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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Quite honestly: we need to get away from the term „Balance“ since it is way too broad. What GW should do is making every Warscroll decent - do not overdo them, simply make them decent. This means: Every Warscroll needs a role and it needs to be good at something’s that’s relevant to the army. There‘re a lot of warscrolls that are obviously not decent like the Black Knights, Wight Kings, most SCE Heroes, Chaos Warbands, Certain Wizards riding noble creatures etc. Most of these Warscrolls can be identified as trash by a quick glance: Oh it has the melee profile of a Skeleton, the armour save too and a non-scalable maybe-Mortal wounds mechanic on the charge, while there is no retreat and charge in the entire army? Maybe that Warscroll should be rewritten.
  2. First off: it does. Most armies lack mortal wound output. A 2+ unrendable (because you have +3 to the save) prevents 5/6 of all attacks. You‘ll basically need a gazillion attacks to kill anything. Just one example: I played a guy who managed to keep 2 auras of +1 to save online combined with all out defense and mystic shield he basically had a +3 save for half of his army (Sylvaneth). That Game was fun, not. You can‘t strategize against that unless you know that you‘ll be facing this exact list. Since, you know, save stacking isn’t all they do, it’s just an easy to uphold ability/spell while there’s a lot more going on, like obscene amounts of Mortal wounds (Alarielle’s spell) and the whole battle. Save stacking is a huge issue in this edition. As mentioned: most armies don’t have the tools to fight it and some armies get +x to their save way too easily.
  3. Same. The only thing that really stings is the save stacking. They REALLY should limit the amount of +1 save you can get to a max of 2. Some armies can rack up so many +1 to save buffs super easily. At some point you can't kill anything anymore when they can get multiple heroes to a unrendable +2 save due to having a +3 or +4 to save inside an aura. - it's unfun. We also need way more rend -3 in the game. Maybe even as genereic command ability for melee combat.
  4. My Myrmidon has slain like 40 Stormcasts on his own. I play him in Ravagers with the Flames of Spite CT and a Khorne mark. Boy, he wrecks face. Let‘s not forget about the Lord on Karkadrak: With Eternal Vendetta, Khorne Mark and the Amulet he gets to god-levels of damage and survivability. It‘s bonkers - against order he will kill any foot hero and slaughter ~ 1k points on his own (my experience)
  5. Save your money for the Battleforce. This Warcry box is too expensive.
  6. That is the exact reason why products are getting binned - product management and rotation. You implicitly said I could be lying so you can believe what you will, I've no reason to lie. I made the comparison because you asked yourself why they did not sell those items at a discount instead of binning them. It's the same with perishable products: They could gift those to the employees, to homeless people etc. yet most still don't. That was my comparison ^^ (the reason most often is the fear to lose profit or to devalue their brand) This I do not know. My assumption was, that they've made so many Dominion boxes that binning those would actually be a significant loss of money, so they decided (for the first time) to sell those at a reduced price. If I had to guess I'd say that shelf life for push-fit is as long as an edition cycle. Boxed sets are very varied so they will have to go once a similar set is launched
  7. Other things that are sent back to GW to be perished: overstock of books, outdated books, for example the old Nighthaunt push-fit kits etc. to make room for new product. I‘d prefer companies to sell those at a discount or give them away, yet it‘s not the case in most businesses. If the production cost of a product is 50 cents you won’t invest 2 Dollars to recycle or upcycle or rebox it. Tossing products into the bin: Amazon does it, most bakeries do it, the Food Industrie does it, the tech-Industrie does it. What makes you even think GW does not do it? Quite honestly: believe what you will - I an sorry to have burst your bubble.
  8. It is not a guess and they don’t. Simply destroying the products is way cheaper than: 1. Unpacking the product 2. sorting the sprues 3. Repackaging while having to pay for the storage They send products back and destroy / throw them into the bin since producing new models is cheaper than repackaging. Older and out of date books are obviously destroyed How I know this? Just talk to to employees across several countries, it’s not a secret. The day all the stock of Settra the Imperishable perished. I don’t get why you are shocked, the whole online business operates this way apart from very small companies. Once a company produces in masses the cost of storage are higher than the production costs of the product.
  9. I did not explain more about it because it has been this way for years. Boxes that are being put out of the shelf are sent back for destruction. The same goes for books etc. I didn’t know this was news to anyone?
  10. Awesome terrain and the Warband would make nice Marauder Proxies
  11. Nothing against Nurgle, however: passively dealing mortal wounds forever? Seriously? We don‘t need more mortal wounds in the game for Sigmar‘s sake…
  12. Point changes are fine. However, as you‘ve stated, those changes do nothing to make very weak and flavorless warscrolls any more interesting or usable. I‘d prefer them to update bad warscrolls every year/half a year. This way they can avoid rewrites by making the warscroll useful the moment it is released. Latest examples for WS that need a rewrite: Black Knights, Wight Kings, half of the Stormcast Heroes.
  13. This is an overreaction. There are so many factors that jumping to this conclusion isn’t logical. 1. Over-production: usually GW destroys left stock. This however might not be financially viable since they‘ve produced too much. 2. Price-Breaking point: Maybe those boxes lately were simply too expensive and a certain percentage of people did not buy the models at that price 3. Overestimated demand: SCE and Orcs aren’t the most favorite AoS armies. Overestimating demand let to 1. 4. Trying out new sale methods imo some boxes were clearly 2. (the scenery Card board boxes) Dominion was a mix of 1. 2. 3. Yet all of this culminated in 4.
  14. Yeah, I stopped watching such videos. I don‘t know any YouTuber that’s negative towards GW tbh. On a different note: Maybe those boxes didn’t sell due to their price and GW has finally reached a breaking point at which customers are finally stopping to buy. (those play-boards are a joke, I own 4 of them and I used those 6 times so far. They’re already showing significant wear, with layers coming lose due to the way those boards are folded. Seriously they’re selling 2 colored cardboards for 40€ wth?)
  15. They usually simply destroy boxes that have to leave the shelf. Don’t you worry about their profit margins
  16. This is the reason I haven’t bought any Freeguild infantry: I want new models for it first!
  17. Considering the shipping issues world wide I rather doubt it, sadly 😕
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