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Everything posted by Rachmani

  1. Right? Well… it’s fine either way, but yeah. Reads like a last minute change.
  2. I just realized I‘m like ages behind on my Kruleboys. And with the Nighthaunt leaks so far & what’s brewing on the horizon for StD I‘m probably in trouble should Warhammer Fest reveal some Kurnothi or one of the destruction books be Ogors (with more than just one new hero).
  3. I haven’t even started to process everything but so far, I like what I see. Very much so. Most 3.0 books have done a good job at incorporating the feel of an army (essentially the fluff) into its actual gameplay. It looks like NH are no exception. An army of Bladegheists with the right heroes and a coach or two will look and feel amazing. And and so will a more complex cast of units.
  4. I literally made the same mistake when reading it.
  5. 150 new posts, what is thi- oh, OH! We got actual leaks! And what leaks... man, that roadmap is on fire! I'm amazed. So cool. Gonna let it sit for a while. But boy, does that look good.
  6. I‘m honestly getting strong Jabberslythe vibes. Are we sure we‘ll get skaven?
  7. So, it's been a few weeks. How have the Idoneth fared for you guys, so far? How good did they do at tournaments? I don't follow the scene too closely, but am a firm believer of "a tightly balanced matched play makes for a better narrative experience". Did anything surprise you? Positively as well as negatively. Edit: First 5-0 & with a combined eel & namarti list. Very nice. If you could somehow fit some sharks into it, i would also look amazing. Even more amazing. It also looks surprisingly like the one I'm painting up right now, except that it's probably better =D Mine has a unit of 20 Thralls instead of 2x10 and 1 shark & 10 reavers instead of 20 reavers
  8. He took them in threes. The two additionals are just that, a regular unit of two.
  9. On a more serious note, I think Thunderlizards are a real reason to switch.
  10. Doesn't killing a monster lvl up the incarnate? So as long as you keep killing one drake per turn you're pretty save. Haven't done the math, for lvl 1 though, as their shooting should bring your incarnate down to lvl 1.
  11. I started with Warhammer in the mid nineties, with some very old dwarves (still got a few of them), but the Ogre Kingdoms (and later on Khemri) were my first big projects. Now, I don’t love the Bonereapers, the latter one‘s optical successors (they’re fine), but boy would I be pleased with an updated model range of Ogor Mawtribes. Just more dynamic (and in plastic) across the board. That would be aces.
  12. I agree. It just doesn't have to be a command ability. The Arkelian King got his once per game "strike first" ability. Something akin to that (just kunnin instead of brute force) would have been a good choice.
  13. Exactly. And if they did, they certainly didn’t get a plethora of warscroll abilities. Still, two should be doable. Lord Imperatant, Arkelian King etc. show that two warscroll rules are indeed still possible. There would have been ways to buff up Killabosses. From a 5+ Egomaniac (they ruthlessly use their kin as meatshields) to some -hit shenanigans to something more elaborate, all would have been possible.
  14. I think that axing warscroll *command* abilities was a good idea. But warscroll abilities in general... add a quite a lot of depth.
  15. I agree. They need something. Something sneaky, preferably. Personally I'd like something that dampens powerful heroes for a turn. Not neuters but dampens their impact. Like if they were not powerful enough to engage with Stormcasts in open combat - but could get the upper hand through deceit.
  16. I guess that feeling is just a side effect of the low release cycle that’s affecting AoS right now. I don’t feel the same way, don’t sympathise with it, but can sort of understand where it’s coming from. P.S. I also don’t get the harsh reactions. Guys… one person‘s opinion won’t be Blood Bowls downfall. Chill, please!
  17. Okay guys, I got a question for y'all. Killabosses, what's your status with them? Which ones do you actually use & why? What load out has proven to be worth it? Positive or negative surprises? Give me what you've got!
  18. Given the realm we fight in and the narrative context we have, anything else than Clan Moulder would surprise me. What‘d be more fitting, than a Clan that catches, breeds and mutates monsters?
  19. Yeah, this! My group (& I) are rarely so collectively excited for a new book? Product even. Can't wait to play with these rules. And as we're like 10 to 12 people in total we might just play our own "in house narrative "tournaments"".
  20. I‘ve so far have had good results with keeping the sludgeraker beast close to Gutrippaz and the shaman(s) with the bolt boys. As both effects don‘t multiply each other it’s not necessary to stack them. And should the bolt boys be in range of the sludgeraker it’s a nice bonus anyway. I do however mostly play 1500 point games these days, so the question whether to bring another shaman never arises. The whole army seems to perform quite a bit better at that scale anyway. Though I‘m not sure why. Maybe it’s the mindset of people playing at that point range. Maybe it’s because you just need 2 battlelines instead of 3.
  21. I agree. Still. Unlike for many other armies that have reliable killing power in melee, I think the Incarnate could actually be useful for us. It’s deadly and it pins a unit for at least a turn until it degraded earlier. Then again, would it be better than a pair of dragon riders? Or the Prime? Some Fulminators? Of that I‘m not yet convinced.
  22. In the same sense a Barak-Zon Admiral with the +2 Attacks Artifact, the new 3++, and his improved Hammer not only punches super hard, he‘d also have the iron star for a 2+ death ward, which could make him one of the best characters in the game to bind an Incarnate to. P.S. Aethershot rifles have a lower to wound chance than some bows shot by blind aelves. Just for the record. >.< I just realised that.
  23. It‘s called a „Kriegslist“ which I‘m not sure on how to translate. Direkt translation would be stratagem. Anyway, it says: “Once per game, when a skyvessel is about to shoot its weapons, you can declare one of its weapons to be „The Reliable One“. You may reroll all to hit rolls until the end of the phase.“
  24. I‘m guessing that some 10 Thunderers would be a good start. 15, yeah, well… that’s some real investment. P.S. I would have thought that more admirals would react to a buff of their warscroll. >.<
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