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Everything posted by AaronWilson

  1. I like 1 unit of Pinks in a mixed list, while there are other threats on the table they generally get to do there thing being a 10 would wizard with +1/2 to casting rolls which is great for endless spells. Using 1's for the DD also means your opponent has to kill them all some are coming back and they supply Blue Horrors points while dying, which I think at one unit the points they provide is feasible to summon the blues in good positions to help hold objectives which we are weak at. I think the Tzaangor Shaman is still worth and has a lot of merits, his Sorcerous Elixir is now better as you can cast Boon twice, which can help refill your Tzaangors, or he can throw out endless spells, etc. Having a 16" move is also fantastic for getting him into a position where he can threaten backfield objectives if people leave them unguarded. Lastly I totally think the +1 to wound is worth it, especially when you think about the sheer amount of hits a unit of Tzaangors put out.
  2. So the game 2k game against NH went very well last night. My opponent ended up at the end of battle round 3 with only 2 spirit hosts & 1 guardian of souls left on the table. I only had only lost 20 Acolytes, 5 Horrors ( 3 of which came back ) and 5 Tzaangors but had summoned 10 Blue Horrors , 1 Herald & 3 Screamers and would of had enough to summon another 10 blue horrors next turn. I think I may do a blog dedicated to my lead up to the throne of skulls in October, doing some in depth battle reports as well as hobby progress etc to not clutter this thread up with wordy battle reports.
  3. I'd look at dropping Kairoc (380) & Skyfires (220) and adding 30 Tzaangors (480) which would leave you 120 points to do what you'd like with, though I'd recommend 100% Umbral Spell Portal in your list. In will allow you to throw all your spells out turn one (Inferno Flames, Bolt of Tzeentch, Infernal Gateway & Tzeentchs Firestorm). That would leave you 60 points for either another endless spell (I think the Geminids of Ulh-Gysh are currently a massive steal at 40 points) or you could bank a command point for that turn 1 Inspiring Presence if someone gets the drop on you. Lastly if going 30 Tzaangors I'd replace the Ogroid for a Tzaangor Shaman, the Ogroids spell being FAQ'd to only be able to create Brimstones make his value drop a little & the Shamans mobility is excellent in scenario play as well granting the Tzaangors +1 to wound if within 9".
  4. Personally I don't think you want both kairos & loc, it's such a massive chunk of your list you have absolutely 0 board presence and no effective screening, as well as no solid melee units.
  5. Thanks mate! The only last question I have for the list is do I drop the second acolytes, upgrade my Shackles to a Balewind and bank a CP for that turn one 1 inspiring presence but I like the 2 lots of 10 acolyteas as they can make a 40" screen and having the extra bodies / chip damage seems useful. Only testing will tell.
  6. I've got a lot of inspiration from World of Warcraft as a game for a lot of different hobby things
  7. This is just not true, to include them in your army list it states you have to pay the points for them and have the model. The curseling rule on the warscroll is completely separate, as it's a unique rule on his warscroll. Hell GW have even FAQ's this to say it's okay so at this point it's not a debate anymore.
  8. Yeah sorry Fold Reality is on my Shaman, I just wrote the wrong spell because I'm dumb. I'll probably put Unchecked on my Pink Horrors.
  9. So I've got my first 2K game this week, going to take a lot of photos and do a battle report for you guys. Here's what I'm taking - Allegiance : Tzeentch Lord of Change - 380 Artefact - Gryph Feather Charm Lore of Change - Tzeentchs Firestorm Gaunt Summoner - 180 Lore of Change - Bolt of Tzeentch Tzaangor Shaman - 180 Lore of Change - Fold Reality Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch - 160 Trait - Magical Supremacy Lore of Fate - Glimpse the Future The Blue Scibes - 140 Lore of Change - Uncheked Mutation 30 Tzaangors - 480 10 Pink Horrors - 200 Lore of Change - Unchecked Mutation 10 Kairic Acolytes - 80 10 Kairic Acolytes - 80 Umbrall Spell Portal - 60 Geminids of Ulh-Gysh - 40
  10. I should clarify it doesn't make his stealing spell & re-casting it useless but it does in regards to stealing Endless spells. They have taken the time to FAQ it that he can do it, I would think if they expected us to pay for said spell they would of put it attached to said FAQ.
  11. The FAQ makes it pretty clear the Curseling can steal your opponents endless spells I don't see the argument. It makes no mention of paying points for them, which would make his ability useless.
  12. Sorry by Evocation points do you mean Fate Points? If so I really don't expect to save them up for a LoC. I think very, very best case you could potentially get a LoC by the end of turn 3 (This is very best case). Currently the game moves at a very fast rate, via alpha lists (Gorefist, Dreadwood, KO dropships) or Gunlines / Magical Gunlines, by turn 3 a lot of things are dead. Personally I'm probably going to summon whenever I can. Most likely a herald of Disc at the end of each turn, as he is another wizard, mobile, and a good spawn point for blues / brimstones. That said if you're massively ahead and don't feel any pressure and CAN save it to summon the chicken why not, summoning Pink Horrors is also another great unit to if you can. Another wizard and represents 50 wounds on the table.
  13. So I've got my first 2k game coming up next Wednesday, this is what I'm going with. Allegiance : Tzeentch Realm : Ghur LEADERS Lord of Change - 380 Artefact - Gryph Feather Charm Lore of Change - Tzeentchs Firestorm Gaunt Summoner - 180 Lore of Change - Bolt of Tzeentch Tzaangor Shaman - 180 Lore of Change - Unchecked Mutation Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch - 160 Trait - Magical Supremacy Lore of Fate - Glimpse the Future The Blue Scribes - 140 Lore of Change - Unchecked Mutation BATTLEINE 30 Tzaangors - 480 10 Kairic Acolytes - 80 10 Kairc Acolytes - 80 10 Pink Horrors - 200 Lore of Change - Fold Reality ENDLESS SPELLS Umbrall Spell Portal - 60 Geminids of Uhl-Gysh - 40 Soulsnare Shackles - 20 I might being a bit greedy with the second acolyte unit, as I could potentially drop it for a CP & Balewind (in place of Shackles). Though I feel with 2 units of 10 Acolytes that's something like 40ish of screening if I need it. The main thing that will force me to need a CP for turn one (for needing to autopass a big battleshock test on my Tzaangors) would be a idoneth eel spam & cog army. So I'm going to go greedy for now, I like having the extra models on the board to help with objectives, as we can be locked out of them fairly easily by mass alpha builds.
  14. Yeah that spell sits really well on him, a even better mystic shield. Its kind of funny as there’s little point rolling your initial dice roll for your armour saves as you re-roll 1s that fail and 2-6s that pass every time ?
  15. Yes sorry I was having a brain melt down with how re-rolls & applying modifiers are the re-roll works with the shield. So you essentially just always pick up your 2+’s and roll them again as they are all always successes until you apply modifiers. So if you mystic shield him you roll your saves, then just roll then all again and then that’s the result. My head hurts.
  16. Ahh that's make sense. It seems good I just double checked the item, I don't know what item I was thinking of no that does seem very good
  17. I thought the Paradoxial sheild allows the wearer to re-roll failed save rolls and +2 to them but if you fail a save the wearer is slain? I might be thinking of the wrong item Also the way rend applied to re-rolls isn't ideal for a 2+ save. Say you suffer 4 wounds at rend -2, due to modifiers applying after the roll you couldn't re-roll the 2's and 3's, because they're a pass until you apply the modifier. So if you roll 1,2,3,4 you can re-roll the one, not the 2,3 and then the 2,3 fail due to the -2.
  18. Ahhh yeah English is hard Fair enough, just if you roll a 1 into a 1 he dies. I've always liked the idea of paradoxal but the idea that he just dies on the failed save has always scared me off.
  19. I quite like the list, it has a fair amount of bodies which is nice for scenario plays. It might be working looking at taking Shield of Fate, I wouldn't normally reccommend at Tzeentch is light on saves and you want to burn through DD fast, but having a blob of warriors with a 4+ save re-rolling 1,2s and 3s seems good. Infusion Arcanum is a great spell for the Manticore lord, who isn't bad in combat in the first place and it also might be worth looking at the Gryph feather charm for him. He tends to attract a bit of heat as his a nasty spell (especially when manipulated via DD) so -1 to hit and making him faster seems solid.
  20. The Curseling is very good in a different way, he's a amazing defensive / utility caster. A 42" unbind range (with Magical Supremacy) which allows you to re-cast any applicable spells you do un-bind is massive. Put that on top of his two spells slots which are ideal for chucking your endless spells out as his Glean Magic is fairly situational all for a 160 point package is fantastic. The Gaunt Summoner is very good in a offensive way, as you said his spell will remove half a horde at a time and I typically use his second slot for Bolt of Tzeentch so he is a bit of a MW powerhouse. Both fantastic models, I'm playing my first 2k game next week and I'm taking both I'll take a read of the battle report, thanks for sharing bud.
  21. Yes Curzex As long as it doesn't state "Only a Stormcast Eternal Wizard can cast this spell" etc.
  22. Really sad I can't make this as it's the same weekend as the World Team Championship for Guildball, will 100% make the next one
  23. It feels very light on the ground at 1250 mainly due to the 6 Skyfires. I'm off the personal view Tzaangors are very much a waste at a unit of 10, i wouldn't take them at all at 10. Pesonally at 1250 I'd drop the Skyfires, and go for a unit of 20 Tzaangors & add the Gaunt Summoner which gets you to 1040. At that point you could add another 10 gors to make them 30, leaving you 90 points. You could go for a Balewind, or the Geminids and save the 50 for a command point, or go for the spell portal (which is very very good) and add something like the Soulbind shackles for the last 20.
  24. So I played a 1k point game last night against my friend which resulted in a bit of the feel bads. I took Gaunt Summoner Magister 20 Tzaangors 10 Pink Horros 10 Acolytes Geminids He took Knight of Shrouds Lantern hero that can return d6 models via a spell 40 Chainrasp 6 Spirit hosts 8 Banshee guys with scythes 4 Reapers We rolled for Places of Arcane power, he had 1 more drop then me so I got to decide first, I put pink bottom left, GS just behind them, Tzaangors centre middle, acolytes upper right with Masgister. Opponent dropped spirit hosts uppet left, rasps centre with lantern dude & knight, scythes dude very top right and the reapers went in the underworld.I gave him turn one as his army was quite slow and my deployment mitigated any good turn one pop ups via the underworld. Turn one he cast mystic shield on rasps, he popped shrouds CA (he was aware how fast I could propel my Zaangors with CA and I think he was expecting me to launch them into him). Everything ran, bar the scythe guys in the top right forwards. My turn one I started with Gaunt Summoner using Arcane Sacrifice on Horrors. He then cast a bolt into the hosts using 4,4 on my DD which killed a host. Magister cast glimpse, which got me a 6. I then used a 6&4 to cast Inferno flames, oppenent decided he had to try and stop it and failed, i think I killed 13 rasps. Horrors put up geminids, capping spirit hosts & rasps. Did 1 MW to hosts because of death saves but 5 more rasps. Movement I just waddled my Tzaangor up in the middle, leaving the rasps a 10" charge, acolytes move up on the right and horrors advanced bottom left onto the bottom objective. Shooting I killed 1 scythe guy with acolytes, magister missed, battleshock I think killed 7-8 more rasps. Ending battle round 1 on 5 fate points & 1 CP. I won the roll off, giving him first turn, as I wasn't threatened by any of his units and it would allow me to move the geminids. The geminids bounced over Rasps & Hosts again, dropping the hosts down to 4 models & killing 3 more rasps. Lantern guy failed his spell and then everything waddled up. The reapers came up within 9" of my Gaunt Summoner. Charge wise the spirit hosts got into my horrors & rasps rolled a 6,6 and landed in my Gors, I think I lost 3 gors (because of the double fight because of the roll of 10 or more from rasps), I left 5 rasps alive. The Spirit Hosts completely failed there roll. The reapers & banshee guys failed there charges needing 8&9" respectively. My turn 2 I cast bolt of change into the top right banshees, killing 1 and spawning a spawn. Horrors did arcane bolt into hosts, GS used Arcane Sacrifice on Gors, inferno flamed the rasps down to 2 and failed his Bolt of Tzeentch so leaving me on 8 points. Acolytes & Magister moved up top right, gors & horrors were in combat and GS moved centrally to the right to get away from reapers and make a good spawn point. End of movement I used 8 FP & 2 Blue horrors points to make 10 Blue Horrors. Shooting I killed 3 banshees with Acolytes & Magister, Horrors killed the 3rd spirit host. Combat I killed the rasps, failed a 4" charge twice with my acolytes, gors killed rasps and I ended on 3 CPs because horrors still held the bottom left objective. My opponent said he's happy to call it there, packed up quickly and really wasn't happy with how the game went. I felt super bad, I think I'll start leaving the Gaunt Summoner at home for more of the "casual" games I play locally.
  25. Thinking about it more, I see where Josh is coming from though. I think the Fate Point 10 statement is there because our lowest cost summon is 10 and GW just made a booboo stating it was 5. The Blue/Brimstone Horror rules state that you can them instead of Fate points, which would override the core rules of needing 10 fate points, using them instead. I don't think it's the death, it 100% makes matchups harder but I think if you can pick at units outside the bubble use things like Gateway, Bolt, Inferno Flames, Firestorm that do enough wounds to to somewhat mitigate the D3- it's not the end of Tzeentch
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