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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. They did. And they do it pretty often: I was very confused when I entered my local store (click and collect) and asked when they might have the Celebration Models in stock(the cool Bullgore-Head Stormcast), we quickly figured out that the Warcom article had been altered. Before it claimed that those models would be available once the lockdown in the shop's region would end. Now it said (very, very clearly) that those models would only be available for the shop celebrations... that was confusing. I'd prefer them not to do that and instead put up an article with an apology and explain why the previous plan won't work.
  2. Yet I think we're asking ourselfes the wrong questions. But worry not, ancestry.com got us covered!
  3. Give me Soulblight Gravelords already! I need it
  4. A sheet of a clear paper folder is too small. For AoS you need a 12“ diameter per objective 😅
  5. Seems to me like Gravelords were supposed to be out before that White Dwarf
  6. Also the Wanderers as Step-Step Children discover that they really dislike Kurnothi. A forbidden rivalry unfolds among step-step and step-ish children. Who will Alarielle love the most?
  7. Seems weird to me. Adding restrictions to AoS usually isn‘t GW‘s style. It‘s been a rather open Ruleset so far.
  8. The way it is in 40k rend isn't being restricted iirc To hit, to wound and armour is restricted to min -1 and max +1
  9. I agree. Yet, concerning the source: I highly doubt anyone with such insider knowledge could spill the AoS3 rules without being drowned in a sea of lawyers. So I doubt it's credibility though most changes sound reasonable
  10. Defected to chaos. So no Necromancer Kemmler for Death.
  11. I just hope the Warscrolls won‘t be blant Stats-Carriers (quite an issue of the current Slaanesh imo). I‘d prefer toned down LRL Warscrolls for our blood addicts. (Meaning: flaverfoul, useful rules that don’t break 3 core rules at once xD)
  12. I hope you are aware that the reduced table size is the recommended minimum table size? It‘s completely legal to go bigger in 40K iirc. Yet I don‘t see why those changes are bad. They‘re just that: changes. I also doubt they‘ll just be a copy and paste of Warhammer Fantasy Rules. You‘ll probably have to pay a CP for those or you‘ll be restricted to one per Battleround.
  13. Same. They should remove warscrolls from Battletomes anyway (imo)
  14. 🤔 true. Didn‘t see that part. They basically want you to stack the little ones first in order to block less fields with them. If you do not play it like that you put the players at a handicap ^^
  15. It‘s a can not a must. I am a bit confused about the movement if an enemy is adjacent. Could s.o. Explain? The German of CC is a bit wonky at times.
  16. I am personally not upset at all. However to calm down those people who are upset: Release a roadmap for the next 3 months. Let people know what they can expect (in detail, not just „new AoS“ release or some mystical new faction) in detail (new Idoneth while revealing all models)
  17. I feel the same way. Yet I am burning to know what we can expect for Soulblight Gravelords.
  18. Don‘t tease me imagine the new Skeletons, but with bows 😍
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