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Everything posted by zombiepiratexxx

  1. There has to be balance in the Force, for every Fulminators or Stormdrake Guard warscroll there has to be a Slaangors one to even things out
  2. Tokens for things like Battle Tactics make it all easier to remember on the table too, I find that useful when there's so many rules floating around.
  3. I love Feldherr stuff and use it for a lot of my things, however, you do have to know what trays you need as it's very possible (as you found out) to equip the boxes with trays that won't fit your models.
  4. Oddly enough, when you consider this fact, they are the most Slaaneshy unit going!
  5. I am putting my money on just the IDK and FS tomes being announced. The big news this year is the Eldar and CSM releases for 40k so those are what will get most of the showtime.
  6. Depends what you mean by "pure mortals" if you mean have a mortal army with a sideboard of Daemons for summoning then yes, I'd say that's the way to do it 100%, although some Daemons are good to have in your starting army. But if you mean, "I only want to play mortals and I have no interest in the Daemons" you're going to have a much harder time as our units are costed as they are because you are expected to summon in significant reinforcements through the game via your Depravity generation.
  7. I got the Battleforce for Christmas as it literally contains all the mortal units I wanted to make sure that my existing Daemons are now a proper 3.0 army. Considering the discount you can get it's possible to save 50% off retail for units that can be quite expensive to purchase so I'd say it's a great buy.
  8. Slaangors would be a ton better if they just added the Gilded weapon to all of them and not just the champion. They'd still not be a brilliant warscroll but they'd be able to put out some more damage.
  9. Almost like the fact that the Daemons were the OP part of the old book so they can't be looked out, only the new mortal units can be tweaked lol.
  10. All around this looks like an incredibly disappointing round of updates, especially considering the hype in its coming.
  11. Last wekend when I was looking around Goblin had the battleforces at 10% off, now 5%, they seem to be slashing discount on stuff. I got my one from a different site at 20% off so consider that I got a really decent svaing against retail.
  12. Got the despatch notification for my Battleforce, looks like it's going to be a Hedonite Christmas for me!
  13. Totally agree on this point. The nerf bat swung too far and too harshly, if everything went back to book values rather than 3.0 I think things would be a better start. Sadly Slaangors need far more than just a points tweak.
  14. Also, let's not forget that in terms of Battle Tactics summoning actually becomes a weakness because nothing you summon can achieve certain Battle Tactics as they specify that it's only models from the starting army that are allowed to score. So summoning a Kipper may help with extra VPs for completing some stuff with a monster, you might not be able to score at all in the first place.
  15. I'd much rather depravity work like Waaagh points in Big Waaagh Warclans. Where your depravity is a tally and that the more points you get equates to bonuses like +1 to hit, +1 to wound, +1 to cast, +1 to AS and then, once you get to a large tally of points you can spaff it all on a turn of delicious climax and get like +1 attack on every melee weapon in the army for a turn or something, then it all resets as the ecstasy fades. Wouldn't be hard to do, gets rid of Summoning which means units can be better priced and balanced. It's not that hard to do and still make it feel like a Slaanesh army.
  16. As an anecdote to support all your points, when Slaanesh got its proper AoS tome I grabbed a couple of start collecting sets, Fiends, Daemonettes, enough to get a good start on the army. Slaanesh has always been my favourite Chaos power and I used to play pure Slaanesh in Fantasy battle (sold off when GW was at its darkest point). So, when the new book came out with new models I was all over it. I didn't get to play during the 2.0 hey day but painted a unit of Daemonettes quicker than anything I'd ever painted before or since. Then the new book came out and so I grabbed it, even though the previews were kind of sucky but the models were amazing. All I got that initial weekend was the book, cards and dice. I never bought any of the new mortals. The rules seemed so lackluster, the nerfs too far and too deep, the points increases were insane and Daemons seemed relegated to summoning, so I'd need to put a lot of money into the mortals side to feel like I wouldn't just get curbstomped every game. I don't care too much about winning but the best games are the ones where either side can, I just wanted to be able to have good games where my opponent and I both feel like we have a chance. So, rather than spend a lot of money in getting the mortals I would have liked (not to mention the tricky part of actually building a list that felt like it had teeth) I actually used the money I would have needed to buy mortal stuff and picked up 2k of Daughters of Khaine (another army I have always liked as Witch Elves were my favourite unit in OG Dark Elves which I also played in WHFB). Therefore, that book and the decision made completely stopped me from spending money. It's all coming OK in the end as I've ordered the Christmas battlebox, but that's because it's an almost 50% discount on buying the stuff separately and contains just what I'd be buying if I had the choice. I'm buying it for a love of the models, army, lore and aesthetic, rather than the fact I expect them to win. I doubt that many others are as taken with the faction as I am and are willing to put their hard earned disposable income into it. I find the irony quite delicious that Slaanesh players tend to be passionate about the faction and stick loyally to their obsessions lol.
  17. I hope they don't do that, I just wrote my army list off what I am going to be using out of that box with some of the Daemons that I own (other than I'll need to assemble a lot more for summoning).
  18. Would be cool if we could actually get a new Shaman kit, but then I think about how many NH heroes were locked purely into Soul Wars.
  19. Pre-ordered my box through an online retailer so it's almost 50% saving for me (if they get the stock they say they are). Will he happy if I do get it as it's all the mortals I don't own but would give me the core of the army I feel I need to be able to put on the table so I can then use the 3500pts of pure Daemons that I own lol.
  20. You can't take more than one Hunters battalions btw, Battle packs ones are single use only.
  21. I've played one game so far with my KB and even after that one game I went and drew up a list with a second Sludgeraker in it. A lot of our stuff is expensive but I can definitely see an argument to be made for a second.
  22. Imagine if GW have done a 200 IQ play and they know that Slaangors are about to be the new hotness when they release the next update and the warscroll is changed!!! I don't expect it (and will hopefully have a copy of the box under the Christmas tree from Santa) but it would be hilarious.
  23. Their own tournament meta data shows Slaanesh as circling the drain so hopefully they'll do something to correct things. Not a swing that gets us back to the original 2.0 book but hopefully not the trash tier they're perceived as being right now.
  24. 2", works better with the standard unit of 10 as 32mm bases will otherwise ****** you with needing coherency and outside of buffs they hit like a pool noodle anyway.
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