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Everything posted by dirkdragonslayer

  1. Same. I love traditional Dwarfs/Duardin and I am happy to see the Dispossessed staying around for now. However, I don't want to invest in them if they will disappear in 3-4 years. Especially since I already have two armies that take up my time, Grots and 40k Orks, and I don't want to invest in a third army that's fate is up in the air. Even the CoS book didn't use them in any Battalions. I know all the remaining kits are from 8th edition and are pretty new so they probably won't get dropped anytime soon, but I am still scared. Personally I really wanted the remaining Dispossessed (Warden King, Ironbreakers, Irondrakes, etc) to be absorbed by the KO, with the Cogsmith and Gyro being the link between the two. Maybe have them be the guard of the KO's ground claims like ports and holds, or be a dual faction book like Orruk Warclans. Being part of the KO would ensure they would stay around, while at the moment we don't know if CoS is just a momentary thing to appease fans like the 40k Indexes, or will be around for good.
  2. Also the posing of the models is very different. Old WHFB models are designed to look good as a block of units, while AoS models are more about each model having some individual character. Each being in a different part of a walk cycle, looking in different directions, maybe waving something in the air. Old Chaos Warriors looked fine marching in a regiment, but look awkward standing on their own. Compared to Blood Warriors who would look like a undisciplined mess in old fantasy regiments, but look much better in the more disorganized squads of AoS. Destruction factions are a bit of an exception to this, because old units like Black Orcs and Savage Orcs were designed to be more disorderly (Because they are Greenskins), and look a bit better in messy groups. Also this isn't just WHFB, but all GW models, but old ones can feel a bit flat. Compare old Squig Hoppers to the new ones, or old Fanatics to their new counterparts. The new ones feel more 3-Dimensional, with more implied motion and better use of space of the base. I love some of my old metal models like my Grot Shamans and Nasty Skulkers, but their posing is rather flat. Even my plastic Grot Stabbas can look a bit flat, it's just how they were designed back then. New Squig Hoppers on the other hand are in spiraling jumps, bouncing hops, and haphazard falls, with the grot struggling to hold on.
  3. That puts the Start Collecting box at 370-400 points depending how you build it. Not optimal, but it's mostly because the "centerpiece" model of this box is the Gyrocopter, which is a low point cost model. A lot of SC boxes have one high points unit, like a Gunhauler or Magmadroth to bring it up to approximately 450-500 points.
  4. Longbeards got a dispell for endless spells which is cool.
  5. I had a crazy thought about if someone got two of those boxes, but it requires some other kits. Build the first Warden King and Cogsmith as normal. Build the Duardin and Gyrocopters as normal as well. With the Clanshield replacing Longbeards as basic infantry rumors, probably a block of 20 of those, or maybe 20 Hammerers. Gyros up to debate with how the new book handled them, because at the moment both are meh. Buy a Runelord, and use the alternative head and arms to make the second Warden King a Runelord too. Meta build used to be double Runelords, wasn't it? Buy a Steamtank, replace the empire shields/emblems with Longbeard/Ironbreaker shields. Put the second Cogsmith either in the turret or on the ground directing it. Preferably with pointing hand for style points. Boom, Greywater Fastness army with a heavy Ironweld/Duardin theme.
  6. I am spending way too much time on a Warcry warband knowing that it won't take off in my area. Specialist games other than Blood Bowl are never played here. I am using Bloodbowl Goblins with Boingrot heads to make some Grot Foot Knights. All armed with Stabbas except one with a spear that will have a flowing banner coming off it to be the banner bearer, and one with a gong. Those are in case I use them for real AoS. It's actually a real pain sanding down the pyramid shapes that connect the helmet to the Bounder, and some of the Blood Bowl Goblins don't take shields very well. Also i don't know how I will paint them after I am done. Iron armor and black and purple cloth to match the rest of my army?
  7. In the Old World Orcs and Goblins were a fungus just like 40k, at least they were in the book Skarsnik. The titular ‘hero’ came from a mushroom patch beneath Karak Eight Peaks. I assume the same is still true for AoS. It would also explain the symbiotic linkage between Caves, Grots, Mushrooms, and Squigs. until something says otherwise, I like to assume the Greenskin races are still mushroom people. It one of the defining features of Warhammer greenskins versus other fantasy Orcs and Goblinoids.
  8. The problem with Fyreslayers (and other early AoS armies like Ironjawz) is that they don’t have a lot of variety. When compared to newer faction armies like Idoneth, Beastmen, and Gloomspite, there isn’t much choice in models. You have Vulkites, Hearthguard Berzerkers, and Hearthguard fire-pike guys. Everything else is a hero. Not everyone wants to have 2000 points of similarly posed naked Dwarfs, and they are really expensive for an army. 60$ for a naked horde unit is too much. If they had some more units for options; Demi-Magmadroth Cavalry, Flame Cannons, etc., I think they would be more popular. I think it’s a big shame they didn’t combine it with the Dispossessed as two halfs of the same Battletome, like they did with Skaven. Dispossessed covered traditional holds dedicated to Grungni, with Fyreslayers and their lodges covering the worship of Grimnir. It would help both factions by giving more variety in unit options.
  9. It kind of makes sense that they would ally with humans over other Duardin. When the Age of Chaos happened, the Dispossessed are the ones who stayed true to tradition and stayed in their Karaks. Kharadron Overlords abandoned their traditions and gods to escape to the sky. They progressed remarkably fast when Longbeards normally shun new inventions. It’s like KO are the opposite of traditional WHFB Dwarfs. Dispossessed probably begrudge them for their cowardice in fleeing their ancestral homes and abandoning their gods. As for Fyreslayers, they probably get along a bit better than KO. They are traditional, venerate Grimnir, and didn’t flee when Chaos arrived. However they are mercenaries who have allied themselves with bitter enemies like Chaos before, so I imagine there is some tension there.
  10. Depends on the shroom, some are symbiotic, some are parasitic, and some are decomposers. Fungi are a really versatile kingdom of organisms, and could lend themselves very well for some creative terrain. A giant corpse overgrown with decomposing Fungi, a fairy ring of poisonous shrooms with a little shrine in the middle, farms cultivating edible mushrooms, mushroom potion stills, mushroom forests, etc. Heck, there are some sentient mushrooms in the new kits, so you could have a symbiotic relationship of a plant and biting mushshrooms around it that feed on vermin and protect the plant.
  11. You can always find some of the old metal Night Goblin Netters to match with your metal Gitmob.
  12. So he is a perfect Troggboss. A little shorter, but about the same.
  13. Same, I am going for a mixed contingent. Grots, Squig Cavalry, and a few Troggs. No spiders because I don’t want to spread my army too thin between the sub-factions. That Dankhold model is beautiful, I just finished building him and he seems great for morale. does anyone have an idea of what to use a spare Fanatic for? I had 6 old plastic ones, but now that squads are size 5 I have one loner. Save him for a rainy day?
  14. Wait, Troggoths are only battleline if your general is a Dankhold Troggboss. At the same time, Skragrott can only get bonus command points and use his command ability if he is the general. Otherwise he is just a good and expensive wizard. Wouldn't it be better just to take 2 madcap/fungoid shamans in his place if he isn't the general? You are paying all those points for his command ability and free CPs.
  15. He is a fair bit bigger. Squig Hoppers are on 32mm bases while according to the FAQ the Giant Cave Squig Loonboss is on a 50mm. Hoppers ride normal Squigs, loonbosses ride Giant Squigs.
  16. How tall is the Dankhold Troggboss? I have a Throgg that I know isn't big enough, so I want to do a big decorative base to make up the height and width.
  17. Hey lads, remember that Gitmob shaman that was rebranded to Madcap? He has sold out, and is now listed as "No Longer Available," unlike all the other sold out Gloomspite models who are listed as "Temporarily Out of Stock." He is with Gork and Mork now, rest in piece topknot shaman...
  18. It has that one Night Goblin miscasting and exploding with magic, the banner guy, and the Squig Boss. All of them look great. Personally I feel the banner is too large for that grot, I would probably cut the pole, turn it into a staff, and make him another shaman. Save that cool banner for some terrain. I love the Squig Boss too, but that spear looks flimsy and I would be afraid to break it. I would replace that with the new Boingrot lance and maybe try to fit a Boingrot helmet in the hood. Make him look armored and dead killy. Then again, they are sold out at the moment. ☺️
  19. Don’t know exact size, but the Forgeworld one looks a fair bit bigger than a normal Squig Hopper if that is what you are looking at. Official base size from the FAQ is 50mm. If you don’t mind it not being a Giant Squig, one conversion possibility would be two normal squigs pulling a small ramshackle chariot with the Loonboss on it.
  20. Hello lads, I just got my Squig Hopper/Knight box and plan to build them as Knights. Not asking about tactics or anything but... What are some good Grot Knightly order names? Orda of da pointy stick? Knights of da Bad Moon? Defendas of da Eight Peaks? Maybe someone good with puns can think of one. Edit: Also these spare sword arms from the Hopper half seem like they would be great to add diversity to mobs of Stabbas with Stabbas. Or use the spare knight heads and Hopper weapons to convert Blood Bowl Gobbos into foot knights!
  21. Tokens are super helpful, especially with all the buffing and debuffing spells we have.
  22. Luckily I have some spare heads from the old Fanatic set to replace the helmet with. It's a neat helmet and all, it just doesn't look right without a Night Gobbo hood.
  23. Wait a minute, Dankhold is only 60mm? I thought he was going to be much bigger than that! Maybe Throgg on a large scenic base CAN be a Troggboss...
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