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Everything posted by Zamik

  1. It might only be one shot. Of course, to be fair, that shot will probably be a chunk of mortal wounds with the kruleboy poison rules.
  2. The bolts will benefit from the kruleboy poison, I assume, and so you could turn all that into mortal wounds on a 6, or 5+ with the shaman! Could certainly make a mega-gargant sweat if you roll well!
  3. Warhammer Underworlds: Garth Merenghi's Darkplace
  4. It just gives Evocators another option for their one cast, not a second cast.
  5. If the new tome gives Khorgoraths the MONSTER keyword, I'd be incredibly happy. It would be a good start!
  6. Sam Pearson shows off his Khorne collection in the Core Book, so there's some love for the faction there clearly; though so far that love hasn't translated into a compelling battletome.
  7. I think coherency rules with their 32mm base and 1" weapon reach will halve that number of attacks. This also just seems like an example of the Khorne Trap: if I take thirty of these guys, multiple support heroes, spend several command points, and nothing goes wrong, I could pull off some real damage here!
  8. As the edition develops, I don't doubt that we'll find viable strategies; I can't help, however, feeling a little adrift right now when our previous coping strategies have been undermined by the new core mechanics. I have to admit, I don't see the value in 630 points of Blood Warriors. They'll get where you want them to go fast, and then do what? There's the reroll of ones to wound but that's wholly within 12" of an objective, and that's a tight squeeze; and the reroll of ones to hit for paired axes. It sounds a little optimistic to me.
  9. And I just got done painting both of those units! Welp, that's 350 points off the list.
  10. It is frustrating that the current identity of Bloodbound to GW seems just to be mindless goons (see the footnote on today's Warhammer Community article about the new Stormcast tome) to be destroyed. I wish we could afford to play mindlessly! It takes so damn much thought to make this army work on the table. And while Khorne cares not, I do!
  11. I wanted to know if there was any rule against shooting through friendly units, by which I mean one friendly unit shoots at an enemy unit with another friendly unit between. I was looking at the core rules, and I couldn't find anything about it. I was thinking about keeping a shooting unit behind another unit to activate Unleash hell when that front unit is charged, but my game group friends weren't sure about that. So is it legal to shoot through friendly units or do they block LOS or is there some other prohibition?
  12. I want to hear how Curse fares as a useful tactic, especially with Wrathmongers. I’m looking to use my Slaughterpriests more aggressively this edition and have them in the action with Curse to get units with lots of attacks the chance to pour out mortal wounds.
  13. I really hope there'll be a way to make Slittaz battleline, I love the little guys, and I'd love to have a huge block of them chucking grenades--they killed a few Dispossessed who charged my Gutrippaz in a game last week!
  14. I had plans for Kruleboyz to be a small Path to Glory army, but now I'm looking to INVEST! So much good stuff, though I would still like to see some fast-moving units, and I want hobgrots to be battleline because the buggers are so damn cute (plus I had a lot of fun with them the other day, lobbing grenades at duardin charging into my nearby gutrippaz).
  15. It's a shame we have to take Blood Warriors in units of 10 now, I used to love just throwing a few out unsupported to get tied up in a weak enemy unit and stay there a round or two. My best performance with Blood Warriors came in a game vs Tzeentch where a unit of 5 tied up a unit of 20 Horrors because they couldn't hit the BWs and the BWs could never do enough damage to kill more than one or two. The saddest slapfight in Warhammer history, but it gave me time to move the rest of my army onto objectives. Khorne is king of Pyrrhic victories!
  16. You know our warscrolls are woeful when the enemy CHOOSES to let them do their big thing and then carries on 😖. How many MW did you get out of that?
  17. It might be a little TOO grimdark to fill all the cages on my howdah with babies
  18. I just rewatched Labyrinth the other night and got that evil muppet vibe from the Kruleboyz! Now, do I buy a Sigvald, bash him up into the Goblin King, and call him a Megaboss? Or maybe one of the new vampire lords?
  19. What are people's thoughts on Magore's Fiends/Riptooth now? I like the idea of using the Goretide Ever Onwards ability along with the natural re-roll charge ability from Riptooth to send a very tight unit of them flying into the enemy. Plus they have gorefists and Magore has two rend-1 weapon profiles. They can also be good for padding out your number of Khorne units for the coalition rules. And you can put them in the Battle Regiment core battalion so their two drops can be offset.
  20. I've really come to appreciate the pain The Lord on Karkadrak can put out with Hew and Gorecleaver, but ah well. I'm thinking of foregoing Goretide altogether now--I mean, with all the +1s to save available, the thronebreakers torc seems a lot harder to use well.
  21. If they are, they'd better be readying a new plastic model!
  22. Yes they can still take artefacts, but Hew the Foe is what takes those beatstick heroes to the next level. Hew the Foe is kinda wasted on most of our Heroes.
  23. The StD FAQs say he is a Warmaster and can be taken in BoK, Maggotkin, DoT, and HoS armies
  24. Ah, I'm seeing that--more range silliness in Khorne: if a wizard within 8" rolls an 8, all wizards within 12"--good to see Khorne keeps the title for greatest complexity in doing everything.
  25. Dang, I'm really gonna miss the Wrath Axe's -1 to hit for nearby units. Bleeding Icon was a nice all-rounder, I preferred the little bit of damage because the bravery thing only happened once for me (though to be fair, it made a whole Ogor Glutton run away, so it wasn't nothing). Skulls are still good. Nice that the answer value on BI and WA came down one.
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