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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. 🤣 nice catch. And Lord Bequise the Brutal is finally recognized by the dark powers. He ascends turning into: Be‘lakor - wait what 🤣🤣
  2. I agree. It was easy to get into. I work in a mentally draining job, I don’t have the nerf for a massive mental load and confronting Mortal Wound spam Tournament wombo-combos every evening when I want to have a fun, fluffy, game to calm down.
  3. Someone in the studio really loves nurgle
  4. Outside if 7“ and rerolling charges. But that’s only for Annihalators + Command Ability. all the other paladins have 4“ movement and are trash ^^
  5. It's interesting. I for one hate Nurgle XD
  6. They quite often make the same mistakes several times. Might be a lack of allocated resources or time 🤷🏼‍♂️ but c‘mon, what do you expect from a billion dollar company and aluxury product for 40€? 😉 —- Imo the Community should more often fix whatever the designers break or neglect.
  7. You mean downgrade, right? 😂🤣 *SadBlackKnightNoises*
  8. Magnify the image. The new Chaos Warriors have visible eyes - they simply didn’t paint them 🙂 Concerning Valrak: I don’t get why people watch him. All he does is reading WarCom Articles in front of a camera and brainstorming what could be - I wouldn’t even call that content tbh (utterly replaceable by anyone who can read and owns a camera)
  9. I‘ve got an easy fix for you: How would you feel if I told you that your armies will double their Mortal Wound output soon? You don‘t like save stacking? How about I compensate you with mortal wounds? Are your dice rolling bad today? Just go ahead and deal some automatic mortal wounds - Life is good with Mortal Wounds (Buy now and get 2 Mortal Wounds for the price of one!) As regards to risks and side-effects, ask your doctor or pharmacist —- Seriously though: Using the core rules to spice armies up is fine to a degree. Until it’s overdone. My experience confirms the heavily dwindling AoS Player base in my local club as well. It’s reduced itself to 2 competitive players.
  10. Another slight conversion FullSizeRender.MOV
  11. ~8 years and 3 moves later I finally invested some evenings to get these guys painted to an okay standard.
  12. The crown is too similar to the crowns the Khainites wear to be anything else than new elves.
  13. Shouldn't Dexcessa & Synessa be some weird kind of aunts instead of siblings?
  14. Also: Lesser artefacts can be picked at the start fo the battle XD -> So you can rummage your armory to counter the enemy.
  15. Foot slogger dudes are usually dead before they can accomplish anything - jzst another issue. The Anvil of Apotheosis is a nice idea, it’s too whacky to ne used though (just my opinion. The whackiness is the players fault though) I wished we‘d finally get a campaign book that combines PtG with a larger campaign clubs could play through within 3-5 weeks, with thought through character development, and a good story. Markers, some kind of map or tile-map of the region, maybe even 2-3 premade characters every faction can choose from. I‘d toss my money at them if they released such a thing. The Battletomes and releases lately however seem to ignore that part of the hobby almost completely: Eat some Warscroll battalions and some half-baked PtG rules and be happy.
  16. Great, now I want to play mine as well though I don't play AoS anymore X_x
  17. If I had to make a prediction I‘d guess most chaos units will eventually become cheaper, I feel line they might be a little too costly at the moment
  18. Is there any army building tool on the web that has already been updated with the leaked points?
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