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Everything posted by Thenord

  1. Has anyone managed to find a descent standin for a vampire lord on foot and the different bats? I really don't wanna paint gws finecrap. ๐Ÿ˜… Was thinking about using Konrad curze from 30k, https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-DK/Konrad-Curze-Primarch-of-the-Night-Lords give him a shield and sword and he could work?
  2. Usually they dont make warscroll updates. Only one I think there's ever been was the nerf bat beating of KO thunderers in the first ghb. I really like my 2*5 heartrenders. Great for road blocking, objective grapping, harrasing lonely heroes or monsters and just keeping the opponent a little paranoid about the "deepstrike"
  3. Fine by me, but let's see what happens ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Yeah, if this is true. My army is gonna stay in the cabbin until a new tome comes...
  5. Hi guys. Just got Morathi (wooohu!) Now the question is how to use her? The 1500 point list I usually run is: Temple: Khailebron Medusa general, beauty, stone, mindrazor. 2 hagg queens, one with circlet and CoM the other sacrement of blood 10 blood sisters 2*5 blood sisters 2*5 blood stalkers 2*5 heartrenders Temple nest. So with morathi I will hit the 2k mark, or close to at least. What would be the beat way to use morathi. Transforming her turn 1 and sending her away with khailebron trait and hope for a 9" rerollable charge seems fun. But would it be more efficient to use her magic power a round or two before going ape ****** with her? Cheers!
  6. Uuuuuh, I like! That's actually a really cool theme, and properbly more effective than pure trolls. Maybe I'd drop one fungoid and a squig unit for 6 more rockguts and an extra CP.. but yours is properbly more effective.
  7. How do they do this, I can only see Heartguard zerkers getting a 4+ (battlesmith) and a 4++ (if they're close to hero)?
  8. Yeah it seems the low drop count and extra artefct isn't that big of a deal with trolls. Stupid question, why will loonskin be so key, because of cp for inspiring pressence or? Also, since I know we both play ironjawz. How do you think pure trolls fair compared to ironjawz (without 2 batallions and aether Broch) ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. Well, as I wrote I only play with melusais. Still I'm aware that the one 30 man (woman) unit of wyches in hagg nar can get to insane levels of cheese. But I stille don't think that's enough to classify the whole army as "the toughest/ most resilient" army in AoS. But if you're asking me if hagg narr and wyches/hagg spam is op, yes of course they are...
  10. Wow that's some serious analysis @Malakree. Thanks man! This really gives me stuff to think about. Didn't realice the batallion was that bad, but ofc more bodies is Better in an elite army โ˜บ๏ธ I really like your second list. Fits the troll theme and still as close to optimal as can be it seems ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. To be fair, this can only be one unit in the army and does take some buffs and proximety to the general. Still good tho ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Okay, maybe I wasn't clear enough. It also has to be possible to paint and play Whiteout loosing your mind ๐Ÿ˜‚
  13. Hi guys. Looking to start a new army. I play ironjawz and Dok (Medusa list) now, wich are both very offensive oriented armies. So the next army I would like to be very defensive minded and tough. But what is the toughest army in AoS, looking around it seems like pure trolls or maggotkin seems like a good choice? What do you guys think? What's the toughest/resilient army in AoS ? Cheers
  14. Btw. Would really like some input from the mere experienced throgg players on this list. Throgg boss throgg Hag Fungoid shaman 6 rockgut 6 rockgut 2*3 fellwater Mighty mushroom Throgg heard 1990 point s How does this look? I'm used to playing IJ (and loosing 9/10 times) how will this fare you think?
  15. Do you guys think we'll see any point changes for our units in the next GHB? Thinking especially dankholds, boss and throgg heard could use a reduction
  16. quick question; Do we have the same battleline units as Nighthaunt ie. Reapers and hexwraiths?
  17. So, with a new GHB around the corner. What do people expect it to mean for our army? My guess is haggs will go up to 100-120 point, wyches maybe 110-120. cauldrons up by 20-40. And then I hope blood stalkers will get a point drop, down to 120 maybe so they're a little more viable?
  18. I'm pretty skeptic, because they would have to do a lot to actually help the army. But an army wide 20-25 % point drop would be a start. F.A.Q some of the warscrolls, batallions and abilities..
  19. Will this become a new alligence with abilities, new point etc. For matched play or will it only be a thing for open play?
  20. So. Any news if we get a matched Play update ?
  21. Thanks for the input @Jais! He ended up bringing a trog boss, 2 fungoid shamans, 60(!) stabbas, some boulders, trolls and the spider endless spell. We played gift from the heavens, holding our own objective until buttom of turn 5 when he just godt enough stabbas within 6" of mine to take it and win. Fun game and I learn a few things. mostly I need more bodies, especially when facing horde armies. Need more/ better magic. Troggs hits like a f'ing truck, but so do Blood sisters with mindrazor (4 of them killed his trogg boss in one combat!). btw. How do you guys protect your haggs/heroes from being snipe? had a lot of troubles with that because of his spells.
  22. Got a 1500 point game tomorrow vs gloomspite gitz. Bringing a Temple nest, 2 haggs and 2*5 heartrenders. Any tips for playing gitz?? Cheers๐Ÿ˜Š
  23. Isn't it most likely just haggs and wyches that'll get a big point increase.? At least until we get a new book, wich isn't in the near future.
  24. I'd deffinetly go for list two if it's a tournament you want to try and place in. Even with my veeeeery Limited experience with DoK, I'm pretty sure the extra hagg, wytches and casting is gonna help you a lot more than the extra item, command point and lower drops. That beeing said, if you like your snakes and the theme of the army, list 1 is the go to. Again I'm not really experienced, but that's my 2 cents.
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