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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. They are not, in fact those models (the armours) are quite elegant. In the trailer the armour was needlessly bloated and cartoon-y.
  2. I just don't like their attendants. I'd love to keep 40K as much it's own thing as possible. Those attendants are 150% 40k nonsense.
  3. They look really good. I don't get why they're as chonky as they are in the trailer.
  4. It should be multiple choice. 1. Citadel - Because I know what to expect of them 2. Vallejo - Dropper Bottles are great, as are the colors (esp. for Air Brushing) 3. Scale75 - Mostly Metallics (their Golds and Copper Colors are on a completely different Level, lookign forward to testing their alchemy colors soon!)
  5. agreed. I'd like Witch Aelves to be armoured though.
  6. Getting IMMEDIATELY outdated rules for Dark Oath SUCKS 😕 All the tokens and warscroll cards are instant trash paper well nice models guess I'll get them if I can sell some of my Space Marines (too many minis at the moment) FINALLY the Prophetess has arrived!
  7. A thread for anything and everything High Elves. I‘ll start with a kitbash of a High Elven Mage + Lumineth Bits (WIP)
  8. So what could I convert the Kruleboyz Sludgegeraker into? I am open to ideas!
  9. Yup, saw them 🤷🏼‍♂️ they’re interesting. However so far the edition reads like 3. Ed. but with 4 CP and some restrictions.
  10. Oh no, it's the same old same old (except All-Out Defense only counts towards the attack action of one unit) I am quite disappointed however.
  11. Same, but I‘ll use a king as general and 30 longbeards fill out my core just fine
  12. Both have their place imo. I prefer TOW with a little more AoS to it though (Tabletop Tactics has a battle report for TOW up with an incredibly well converted Wood Elf army, it's just amazing!)
  13. You have no idea. That rat has no fur left under that chainmail XD
  14. Sadly yes. Though the player base increased by 70% (according to Honest Wargamer) it pretty mich died around here (South German Capital). And having had an AoS game last friday (the first since a long time) I am happy for the new edition since it’s less gun to me than TOW atm.
  15. Fixed that. *italian accent* oh, LEOnardO what-e are you-e doing here? Papa Sigmar hase been lookin for you-e
  16. I hate to say it, but I kind of like it 🤣 Now I want a CoS Ogor armed with two shields smashing enemies
  17. Wip Every 8-11 will have the same colors but different combinations
  18. Simplification of general game rules is fine. This isn’t a simplification but a removal of choice. Once units have no choices left they become boring since they can’t diverge from the behavioral pattern that’s been set for them. This is a case of a unit becoming boring (and once again more a token than a gaming piece). The removal of optional choice is seldom a good thing.
  19. In this case: The seas are in turmoil, Ulthuan suffers from Raider attacks and Plunderings (Chaos, DE, Vamps).
  20. Still doesn’t feel very godly to me. But let’s see about magic first.
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