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Everything posted by dirkdragonslayer

  1. Well, I am pleasantly surprised Squig Hoppers got boosted to 10 models in a unit. Still a little overcosted compared to their Boingrot Brothers, but I like that I could bring a decent quantity without using reinforcements, and can bring a good amount if I spend reinforcements.
  2. I feel that on army size. I recently played Grimdark Future with an old hand who doesn't like modern 40k (fair enough) and thus wanted to use this indie system. That's fine, I was curious about it, and he made us play 4000 points since it's a similar scale to 2000 points in 40k. That system is fine, but boy does it not feel good at that size. I feel it would have been fine at 2000 points, but that's the closest size to what he was used to and he didn't want to play a smaller game. I couldn't convince him to go smaller. Not fun. There is something fun about playing AoS or 40k at 750 or 1000 points. Small games can be great. That's why it's a pretty good starter for people who like the factions. If someone new brought the Kruleboyz I would let them run it as 1000 pts even with only one battleline. It's not like the Hobgrots are some power unit.
  3. Sad to say, but Destruction does seem to have the lowest active playerbase, at least based on this site's subforums and other forums like Dakka or Reddit. There's a big burst of activity due to Kruleboyz and a new edition, but the Destruction subforum usually only has 2-4 responses a day across all topics. It's why you almost never see a Destruction post on the front page unless there is a new release, while there is always discussions on things like Lumineth, Hedonites, Duardin, or Beasts of Chaos. Obviously forum posts aren't the complete indicator of popularity, but it can help get a rough idea on it.
  4. All of them had rules at one point. Some still do, like the Doomseeker for Fyreslayers and the Darkoath Chieftain for StD. The Excelsior Warpriest even had some new rules in one of the campaign things for 2nd edition. I think it was the defense of Glymmsforge (I was wrong, see edit)? He had his own formation with a mix of freeguild and Stormcast iirc. He was discontinued right before Cities of Sigmar came out, but he came out during AoS. I remember a lot of people getting mad that the priest was discontinued, especially since they features in new novels like Gloomspite. I remember the Grot Scuttleling rules, mostly because they were really bad. Nonsense mixed weapons (some had bows, some had knives, some had clubs, some with spears, some with dual-wielding, all with different stats), no good special rules, and a 6+ save. Edit: The Excelsior Warpriest actually featured in the short-lived Lethisian Defenders allegiance, the proto-CoS army. Basically stormcast, freeguild humans, devoted humans, and Fyreslayers. I believe he was a necessary part of the detachment iirc.
  5. A couple, but mostly niche ones. * Half of the Warhammer Quest heroes got legends-ed. Priest, agent of Malerion guy, and the shadow aelf wizard lady. Also the mutant grots, but there rules were bad and I don't think a single person every used their rules instead of proxying them as Stabbas. * The Forgeworld Fimirach hero. He was introduced in AoS and got moved to legends within a year of his launch. Must have sold super poorly or GW knew they were pivoting away from Fimir, since he was originally supposed to be released during WHFB but got delayed 4+ years before his release.
  6. It's an alright looking box, but I am kinda burnt out on GW hype. Whenever there is an event model or something that I actually want it usually sells out to scalpers or low supply. I kinda expected this set to sell out just like those. My luck on timed exclusives is really low, the only one that I ever got my hands on was the Christmas red gobbo (and even for him I visited 3 stores) so I mostly ignore them. In addition I can't really put my finger on it, but the transition to 9th edition 40k didn't feel good and 3rd edition AoS is losing my attention in a similar way. I think seeing Gloomspite nerfed so hard kind of killed my enthusiasm, since I am a "only plays one army" person. The Kruleboyz are neat, but I think I am taking a break from GW products for a bit. I have more than enough Gloomspite and Orks, and I think I am going to try some Infinity models. Haqqislam looks cool.
  7. Mollog is a named character, can he even throw out Command Abilities? If he can I would love it though, he's our precious baby boy.
  8. Gloomspite, especially Gloomspite focused on Moonclan infantry got hit pretty hard. The loonboss is now even squishier and his ability Dead Tricksy is mostly pointless. Other varieties didn't depend on stacking modifiers as much. Spiderfang are hurt the second-least of the 4 subfactions I think. Squig-focused can get a mounted "shaman" now by giving a Loonboss on GSC the generic magic relic, which may be niche but good. Mobile squig lure caster seems neat.. The nerf to Loonshrine really hurts mixed builds. Troggherd came out of this the best. Reinforcements changes didn't really affect them that much and there are some good generic relics to make the Troggboss actually kinda punchy. Sadly the objective bonus is only for units with 5 wounds and most Troggs have 4 so they are still bad at objectives. It's not really that they went up in power, it's that the other 3 subfactions went down. Edit: Also Dankholds don't count as monsters. This wasn't a big deal in 2nd when MONSTER usually just meant Bonesplitterz killed you harder and you had a degrading statline. Now every other medium size monster can do cool rampage stuff and Dankholds are left with nothing.
  9. I am just happy that even after the hard nerfs from removal of stacking modifiers, Gloomspite are not the worst Grots in the destruction alliance. There is something inherently funny about Hobgoblins being worse than normal goblins.
  10. I had a spare Loonboss on GCS from the Battleforce box that has been sitting on a frame fo so long, was thinking of selling it. Once my Troggboss is done I better go back and make a wizard out of him. Flaming weapon if you want some punch, or Squig Lure where the caster can follow the squigs where ever they need to be.
  11. WAIT. There is a generic relic that is sorta gamechanging. The Arcane Tome makes it so whichever hero you give the relic to becomes a full wizard. You could make a squig mounted wizard for a squig-themed army by giving it to a loonboss on GSC, or a discount hag by giving it to a Troggboss. There is no listed limitation to this, so even Khorne and Duardin could do this if they want. Also there is a generic spell that gives the user +1 damage, so your Troggboss can do D6+1 damage per hit. Is it good? I dunno, I am not a statistician. Does it sound fun? Very. My Troggboss with the wizard hat and kirby star wand on my work desk went from dream to meme.
  12. Thank you. I know we love to grasp at anything we can, but 4chan is not a reliable site, it's not supposed to be. Anyone can post there anonymously and say whatever. If everything that was posted there was gospel we would have had Malerion in 2nd edition and Gitmob already. For every one accurate 4chan rumor there are a hundred lies.
  13. Still, some of the generic spells could be good. With the nerf to "to hit" modifiers mystic shield is a good pickup. That ghost mist spell might be good if terrain becomes more important. Can't think of how to use Levitate yet since Squigs already fly and Spiders have pseudo-Fly. Flying troggoths?
  14. Oh yeah, if they are loosening spell restrictions, it seems that the Shroomancer and Boggleeye are now full casters. Maybe Gobbapalooza will be worth taking for two dirt cheap madcaps.
  15. I am used to there being a lot of spin when they write these articles, but holy heck is that one way to frame a massive nerf as a buff. Stacking -1 to hit was sorta our thing, it's why so many units do it. Also they mention later that the Gobbapalooza is better, when one of them (the Shroomancer, who used to be one of the better ones of the 5) is now kinda bad. His spell was designed for stacking -1 to hit, and now there is no reason to look at him since he is worse than Nets.
  16. Maybe not the full 2000 points, but I like have one or two fun units just for me. In 40k it's usually a Trukk full of Flash Gitz or Kustom Boosta Blastas. In AoS I have a Dankhold since he looks so cool next to my gitz. Some times people obsess over meta choices so hard they miss the cool but less optimal ones.
  17. I mean, that is exactly why Primaris marines come in squads of 5. When in promotional material or in a bundle Primaris marines are usually shown or sold as a squad of 5. During most of 8th edition they sold Primaris Intercessors/Hellblasters/Reivers in either boxes of 5 or 10 (there is still a remnant of this in Primaris Death Company Intercessors and Hounds of Morkai being sold in 5). So the 60$ box price for 10 looks high against other infantry, but technically it's two squads of 5 infantry for $30 each. This puts them as technically cheaper per squad than units like Boyz or Guardians. I don't agree with this valuation, but it's the reasoning I usually see applied to Primaris prices.
  18. Yeah, unless you use Superheavies the 40k lists tend to be a lot more easier to accommodate. I can't make an army out of only Boingrot Bounderz or Dankhold Troggoths, but in 40k I can totally make an detachment out of only Nob Bikers or Killa Kanz.
  19. Maybe they would have had more screentime depending on the Broken Realms Allarielle rumors. Like instead of the start of Kragnos being about Allarielle it would have Glutos and Sigvald getting lost in the jungle fighting Seraphon.
  20. The list building change is mostly fine. Luckily most of our support units like Fanatics/Snufflers/stuff is usually best in small amounts so the reinforcements change is fine. Rockguts being limited to 6 instead of 9 sounds bad at first, but with the coherency changes that mob of 9 would be hard to use anyway. Fellwaters and Danks are pretty unaffected. My only gripe is that this means I can't bring Squig Hoppers with my foot slogging list. I was working on a squad of 15 for fun, and I am not wasting my valuable reinforcement points on 10 Hoppers when I can use that for Stabbas, Troggoths or Bounderz.
  21. Oh no it's Warcry all over again with symbols. I hope that is just for the starter set and the real core rule book uses more generic looking symbols. Could it have killed them to do something generic and readable? Crown is commander, fist is sub commander, shield is battleline, vague animal skull is monster, etc.. 4 varieties of little men isn't good for glance value. Also I feel like it may be limiting since not every army has access to 10+ wound heroes to fill this detachment system. Like could Bonesplitterz even use those bigger detachments?
  22. I don't understand why, dwarf soup is delicious. It's a hearty dish full of root vegetables and mushrooms from local farms. Not much meat, but some of the fungi collected from the caves under the dwarfhold (such as Squig or Grot) have a meat-like texture. I heard the regional Fyreslayer variation uses fresh spices from Aqshy to give it some heat. The thick broth and inclusion of ale during cooking makes it more of a stew though. Edit: I just realized I should have wrote this from a greenskin perspective on cooking Duardin... Missed opportunity.
  23. Especially since most of us probably haven't got that many games during the pandemic to judge them in person. most of us are probably a year out of practice and working on internet assumptions. I know some people do zoom leagues but I would still bet the vast majority of us are still homebound. I don't doubt they are probably strong, but it seems really repetitive when I haven't even been able to get a game since last march.
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