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Everything posted by Scurvydog

  1. Nice for Slaanesh players, but I had expected a bit more for a christmas reveal to actually reveal something new, we all already knew about these units coming. Also GW having no follow up on the 24 sneak peaks in the calendar should have been expected, but somehow I still keep hope they do something the right way someday, it just ended the 24th with a hand on a stick and then nothing? At least show 1 single entirely new and unexpected model :s
  2. I cant find any info on this, time or format or anything, strange.
  3. Pretty sure the Slaanesh stuff will be part of the next Broken Realms book and not a new Slaanesh battletome and the battletome in feb is something completely different most likely related to all these suspiciously death like teases.
  4. Disappointing if the christmas reveal is just the remaining slaanesh. It would make way more sense if that reveal is tied to their christmas calendar, but it is GW after all so things do not have to make sense...
  5. Looks somewhat similar to the Varanguard scales on the barding, although I doubt this rumor is for chaos, but probably for a mount of some sort.
  6. That model of the year award is a joke until the split AoS and 40k. It would be like asking for "story of the year" and put movies and books into the pot, sure some books might have the best stories, but a movie would still win. Same with combining 40k and AoS, just so so so many more 40k players and primarchs winning every year.
  7. That is absolutely 40k, most likely Necromunda. The hammer before looks to be the same type of gloved hand, so most likely something for yet another warband/house for Necromunda. The powerpack on the handle is present on 40k power or tesla wepons of the more crude imperial kind.
  8. My problem is not even if they are delayed or just cancelled this year, the annoying part is they do not even mention anything at all and they released faqs the past 2 years on the 17th
  9. That they even post an article and completely ignore the elephant in the room about AoS is really poor form. Obviously they must know their AoS players are waiting for this and they do not address this at all.
  10. All these 3rd parties thrive on GWs negligence basically, these companies have made a lot of income on the hunger of collectors. I took all my willpower not to buy in all the way on the lost kingdoms lizardmen line of models. Whenever I look at my saurus knights from GW though, all I feel is disappointment and the razordons with half missing teeth due to finecast air bubbles. GW surely is missing out and opening themselves to a lot of competition due to leaving popular model lines in the dust for way too long.
  11. Speaking of regular humans, anyone trying to recreate the glory of old brettonia might like the upcoming lost kingdom project.
  12. I'd love a battletome Freeguilds. Cities is all fine, but very soup like and still not with great synergy between the sub factions. I'd like to see a Freeguild tome with new units added and the option to create your own regiments of renown, like just look at the list of known freeguilds: https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Freeguild#fn_5a_back It would be great to see some of these brought to life, or access to a lot of customization to create them or your own with realm and allegiance traits and regiments of renown rules, to really make a freeguild your very own creation to fit your style.
  13. Imagine a new soulblight army using similar rules to the old Morathi form change where the elites and heroes are vampires who can go from discplined, heavy armored fighter wizards, to monstrous flying beasts. They could use a blood resource to either fuel spell casting or allow them to turn sooner/better, so you could see both caster and melee monster playstyles. Obviously these guys have rebelled from Nagash, as this has been in the cards for some time for Manfred and Neferata, so they will be using the regular undeads as their cannonfodder rank and file, while Nagash is busy with his new Bonereaper toys. The release would cover new soulblight multi kits, with a hero turning into a behemoth "super" terrorgeist type of creature, and elite infantry casters, sort of like evocators who can transform and lose their casting powers but instead gain flight as new vargheists, allowing for some really interesting playstyle changes on the fly! One can dream right?
  14. Indeed this will be the page where we get confirmation of no winter FAQ so KO and Tzeentch can enjoy total dominance more post covid, as social distancen made it harder to properly enjoy the tears of the downtrodden
  15. Yes that is how they work and it does give some limitations on how to move them around and requires you to wrap them a bit if they are supposed to support mortek. This is also sad for their offense, if they kill models from a unit then your opponent can just remove from the rear
  16. I never go without drain vitality, this spell alone cripples any unit relying on 6 to hit for exploding hits or mortal wound effects, which are quite plentiful in the meta, like poleaxe fyreslayers, lumineth, slaanesh stuff etc. Unless rolling in RDP I feel arcane command is always great and often take it on a soul Mason, as their spell range makes them great at being sort of backline wizards. The drain vitality I put on boneshapers as they are more likely to be near the action. These 2 spells are always useful. Empower spells are very specific for target units. Empower shields suffers from no longer stacking with deathless saves.
  17. Do we know if GW will even do a Winter FAQ this year? Last 2 years it was around a week from now in mid December, but I don't see any buzz about it.
  18. Another necromunda animal of some kind. It might be salty, but I am so tired of nearly all new releases being for the smaller games, the stream of pretty warcry, underworlds and necromunda miniatures seems endless, while we can't even get separate kits for the start collect StD units and entire AoS factions has not seen a single new model for years! They want us to buy entire AoS vs boxes and campaign books just to introduce 1-2 models, while in the same time frame the small games get 7 warbands with 5-10 new models in each... Could they not just shift a tiny bit to AoS?
  19. This is just an opinion but I would go with bows as that brings something different to the table, your ironjawz already provide the battleline and tough infantry, so giving some ranged support would make sense. The MB on foot is as expected a Megaboss for those times you can't or wont invest in a Krusha. A MB is required for Waaagh and if running ironjawz allegiance especially, the +1 hit command can be useful sometimes. He is a decent pick when you want 6 gruntas and him insteadd of a Krusha and there is surely a solid case for that choice at times and what each provide. That said he rarely does much for me at least, mostly because he is soooo slow, I'd wish for a MB on Grunta for some flexibility there.
  20. This is purely from a lore point of view, as I said GW would probably anger a lot if Nagash was split from the old school undead. The bonereapers take all bones and use them as raw material, even during the warfare with Archaon in the eight points, their priority is to use the bones and skeletons of the dead to create fortresses and now Bonereapers. This is simply a choice of how to best use a resource, do we animate the skeleton as a soldier or grind it down for materials and so far it appears a skeleton is worth more as raw materials for the bonereapers. We have also only heard about the only limitation of the Bonereapers being access to this raw material, so right now everything points to animating skeletons being the less efficient use of them. Of course there will be areas without any Bonereapers where Necromancers and Soulblight have no other option than to use skeletons and zombies as soldiers, they do not command the bonereapers, but Nagash ultimately does. We do know Nagash manifests himself where he pleases, so of course he could still pop up in an area where no Bonereaper legions are currently present and the only standing forces are ye olde skeletons and zombies, which is what I assume is the case if Nagash leads such a force, otherwise why would he not bring his Bonereaper legions instead and use every material available to reinforce them. Stormcasts and humans have a very different dynamic, and having the regular and the elite makes complete sense, but in the case of Nagash, skeletons and bonereapers, you have a finite material and you can use it to make knives or machine guns, knives being much cheaper and easy to pick up and use, however clearly inferior and Nagash himself would have few reasons to go with the inferior use.
  21. That would be really cool, however I somehow doubt GW will go that route specifically. Considering how they have been doing things lately with factions, I could see the Soulblight part of Nagash doing some kind of rebellion, it has been in the cards all along that the 2 teethy Mortarchs are not all that loyal and are pretty much second fiddle now especially with Katakros leading the standing army and Olynder acting as shock troops, the remaining undead has not really been a big factor in any of the major battles or conflicts in the narrative. With bones being such an imporatn resource to the Bonereapers I think logically having skeleton soldiers is a waste to Nagash at this point and the only logical thing would be to grind them down and make Mortek Guards etc from the parts. With a soulblight rebellion though, this could be explained away, keeping the old school undead around, as they will not be making any Bonereapers. Having some conflict within the death grand allegiance would also be a cool narrative, because something needs to happen to curb Nagash a bit, as his dudes alone breaking into the eight points and actually making a foothold, which the combined forces of order has been unable to do. Perhaps they are not so brave yet, as to remove regular skeleton warriors from the Nagash roster, I guess many have such armies laying around and would be quite upset seeing it go entirely, even though narratively I think it would be an interesting choice.
  22. We might see more with the release as well, and as mentioned the new warband matches the classic more sexualized Slaanesh pretty well, with the long boots, open harem pants etc. I think the models we were shown this saturday was actually harder to make than simply going "make them sexy", details like the shield grips being made of luxurious padded material for example is just great attention to detail, and tells a lot about who these warriors are. I think those models really sell the idea of chaos warriors fully devoted to Slaanesh, they are still warriors but their armor just shows how vain these people are. Their weapons, while perhaps not the most effective infantry weapons, really shows someone who enjoys cutting flesh with the curved blades. They will most likely form the anvil of the hedonites with a bit more synergies than chaos warriors have currently, but stat wise probably being pretty close with 2 wounds and 4+ save I'd imagine. Some of the other demon possessed variants are cool and some a bit derpy, I prefer the helmeted versions though. I feel great envy now as a StD player, especially as I thought the chaos warrior looking teases must be a complete new kit, yet it was ANOTHER damned warband
  23. I should have known those teases of chaos warrior looking things would be yet another warband and not an actual multi part kit with weapon options to fit the actual game... The sorceress is rather cool though and the minis alone will probably cost about the same as a lone chaos sorceror does now. The new Slaanesh stuff though, oh boy... Could be tempting to build those models with the odd mutant weapons but the cool helms instead of the Caitlyn Jenner faces and run them as chosen in fun games.
  24. I had completely missed the part about the mighter makes rightier so mancrushers could stand in for leaders at objectives requirering them, which is good for a stomper clan especially if going with a 1 Warstomper and 9 mancrushers build, but in general nice to free up the megas more in such plans and being able to leave a lone mancrusher at a low risk objective for example.
  25. Morathis shadow queen form sounds more like a weapon than an individual, a dark mirror reflecting her will and intention, but not sentient as such. At least that is what it seems like, but perhaps later lore will reveal more. That last scene on the boat though, that had me going the most actually, it was really intense and while small in scale the stakes felt high and much more defined, rather than the usual "they attack oh no, but then reinforcements tadada! But THEN hidden enemy! gasp!". Somehow I am more interested in whatever that creature that saved Ven Brecht actually is, bat like wings and red eyes? By all accounts it sounds like a Vargheist, while that might be too obvious, it might be just what the doctor ordered.
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