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Everything posted by willange

  1. I don't believe we've been in this exact situation before, actually. Early AoS didn't have allegiance abilities (anywhere, not just talking about the GHB), so all those early "squattings" didn't really have any implications that way that I know of. The "squattings" that have happened more recently have usually been associated with a specific faction rework or just newer versions of the models coming out. This case is a little awkward since Dispossessed and Wanderers don't have new reworks coming immediately that we know of.
  2. It still kinda sucks though since I wanted to get a Blacksmoke Battery merc company, but now the cannons will apparently be hard to get a hold of. Makes sense that the wanderers/dispossessed allegiances will still be there though. No reason to get rid of them.
  3. I think it's mainly that her proportions are all weird. Like the face seems really long with giant eyes.... or maybe it's the fire hair just throwing me off haha
  4. Beastclaw Raiders are super cheap to hit 2k points with (3 start collecting kits will do it I think) and typically don't have more than around 20 models in an army. Plus, they might be included in the new Ogor book that is presumably coming out in the next few months (it's still up in the air if that will be both ogor factions or just Gutbusters, though both seems likely), so you could be getting a fresh set of rules with them soon. FEC aren't really what I would consider to be low model count since running lots of ghouls isn't totally uncommon. That said, they CAN be low model count. In one of their sub-factions, the big monsters can be battleline, and if you select the right general then your heavy troops (flayers and horrors) can be battleline as well. There are a lot of armies out there that CAN be low model count if you select the units to do that, but I'm not sure if they'll all be competitive in that form. (For example, Blight King based nurgle with big monsters and heroes wouldn't have to be more than 40 or so models).
  5. I'm not a fan of it myself. I prefer systems like Kill Team where the shoot and combat alternate turns, and only the movement is done "all at once". Even then, alternating movement might not be terrible, but the issue there is that alternating movement might be a bit hectic especially with the charge phase being totally separate in this game. Obviously a lot would have to change for that to go through. For now, I'd be satisfied just to have have the turn order remain the same round-to-round. EDIT: But I should add the double-turn isn't as bad as it sometimes is made to sound. It mostly just requires a steeper learning curve and effective use of screens to learn how to play around it effectively.
  6. I actually think the Iron Golems could be fairly good in a large group with their extra bravery (8 with banner) and their 4+ saves and their ranged attacks. Cypher Lords also have some ranged, plus if you ran 2 of them as separate squads, the shattered orb could be pretty reliable against either a death star squad or large monster. I agree that Untamed Beasts are pretty underwhelming for the cost though. Furies and Raptoryxes both seem ~okay. I compared them to Chaos Warhounds, but they only seem so-so compared to those, and it's not like Warhounds are dominant (at least as far as I know).
  7. Guys, that's a vampire accent for sure. The most I would hope for is a Soulblight book (which I think would be awesome). EDIT: Or a Nagash 2.0 book.
  8. I almost forgot the Nurgle Endless Spells.
  9. Which is also after the Nighthaunt Scenery.
  10. I'd be surprised to see it happen "gameplay-wise", but story-wise it wouldn't be terribly surprising. It's fun to think of what the title could be for this Grand Alliance though. Grand Alliance - Aelves. Grand Alliance - Pointy Ears. Grand Alliance - Fancy Boys. I like it
  11. It sounds to me like your opponent was correct. When two abilities come into conflict, it is the active player who chooses which abilities takes precedence. However, I'm not familiar with the particular chain of abilities your opponent was using, so I might be disproved by someone else here.
  12. Yeah. I think everyone just assumed it'd be an aelf team, but I can't remember if that was confirmed or just a popular theory.
  13. So with Warhammer day being this weekend, are there expected to be reveals? If so, about what time? I live in the US, so am I waking up and reading reveals or do I have to wait a bit more?
  14. These rules for Meeting Engagements are cool, but the whole idea to spread out deployment and bring units in gradually seems like a mechanic that would work better in 2000 point games than 1000 point. I never feel overwhelmed with the amount of stuff on the table all at once in a 1k game, but with 2k games that can happen if you have lots of hordes to move or a ton of shooting to do. I guess I just feel like 2k games would benefit more from this system (with unit limits increased a bit, of course). I think it might also help mitigate the effects of one person getting a double turn since the units would be a bit more spread out and you'd have 2 or 3 "waves" of forces coming in. It might spread things out a bit. Maybe it's a dumb idea, but I think I'm gonna try this at a larger scale, because honestly it seems like the "waves" will be too small (like, 1 squad - 2 squad - 1 squad) for a lot of my armies at 1k.
  15. While I agree with you that it does seem generally silly, it's not at all hard to have it make sense lore-wise. The "High Aelves" may simply be uninterested in helping the Sylvaneth since they're all busy with doing whatever Teclis apparently has them doing. The Sylvaneth (probably mainly the spite-revs and Drycha) are super angry and just want blood and vengeance so they'll do anything to get revenge for their slain kin, including hiring blood knights. Sure it might not make as much sense for Alarielle herself to do so (unless she's especially irate), but at some point the game isn't strictly a narrative game. If you want strictly narrative stuff, then play some narrative games with your friends and do what makes sense to you. I'm personally just glad they bothered to make it make any sense at all.
  16. You could always play a 2500 pt match though and then 3 gargants fit perfectly. Honestly most of my 2k armies don't use allies, so if my group plays mercenaries it'll be like getting a bonus 500 points of mercenaries to fit on top of the pre-existing army.
  17. I'm aware of that issue for the Battletomes. But Warcry (as far as my crystal ball tells me) has always been marketed as a Summer thing and they started teasing that I don't even remember how long ago. I suppose the shipping thing may have been the issue for Forbidden Power though since I don't remember there being a long announced time-frame for that release.
  18. I know for me personally it's not that the warband models themselves are disappointing (I love them all, actually), but models don't mean much to me without some context as to how I'll be using them in a game. A bunch of Warma/Hordes stuff went on steep discount recently and there were some awesome models, but I didn't purchase any because I don't play that game and couldn't think of things I wanted to proxy them in for in any of my other games. Maybe I just wasn't thinking creatively enough :\. I know that for me, any reveal of Warcry will be disappointing compared to a new battletome or Underworlds squad until they do some rules previews or a play-through video. Essentially, I'm no closer to deciding whether or not to buy Warcry now than I was before because they didn't address any actual questions I have concerning the game itself. Also, I'm sorta over the drawn-out teases of Forbidden Power and Warcry. Part of the reason I've liked GW in the last year (I started playing AoS in September 2018) has been how they announce stuff and then it's out within a month or so. I got real sick of FFG's 6-month notice for expansions (and took most of my money elsewhere), so I'm hoping not to get burned out in the same way with GW marketing things for too long. But maybe this is normal and I just haven't been around long enough to know.
  19. Pretty much what was expected for me. Too bad we didn't get any more exciting news though.
  20. This x1000. Every time they release something new I think, "cool, that'll be fun to play with in 6-24 months". On the topic of actual rumors/news though, the Facebook page says that you'll still be able to use the old Wyldwood models if you want. That seems odd since the template is so vastly different, but I'm intrigued.
  21. It talks about striking a bargain with Tzeentch. The various tribes of chaos supposedly strike deals with different dark gods from time to time. I think it's a bone staff for a darkoath shaman or something along those lines.
  22. I'd be very surprised if it was only 1 book per alliance. I mean, in death's case that might be true since they have so few factions, but we're already at 3 chaos books, 1 death book, 1 destruction book, and 1 order book this year. So unless there's no more books coming at all in the next 8 months, I'd wager at least 3 of the alliances get more than 1 book this year.
  23. The bug looks like a Sylvaneth spite though and the description they gave was "fungus vs flora". Flora meaning plants, so unless they're making a new plant-based faction, it'll be Sylvaneth. It's also worth noting that the new Sylvaneth warband has bugs in the models that look similar in style to the one in the Looncurse teaser.
  24. Well I think it is Thursday in Europe, but Wednesday evening in the States. Thanks!
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