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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. I‘d love if they added a battalion in which one unit champion gains the hero keyword which enables the champ to get artefacts ❤️ just wishful thinking though, yet the incentive for conversions would be gargantuan!
  2. Black Knight are still too expensive. At 100 points they might we worth their weight.
  3. Due to the new ruling that modifiers are calculated „outside“ of the save first
  4. Ishlean Guard: Hiw does the whole effect stacking work? Example: They get +1 armour from the Leviadon. They‘re attacked by a -2 rend attack. a) Do the modifiers calculate outside of the save: +1-2= -1 rend -> immune to rend so the save stays at 4+ b) the unreadable completely ignores the rend, only adding the positive modifier: 3+ save remains against any kind of rend. Yesterday I played it like a. If I did it wrong, could someone please direct me to the rules paragraph where I can look it up?
  5. I disagree. I was able to keep my unit of 5 alive due to heavily investing CP: 3x All out Defence, 1x All out Attack, 2x Rally. You can barely heal them since they‘re not summonable. Edit: They‘re comparable to Ishlean Guard. Once a enemy directs Mortal wounds at them they‘ll die.
  6. I had a friendly game with my brother today. He fielded Nautilar Idoneth Deepkin I played Kastelai. [Spoiler]3.0VSBro.pdf 3.0 Rules, we both used a Warlord battalion. it was a very balanced Game with a big brawl in the center unless only one Allopex, a Tidecaster, the Leviadon, Radukar, the Vamp Lord and the Zombie Dragon Lord were left. My Blood Knights tanked half his army for two rounds up on the left flank and they survived with 2 Models though the Castelan was „Standing alone“ at some point, spiking his dice and killing the wounded Soulrender ei%2DDolon.pdf
  7. +1 I for one am pretty pleased about the hobby overall
  8. I for example would not. 5,99€ would be the most I would pay
  9. Got mine as well. 45 min wait time weredispkayed yet I waited perhaps 20 mins
  10. How so? What did the new rules invalidate that you use for Battleline?
  11. I am baffled by the only very slight increases for most shooting units.
  12. Chaos Marauders with min size 10 well we had it coming boys! Did everyone see the Soulsnare Shackles? You can‘t charge while you are within 6“ This might get problematic if you try to remove sentinels and Teclis just nopes you 😅 Sentinels went up 10 points...
  13. I don‘t see an issue there. when you add custom parts it‘s still a Citadel Miniature with a plastic base, yet the miniature might have more parts atop of it which don‘t count towards the miniature Imo as long as the core construct is a citadel Miniature 3D printed bits should not be an issue.
  14. Who cares? I still play my Slaves to Darkness Mammoth ^^ it’s funny that it might actually be worth it’s points in this edition
  15. @Enoby just say that you made those conversions with green stuff (which is fine because reasons)
  16. That‘s my biggest gripe about the new edition. „Look at me I am a god - double one - I guess I am not“
  17. Gravelords remain largely unaffected while Blood Knights have their trample rule clarified. CoS needs a little more consideration when building the army
  18. Strange, I actually dreamed of new juicy Black Knights (I am serious) 😅
  19. This is one of the first instances I've experienced in which the new restrictions come into play. Yet might be able to use this list with a double battlaion? (I don't have the new rules at hand) Edit: NVM I thought there was a Battallion allowing one more reinforcements, this is not the cause though. Never mind me
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