting out the damage himself and his damage profiles aren't that great anyway so you will probably only get a few extra wounds out of him if you actively charge him into combat at every opportunity. I really recommend Grandfather's blessing. It may seem underwhelming at first but wheel shenanigans can turn a mediocre/bad turn into your best turn of the game. A great trick is to put the wheel on step 6 Rampant disease using the Foul Regenesis spell. This does damage to the enemy army and in the following round you get the army-wide heal from Corrupted Regrowth. Then you can immediately use Grandfather's blessing to move the wheel back and do the Rampant disease damage again. Then next round, your whole army gets healed a second time. For an army that is already as hard to put down as ours is, the combination of damage and heals can swing some key battles in your favour with only average luck on the rolls. Also, there's nothing wrong with plaguebearers in my opinion! They don't kick out high damage like a block of marauders can, but when it comes to holding an objective they're brilliant. I've had several games where a blob of plaguebearers has persuaded my opponent to just give up on contending an objective altogether because of how much of a hassle it is to get rid of them.
  8. I'm going to be getting one. The blight kings are always great, I don't have a Lord of Blights and you can build a Lord of Afflictions from the pusgoyles so for me the box is great value for things I already wanted to buy.
  9. Pestilens all have the nurgle keyword so they don't need to be allied, you csn just use whatever you like!
  10. I'm taking my growing army back home for Christmas this weekend. I have three games lined up against Nighthaunt, Stormcast and another Stormcast. I don't have enough models to make up a 2k list yet, so we're playing at the 1k level. I'd welcome any feedback on the list below! Leaders: General: Poxbringer (Lore: Favored Poxes, Command Trait: Grandfather's Blessing) Lord of Plagues (Artefact: Ghyrstrike) Horticulus Slimux Battleline: 30 x Plaguebearers 5 x Putrid Blightkings Total: 960pts The plan is to plant Horticulus' extra tree in the first hero phase, and if I have 7 contagion points by the movement phase which is likely, I'll summon a third. That will give me some board control and/or lots of summoning points in the remaining rounds. The lord of Plagues has an artefact in case he has to claim an objective that can only be claimed by a wizard or a hero with an artefact. Otherwise I would give the Poxbringer the Witherstave. I swamp an objective with plaguebearers supported by the poxbringer, and have the blightkings running around with the lord of plagues and horticulous. With all those trees, and if I get into enemy territory I should be able to use summoning to reinforce fairly quickly with whatever the situation calls for.
  11. Hey could someone clarify for me: Do Feculent Gnarlmaws activate the Sickness Blossoms ability of their warscrolls in both players' hero phase, or just friendly hero phases? The wording says "At the start of the Hero Phase", so I would interpret that as being in both hero phases, with the player whose turn it is deciding the order of abilities that activate at the start of the turn. When I showed the wording to a more experienced player though, he said it was only in my turn and that it would be a bit too powerful if it was both.
  12. Wow, good work! Bit conflicted about a nurgle player raising money for sick kids though... Seems like a conflict of interests I had my first games the weekend before last and had a great time. I played Seraphon and Nighthaunt at the 1250pt level with a lot of proxies for models I haven't built or painted yet so the table looked pretty silly but I still had a blast. My biggest surprise was Horticulous who I only took for the extra tree and to activate Locus abilities (I had a Daemon heavy list), but ended up being an all around star during both games. He's surprisingly tanky with that 3+ save, Disgustingly Resilient and healing himself 1 a turn with his "In Death there is Life" ability. I also loved the flexibility of tanking a single enemy unit/hero or running away when surrounded to get in some cheeky mortal wounds to multiple units. Not sure if he would suffers in bigger games, but at the level we were playing he was a real MVP. Such an amazing model too.
  13. Dreadmund

    Poxbringer 1

    My first ever hero painted
  14. Dreadmund

    Poxbringer 2

    My first ever hero painted
  15. Dreadmund

    Poxbringer 3

    My first ever hero painted
  16. Gazing across snot lake
  17. My first attempt at these Nurgle Cheerleaders
  18. I never implied it was a strong casting value, simply that it was not likely to fail as you said. I just wanted to correct a common misconception in case anyone took it as read. 7 is a common value in Nurgle abilities. People struggle with probability for the outcome of more than 1 dice and I think an understanding of it can be helpful to weighing the actual value of a spell, command ability or warscroll trait. I wouldn't take plague squall over the other available lore spells either - but it's important to understand why and not just copy "the meta" blindly imo.
  19. On the contrary! Out of 36 possible outcomes to rolling two 6 sided dice, 7 is the most statistically likely outcome with 6 out of 36 potential outcomes resulting in 7. In fact, 21 of the 36 possible outcomes result in a 7 or higher - roughly 58% chance of success. It's true that unbinding rolls make things more complicated, but don't look down on the humble 7. It is our sacred number after all!
  20. What's worth taking into a battle as an Ally for Maggotkin? Obviously we have marked Slaves to Darkness and Skaven Pestilens, but they don't count towards your ally limit because they have the Nurgle keyword. I mean what is actually worth spending your Ally point allowance on? We have a pretty broad ally list to draw from so there must be some choice models worth considering.
  21. I inherited a Maggoth lord from a generous friend who didn't want it anymore and I've been struggling to decide what to do with it. I agree with what others have said, Bloab seems to be generally considered the best choice and his spell can be used to hasten the removal of a troublesome enemy unit/monster with a lot of wounds. When partnered with a Beast of Nurgle who can do damage when retreating, it's possible to have his spell deal damage during Movement, Hero, Combat and Shooting phases. A cool combo, but beasts are another model that is considered very weak for it's point value. Horticulous Slimux can also damage when retreating, but can't then charge in the same turn... I'm tempted to build it as Morbidex though. Nurglings can be difficult to remove and he can replenish their numbers each turn. Even with Morbidex's buff they won't be doing much damage, but that's what Morbidex is there for with his range that can reach the enemy from behind a shieldwall of Nurglings. Not very competitive maybe, but for friendly battles it sounds like a lot of fun! What I like about both of these options is that it takes another model that isn't very impressive by itself and gives them a chance to shine! Orghotts seems pretty lacklustre in comparison. The buff I really want to make the Maggoth Lords more valuable is to simply give them the Demon keyword so that they can activate the Locus abilities for Plaguebearers and Plague drones. I'm not hot on the lore but the Maggoth Beasts sure look like demons to me...
  22. Hey guys, I'm a brand new player just getting into the hobby for the first time and I've dedicated myself to the greatest Chaos God, praise be his pus-encrusted toenails! Can anyone help me with a couple of quick questions? Are the Warscrolls you can buy for Maggotkin still in date? All the reseller sites I've checked don't have them in stock and the Games Workshop website doesn't list them at all. I've seen them in store, but I wonder if they've been pulled for a reason. I love flash card style references at gaming tables, especially with so much to remember in AoS, so I'd love to pick them up if they're still valid. Are any of the realms of origin stand-out better for Nurgle? I see a lot of lists from the Realm of Hysh and Ghyran so are the artefacts you get from there generally more useful for Nurgle lists? Or is there no easy answer to this question?
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