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Everything posted by Sleboda

  1. This is my approach in general as well. This time, though, it seems somehow more crazy and hard. Dunno. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I don't recall it ever being so frustrating to keep track of an army before.
  2. Well. Oh my. Just played my first 2000 point Nighthaunt game. How in the heck do people remember all the twisty-turny fiddly bits??? I tried to make a super simple list and still ended up forgetting a ton of things. I like the models, but if I'm going to have to remember that much each phase, all the time, I'm not sure how I'll get games played in a timely fashion. Yes, reference sheets will help, but yowza! It was just this: Mounted Knight with +1+1 sword The other mounted hero The jailor guy The wizard lantern guy 40 chainrasps 30 sickle guys 20 sword guys 16 horse face guys 6 spirit hosts The Cogs (never got them to cast) Pretty simple list, but wow was it convoluted. I won, but sheesh! Any advice on keeping things straight?
  3. I had to use Google to search for Warhammer Underworlds Errata. A PDF came up. Not sure where it actually resides.
  4. I'm sure there are other ways to approach it but for me the whole deck, and therefor the plan, revolves around 'no bad draws, everything works together.' My aim is to make sure that whatever I draw, I can use. I never want to mulligan. This has led me to a deck with several easy objectives based around things I want to do anyway. The new FAQ hurts one of my objectives and ever so slightly diminishes Varclav's utility (move two fighters through enemies), but even that is still useful since I will be using Move and Charge actions to go through people and rearrange the board in unexpected ways. Varclav is also very useful for this rearranging that I like. When a single activation can result in up to 10 hexes of movement, it can dramatically shift the board, and your opponent will often struggle to come to grips with the new situation. Maybe she thought she had a great single attack set up, but now the support situation has altered. Maybe he thought he could get through to a key hex but now the way is blocked by the three guys you put in his way. Maybe he used up his pushes from his ploys because he didn't think you could claim enough on-the-board objectives (by the way, it's annoying that we have objective cards and objective tokens - they should not have the same name) but now you can hop onto three objectives at once and score Supremacy. There are just so many ways to change the board state with a single action. As to your chainrasps trying to damage things, this is another case where Varclav can help. You can surround a model so that it is damaged even on a tie result. Yes, you expose one of them to getting hit, and will often lose one, but then all the others are inspired and hit better and/or dodge better. Sacrifice one (maybe) to shift the stats on the board pretty dramatically.
  5. There is a fair bit of face smashing, yes, but the rewarding part is the positioning game and how that helps trigger some objectives and make use of some other cards. Getting multiple models to inspire at once, early, is a breeze but also fun to see happen. Using Shardfall and models to do damage even when the enemy defends against your attacks is great. Sending the Queen into the enemy's "safe" areas to assassinate a key model is awesome. It's just a really fun way to play. I use Varclav's ability at least 5 times per game on average. He is, without a doubt, the key model in the war band. The Queen is expendable, but he is not.
  6. Just an update. I've played a bunch more games, with no losses. In fact, in most games I only lose one or two fighters. My average glory spread is now about 13-3, so winning by 10. My opponents so far have been Orruks, Stormcast wizards, Skaven, Gits, and Tzeentch. I made some minor adjustments to the deck, and will likely swap out a card or two still (Vampiric Weapon, for instance - since I have only had it matter one attack total in all my games). Here is the current list: O: Escalation, Well-Guarded, Master of War, Superior Tactician, Treacherous Foe, Swarming Spirits, Chosen Champion, Undefeated, Death Sentence, Loner, Fired Up, Shining Example, Great Gains (will probably remove this one soon) U: Awakened Weapon, Driven by Hatred, Inescapable Vengeance, Opportunist, Great Fortitude, A Destiny to Meet, Incredible Strength, Creeping Terror, Vampiric Weapon, Tome of Disease (wow, this is an awesome card - totally plays into how the warband works for me) G: Howling Vortex, Distraction, Vengeful Curse, Inspiration Strikes, Shardfall, Rending Scream, Endless Malice, Sudden Appearance, Maddening Cackle, Drifting Advance I'm sure I'll run into a bad streak at some point (and I know what I would do to beat my own warband), but so far it's lovely.
  7. The glue melts the plastic a little, and that reaction creates gas, which has nowhere to go. That's why you should not get glue in the holes. The gas will actually seek to escape and push the parts apart.
  8. I don't know what others thought of them, but to me they (and the single story ones) are very much "meh." They just don't scream AoS to me. More like Middle Earth. I've bought a ton of Kill Team buildings, and I like the modular concept, but unless the AoS stuff gets a visual boost, I don't see myself buying any. If I'm not unique, maybe GW is thinking they should rework them.
  9. When the fish get too big, we're gonna need a bigger boat
  10. Souretongue question - Does he inspire only after the Activation is complete? If not, there is no reason to ever look at his uninspired card face. He inspires after "an activation" which means even if the opponent goes first, he inspires instantly. The only way to get a shot at him on one Dodge is to hit him with your first attacker and rule that he doesn't inspire until the activation is fully completed.
  11. Sure! I'm making some changes (just beat the Gitz 8-4 and want to adjust), but current deck is: O: Bigger They Are, Precise Use, Escalation, Poised to Strike, Well-Guarded, Master of War, Superior Tactician, Treacherous Foe, Swarming Spirits, Chosen Champion, Undefeated, Death Sentence U: Awakened Weapon, Driven by Hatred, Inescapable Vengeance, Opportunist, Great Fortitude, A Destiny to Meet, Sadistic Strike, Incredible Strength, Creeping Terror, Vampiric Weapon G: Howling Vortex, Distraction, Vengeful Curse, Inspiration Strikes, Shardfall, Rending Scream, Endless Malice, Sudden Appearance, Maddening Cackle, Drifting Advance
  12. I bought them during the Great Deception (End Times).
  13. Hi all. I finally decided to attack my Legions army. I have all the models, including the full Nighthaunt range, so I can do whatever I want. I'm still confused as heck as to how to actually build a list. With all the allegiance, alliance, magic, Realm, battalion, etc. stuff it's hard to know if I'm doing it right at all, but that's not the point of this post. I'm writing here to see what I'm missing about Morghasts. I have 12 so I was excited to finally put them in a list, but when I saw their points I was stunned. How in the holy schnickschnack are they 110pts each?!!?! What am I not getting?
  14. As soon as I read that card I thought "Well, there's one that will cause unresolvable arguments - I'm not using it."
  15. I'm about a dozen games in with them now, and while I'm certainly not claiming to be some sort of gaming genius, I'm winning 4 out of 5, and pretty easily at that. I take on the Gitz today, so we'll see if that changes. As with all my warbands, I am completely ignoring the objectives on the board. The game is in a state where trying to hold them is largely folly, so I don't waste any effort trying. I go full on aggressive, with the key being Varclav. I don't care if the Queen dies. In fact, I often surprise my opponents with how I use her. They expect a leader to be played cautiously, and they also tend to hunt leaders when they can, so using her the way I do throws them off. My objective deck is weighted toward easy-to-score immediate cards, with Superior Tactician added for a boost. I usually score 8-10 of my objectives, and often score them all. My average final score is around 15-7. Not overwhelming or massive, but solid.
  16. Are they offering free replacements for the defective ones?
  17. If that's how it's phrased, then yes. It still gives an advantage in that you may get your opponent to take a different action than he wanted.
  18. Nothing evil about it. Just a different perspective on a myth.
  19. There woukd be better ways to phrase it. Example : "Counts as having a supporting fighter. If he already has one or more supporting fighters, he counts as having one more."
  20. In terms of marketing, though, it can't be. AoS doesn't have Orks.
  21. I'm excited for new Slaanesh stuff because it means I'll finally be able to combine it with all the cool recent Nurgle stuff to do a proper STD army.
  22. I would give GW direct access to my bank account if they did. One of my top 2 favorite games ever.
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