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Everything posted by ManlyMuppet88

  1. Mangler Squigs. Just so much fun. Kinda dreading painting it though.
  2. Not sure how successful that will be if the don’t update the kits for warriors and knights. I’d rather buy more start collecting boxes than use the old static versions. Maybe that’s the point.
  3. And all the “giant stuff” rumours are based on the single use of the word giant in a Warhammer Community article. Not exactly gonna hold my breath on this one. Love for it to be true, but it’s beginning to feel like speculation is starting to be treated as valid rumours.
  4. I just love how much random speculation GW can generate with just a couple of words.
  5. Don’t really have a horse in this race as I never actually had a WHFB army but I’m really hoping there will be at least some cross over possible with AoS models. I understand that my Stormcast won’t be used but I can’t see a reason why my Gloomspite or Blades of Khorne stuff shouldn’t be usefull.
  6. Well I take back my previous statements about movement trays - square trays that hold round bases are going to be a must for all those who rebased their old WHFB armies.
  7. Surely if you were going to do it, it would already be done though right? I think we can be fairly sure that if it is adaptors then they will be more expensive than 3rd party options.
  8. The text implies base adaptors and that definitely feels like the most logical option. GW already released movement trays so I don’t see them releasing more movement trays. It does feel like it’s a few years late though.
  9. Kurnoth are my guess. Just doesn’t really fit anything else in my mind.
  10. Anyone got info on when these might be up for pre-order? Trying to plan my pre-Christmas spending.
  11. I think the Tauralon works really well as a Chaos mount, maybe even better than Order. Scheme looks good. Looking forward to seeing a few new warriors and knights done up.
  12. Scepticism for me. Only because of GW’s track record in using the words “biggest” and “best”. Especially when they do it in all caps. Fool me four times, GW..... Oh well, as long as I go in with zero expectations it’ll be great.
  13. I think monopose models are an unfortunate limitation of the technology being used. Plastic models are getting more and more complex (in terms of detail and posing) but that limits flexibility of build. We can either have the current standard of detail and dynamism in our models with limitations on customisation or we can have more static models with easier to change parts. I’d prefer detail and dynamism. Most multi-part kits I’ve bought for AoS only really give options for head and hand changes anyway, and those are simple enough on monopose models. It’ll change eventually though. Plastic has come in leaps and bounds and it’s not going to stop developing any time soon.
  14. If this is all we get for the Slaves to Darkness release I will be happy but I would really love to see the Marauder kits get re-worked. Especially in a Darkoath style - that hasn’t really gone anywhere yet.
  15. This is, for me, probably the most exciting release GW have had since Gloomspite. Gonna have to wrap up a couple of armies quickish so I can get started on these guys.
  16. I think the Monsters for Warcry might even be more exciting than the warbands. I’m definitely going to need that Myrmidon. So, there is a lot of talk about new models for Slaves to Darkness...... Is there any reason to believe that? Or are we just wishlisting? We had the spreadsheet leak with the Battletome on it and the warcry warbands but that was it, right!? I just can’t see GW releasing a new Battletome first, then new models later. Not too long until we find out. Hopefully.
  17. So the Bonereapers look significantly better in pretty much all those alternate schemes. I think GW made a mis-step with their “standard” colour scheme, although it was probably deliberately to match Nagash and the Morghasts.
  18. Love the idea but wish there was a more formal way for us to directly suggest what we would like to see done. Personally, there isn’t too much I want except some of the old LOTR sets.
  19. I’d really like the Goblin Battleforce to pan out. Looncurse has been built but a nice big Battleforce to boost the numbers would help me get motivated to start painting. Or I’ll get distracted by something shiny.
  20. The announcement was what, two months ago? There was something like a seven month wait between the Death Guard preview and release so I would say we’re well inside normal for GW. Not sure about the other two because I don’t know what you’re referring to.
  21. Well they were a surprise for me and I’m glad that they’re kinda back but I don’t think I’d buy them. Just don’t really hook me in the way Gloomspite did. That being said, if they did extend the range and bring Gitmob back I would probably add some to my Moonclan.
  22. I think a starter set for a new edition of the game is a completely different thing though.
  23. I think simple headswaps will improve them immensely. I quite like the helmeted ones so hopefully the Deathriders kit has plenty of spares.
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