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Everything posted by Icegoat

  1. After we get all tomes updated they need to release a human army for AOS. Whether its re done empire or something else the setting needs a human army. A proper one. I think the new chaos warriors will be a big success and they are almost the same as their old world counterparts. Minus a storm cast head. Imagine the success the new empire would have. Judging by the out of stock status of half the old empire minis I belive these still sell very well. So they need to be update and shown the proper respect. Not have half the units squatted again for no good reason.
  2. Looking at the black library releases aos is very lacking in the book department. This is probably to do with sales I know no one who has read the realm gate wars books for example. I have read many novels set in AOS and by far the best was scourge of fate. The fact that it featured a classic chaos army vs an almost classic old world empire army was great. Currently reading code of the skies one of the new novellas and its not the same. The word kharadron is repeated about a thousand times per page. It's not the same...
  3. Aos3. 0 will probably be coming. Storm cast vs orruks and grots I reckon. Or maybe a seraphon update. Though what am I saying it probably just the nurgle beastgrave warband. And a blood bowl team.
  4. GW are clearly looking to kill off forge World have been for a few years now. Or at least for definite the AOS arm. Why be in competition with yourself when you can now make plastics that are better sculpts and much more user friendly than old tired resin. Once they have their new factory up and running forge world will swiftly dissappear. The squatting of these unique and great armys is going to continue more and more. Though Maybe one day they can make a plastic chaos mammoth like everyone wants.
  5. Another day another squatting. This just keeps happening Is everything thats not a best seller eventually going to be squatted until we just have storm cast vs space marines.??? Losing tamurkhan is a tragedy.
  6. If that's true it just shows how untrustworthy they have become they knew for a year high elves dwarves and humans would all be going bye bye but continued to sell them knowing they would be useless a few months later.
  7. I think after the squatting of so much of the old range some of which doesn't make sense. Multiple mentions of cannons throughout the cities of sigmar no cannon model to be found though. I just cannot trust that any faction is safe And even if they are 'SAFE' you have no idea how long you will wait for an update or any sort of support. Kharadron overlords have languished for nearly two years with nothing in the time since release they have revived no new lore. The novel they had came out the same time they did. No new rules except a nerf and the only model release was the shades pure warband. This could be the fate of the ossiarchs if they sell badly. There so much risk now. We have lost too much.
  8. Which One piece of terrain did the orruk warclans and the squatted of squatmar recieve. It would be great if EVERY faction did have terrain. But they don't and that makes them inherently unfair and unfun to play against. Take sylvaneth they have treelords dryads and kurnoth hunters these are all capable units. They then get FREE terrain that aids these units and debuffs their enemies. How is this balanced or fair???
  9. As GW have now proved new players to the hobby will be in for a long painful shock when their army is squatted into oblivilion just after they invested hundreds of pounds into it. Imagine a new player who took up high elves at the start of 2019. Those people will be long gone and won't be coming back.
  10. Faction terrain is a good indicator of what armies will still be available to play in two years time and which won't. Cities of sigmar should have had a terrain piece and so should have ironjawz and bonesplitters. It's a good indication this will be the last battle tome for these armies before they are squatted.
  11. I will never buy from them again. They are going to squat all of the cities of sigmar within the next few years for sure. They have lost any trust I had in them. Without a grounded human army AOS is not worth the money too me. Least for now I have one of the cheaper army's. As its all stuff I already had.
  12. It is very clear to me that this will be the last crumb GW will be offering us old school players and to be frank its a real kick in the face. Without the 'normal'people of the realms represented in game this game will have nothing to offer me. What's the point of all those storm cast if they are only fighting to make more storm cast. The human faction should be one of the Main factions in this setting When the rest of the empire and dwarf line is squatted maybe two years from now my time will be up. GW have destroyed the mortal realms. They will be hollow and empty at that point.
  13. Of course instead it will be the next storm chamber. Vs powered up bloodbound.
  14. I actually need tomb Kings back GW were blind fools to squat them. Settra is THE character. His absolutism and sheer belief in himself is awe inspiring. A repowered Settra vs nagash would be the ultimate battle royale. Bring back necrosphinxes and re do the bone giants. Truly would be amazing. The actual soul wars.
  15. If you use two megabosses and nothing but brutes you can win with ironjawz but that's a very boring army.
  16. I have heard that sylvaneth definitely getting new scenery and three new endless spells with their battletome. Source is not saying anything about kharadron overlords which makes me suspicious it might be something good.
  17. Hi guys hopefully now someone will actually believe me. I saw carrion empire last year was told the battletome was coming and wtobgly assumed the book was the battletome. My bad. I can confirm though that when the night vault warbands for sylvaneth and kharadron release they will release alongside two new. Battletomes for their respective factions. I would say this may be may late April.
  18. But what do we do now if in two months lizard men and their spawning pool is released???
  19. Think about how many hydras, how many units of bleak shards are being sold daily? Monthly? Does anyone know anyone right now who is starting a brand new eldritch Council army? A darling coven army? They are very small fry. And GW have plans for the elves no doubt but the new concept do not fit the old armies at all. Like AT ALL.
  20. The reason is that most of the old elf kits sell in very low numbers. And they are being removed to avoid competition with dok idk and the NEW new elves next year. Wanderers are staying as is.
  21. All high elf and dark elf resin and most plastics will be gone by the end of the year. The phoenix and the phoenix guard will remain. As will for some reason white lions as a single kit and the scourge privateers. Everything else will go that's including all order seprpentis cold ones and dragon. . This is a no rumour. I have seen actual evidence of this.
  22. I am not completely out of the loop and I have stated many times. Skaven are coming a book definitely. And the dwarves will ascend.
  23. Without a human faction the realms of sigmar are largely a strange vaccum. The literature serves the setting a heck of a lot better than the models at the moment. Callis and toll. The red hours. Even the core book containing interesting and exciting fluff centred around human armies. The game itself has a few plastic kits from ten years ago. A new human faction is definitely the most wanted and most requested missing factions bar maybe skaven. Lots of people I have played with comment on the fact there is no human army. Its a big community bugbear.
  24. It's a real shame GW have not updated the freeguild faction in time for this rpg. Without a proper human order faction to collect and follow in age of sigmar am rpg playing is one will feel almost historical.
  25. The sad fact is the highest selling new release GW could do would be a proper order human faction. Without that age of sigmar is a dull and lifeless setting. Their refusal to update freeguild or evolve them into something new is very perplexing and lessens my care about the wider world of the eight realms. Its a totally ungrounded setting.
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