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Posts posted by Lior'Lec

  1.      @Overread to play casually then your warband of choice plus the starter set is the easiest way to go and still a very reasonable price. If you find yourself wanting to add some more variety into your deck building later then either the powers unbound or leaders decks would give you some new options but they aren’t necessary. 

         If you don’t pick up one of the starter sets then order yourself some 3rd party tokens or make some yourself. The mechanics of the game are based on the tokens, they are required. 

         If you want to play a magic warband (including  Godsworn Hunt) but cannot locate the Nightvault starter set you don’t actually HAVE to have the magic dice. The magic dice have the same symbol frequency as the combat dice, they just substitute one symbol for another which you can do yourself if just playing for fun. Crit, Support 1 and 2, Minor Magic/Attack, Greater Magic/Attack x2.

         Obviously if you were wanting to play competitively (or are a completionist like me) you would want to have everything. So by asking your questions I think it’s fairly safe to say you aren’t looking to attend tournaments. 

  2.      I think getting some small stickers with a fancy or runic looking “3” on them and placing them in the corners of appropriate victory condition cards would be helpful. I think using victory conditions such as grab the treasure type missions might be the most fun for three players. 

  3.      On the subject of a universal push ability: what about a variable cost ability? If your fighter has equal or greater strength than the target strength it costs a double to push but if the target is stronger it takes a triple? The push itself is a single die attack using the standard rules, if you fail the attack roll the target gets either a free attack action in response or gets to push your fighter away (no roll required for counter push). A successful push lets you move the target 1/2 value of the ability dice rounded up.

         This is untested but to me seems more thematically correct. Weaker fighters have to work harder to push larger enemies. Even with strong fighters there is always a chance of failure and failure carries an actual risk which introduces a decision on the defending player’s part. 

    • Like 2
  4. 35 minutes ago, Jeff Egan said:

    I think these videos have given away quite a bit. Here is what we can safely assume.

         Emphasis mine, and that’s exactly my point. We can assume and infer a lot but it confirms little. Most of your points could be inferred from the first teaser and all we have so far is still just assumptions. 

  5.      @N1SB You’re not exactly correct on the flight. While you’re correct that it cannot be used on a disengage action you can use it on every normal move action, not just the first. The strength of the flight for Nighthaunt comes from the fact that every fighter inherently gets the ability while other factions only have 1-2 fighters with the runemark or must rely on ability dice.

    • Like 1
  6.      I’ve been waiting for these new Fireforge models to be released for a while and they’re right around the corner now (but I’m waiting on the zombies myself). The northern kingdoms line have a definite Anglo-Saxon vibe to them and scale very well as you can see from the photo. While the fireforge guys don’t have a very wide selection for load out (spear, sword and shield, or bows if I remember right) the scale seems close enough that any free guild bits you want to use should work.

         While I haven’t tried them myself Perry Miniatures are making many 28mm historical and fantasy miniatures, and seeing how they did sculpt for GW for years I would assume they scale fairly well. 


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  7.      @Grimrock thanks, noticed that one scrolling through the card. I was mostly worried on whether or not having the  pedestal bases raised up would cause problems for the bridges but it looks like they cannot be glued down anyway (sometimes they’re on long sides, sometimes on the short sides). Thinking I may pick up some block ceramic magnets or just some bar steal to magnetize the pedestal bases. I still need to get some to magnetize my varinspire ruins for easy transport anyway.

    Edit: maybe tomorrow before I get done with the IG’s... seems I underestimated how much I had left to do...

  8. On 8/16/2019 at 1:49 AM, pseudonyme said:

    You should either wait for the faq, or use the email address Sam Pearson communicated for the faqs (look ais his twitter account)

         Some of us don’t do social media... well I don’t at any rate. Can we get that email address posted here please?

  9.      @Christopher Rowe On your top points:

         The ladder from middle to top section of the bell tower can be glued, that’s just a matter of personal preference.



         You can glue the wall sections of the ruins together to build the four ruined buildings. Again, this is personal preference, but for stability I would glue them. If you build and glue them according to the directions on the blog you’ll have four sections that use up all of your pieces and match all of the cards. The only reason I’d see to leave them unglued was if you wanted to expand it with other kits down the road.

         On your questions:

    1) No, leave part D7 unglued (I missed this one myself)

    2) No, you want both sets of stairs removable.

    3) Sorry, haven’t found anything missing myself and haven’t heard any rumors about missing sprues or pieces.

    4) Silly Putty, Blu Stuff/Poster Tac should all work ok to hold pieces together but they’ll fall apart if someone pushes a little on them. As for the paint job I’ve used blue stuff and poster tac both as a mask when airbrushing and can confirm they don’t damage the paint underneath (assuming the primer and paint are dry and cured).


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  10.      I’ll be finished with my Iron Golems this evening and decided I’ll skip the mausoleum and jump onto the shattered stormvault next. For those of you who’ve already started on this kit: are there any inconsistencies in the kit like with the ruin city that I should be aware of before starting? Also, if I set the podium risers (the bit the columns sit on top of) up one step higher than the floor height would it make setting up the terrain according to the cards difficult? 

  11. 39 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Lots of my posts here follow that common theme: making sure my creative or interpretative choices don't negatively impact my opponent negatively.

    I'm trying to limit peoples'enjoyment or ability to make cool stuff.

         Triple negative! Oh the pain! I don’t try to limit anyone’s enjoyment personally, well anyone except my kids.

         But seriously I’m not accusing you of trying to be a party pooper, just pointing out that in both RAW and RAI all four figures work in game. Bashas and Hackas are functionally identical in play; your options are: two handed weapon, dual weapons, weapon and shield, or leader with two weapons. Brutes are slightly more diverse. 

         Does anyone have a standard ardboy they could post a size comparison of with a brute and one of the shadespire Ardboyz? I don’t have any standard Ardboyz but have noticed the Ironskullz boys are actually about the same size as the brutes and want to see the comparison. Are the old black Orcs the same size as the brutes or slightly smaller like the old green skin Orcs?

  12.      @AmurayiWestgate It isn’t, while the Nighthaunt are fun to play thanks to their unique mix of maneuverability and resilience their abilities are overall kinda meh. You’ll find yourself focusing mostly on universal abilities with the Reaper’s and Spirit Host’s abilities firing off at times and the occasional quad used to bring back a fighter. Now if the ability was FAQ’d to grant multiple/all minions the bonus or an escalating bonus based on the number of minions then it might be worth using but as it stands I haven’t found any point in using it yet. It’s essentially onslaught with an extra restrictions of minions only and with another minion within 3”. 

         Essentially the best way (I’ve found) to play Nighthaunt is to focus on the objectives while using your high resilience to tie up the enemy. 

  13. 5 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Isn’t there a bit shop that has them? Or a local Facebook group you could ask in?

         Looked the other day and everywhere I tried was either out of stock or ~$10 just to get the shields (minimum orders and such). I’ll check one more time before buying but will buy the full kit before spending that much for a single bit. I don’t do FB and social media. 

  14.      Hey all, was sent this pic in a message and asked if I knew anything about it. I have no idea whatsoever so figured I’d ask the community. Anyone have some insight? AoS RPG related? Book/novel? Fan supplement (doubtful)? Blood Warriors kicking their way into 40k and killing everyone so GW can focus on AoS properly (ok... maybe slightly less likely that a fan supplement)?


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  15. 3 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Actually, also @DrJekyll325 , I've just had another look at Ironskull's Boyz and it turns out that the only one that has a use in Warcry is Bonekutta. Gurzag and Basha have the wrong weapons to match any of the Ardboyz, and Hakka is not a Brute, which is the only 2-choppa Warcry orruk.



         No the entire warband can be used and still fits with wysiwyg. Take a look at their official AOS warscroll: Gurzag carries Orruk-forged choppa and smasha (so can be played as a boss or as a standard ardboy), Bonekutta wields an Orruk-forged Big choppa, and Basha and Hakka both carry Orruk-forged choppa and smasha. Yes, two of them carries dual choppas and one carries two smashas but the rules do NOT distinguish between the two. 440 points for all four if you play Gurzag as an ardboy; 520 if you use him as a boss. 

         I’m currently using all four plus two brutes but I wanna convert either Hakka or Basha to a shield boy. Sadly no one seems to have a shield bit for me buy, so looks like I’ll have to buy a whole box for just the one bit (again). 


  16.      @thediceabide No they don’t; their ability states they cannot move over 3” vertically. If the platforms are considered 3” then it is still a legal move. They can still move to all of the same places. Essentially what we’ve done is declare each “level” of a building to be 3” high for all movement and ability purposes. 

  17. 4 minutes ago, thediceabide said:

    So question for you about the Shrike Talon. Their ability requires you ending your move >3” lower to get the extra bonus, so far very little of the terrain is over 3” tall, so far only the bell tower allows you to do this (if you’re using terrain cards), none of the graveyard or stormvault terrain has platforms over 3” from the ground either. Think there is hope they’ll change the wording on the ability?

         While I don’t know about any FAQ’s being released yet with the local guy’s I’ve played with we’ve all agreed to just round it up when measuring distances. Otherwise there’d be no reason to worry about impact damage and falling which (to us) makes for a less cinematic battle. You fall 1/4”, it’s an inch. You fall 2-1/2” you fall three inches. 

  18.      @Dew, No, the only fighter(s) you’re restricted on are the leaders. You may only have a single leader in your roster. For the unique chaos teams this means just the one leader who comes in the box. Other than this your warband must have: 3 fighters minimum, 15 maximum warband size, 1k points maximum value.

         Your roster can exceed the 1k point limit in order to customize your warband for the opponent but has a hard limit of 20 fighters on the roster. Note you select your warband and break them into the dagger, hammer, and shield before you draw from the battleplan decks so you’re only adjusting for the enemy faction not the game scenario itself.

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  19. Edit: Found the article, wasn’t even what I remembered. Mods feel free to delete this thread please.

         A few months back white dwarf ran an article about painting the Azyrite ruins in different schemes to represent different realms. I was looking through my back issues to use it as a reference last night but cannot seem to locate it anymore. Does anyone recall the article who could help me locate it? I’m about 75% certain I didn’t just imagine the entire thing...

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