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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Mhm... they‘ve already spilled all their tea on the two factions. I hope there will be more news on other releases.
  2. 1) Idoneth (so MUCH unused potential) 2) Shadow Aelves 3) Skaves to Darkness: War Mammoth, Marauders, Chaos Warrior Kit, Chaos Knight Kit, Daemon Prince Kit.
  3. Varanguard are okay if you use the ensorcelled weapons but they feel like being priced for Archaons host only. Imo they should always get to choose from the circles. I‘d rather get a War Mannoth for 320 pts
  4. If both players have no more units to pick (that are not affected by fighting last) the player having the turn fights first. I have to admit: The activation wars are really badly implemented.
  5. I assume this might be right since the Start Collecting does not include any Banners, Musicians and the likes 😃
  6. honestly I don't think you can change his opinions with logic since his arguemnts are not based on logic... well just leave him be it's not like his or our opinion matters anyway.
  7. Your entire point is based on a assumption that is easily waved aside by one project: The Ninth Age. balance != Boring I don‘t know what you assume competetive means but balance and skill is the major factor for any competetive game.
  8. I don‘t mean to offend but your opinion is naiv. You think everything and anything is about competetive play, though it‘s not. They might do it on purpose so people will buy the new strong models (Selling factor) which primarily has nothing to do with comp. gaming. though it will attract most comp. players If they wanted to appease comp. players the Game would be perfectly balanced and only skill would decide about who wins.
  9. This is only partly true. GW manages to put out insanely broken mechanics that most people would spot immediately which leads to the conclusion that they either overtune on purpose or that they don‘t care enough to invest resources in quality (of Books) Not without reason the common sentence about GW in my Area is: GW creates the best Miniatures but the worst rules. Edit: @Dead Scribe
  10. That‘s a surprise. Though those heads looked horrible imo
  11. Switching the warriors to 5-10 and instead adding 40 Marauders should work.
  12. Imo the Lord on Karkadrak does not add much to the army (should be 190 pts), you can almost switch him for a war mammoth or add a mutalith + Sorcerer edit: I might also go for Aura of Dark Glory instead of paragon of ruin since it adds even more surcivability
  13. Looks like he‘s standing on a ammunition cache - no AoS
  14. Nobody knows but I personally do not expect any new S2D Models within the next 1-2 years.
  15. Despiilers: 40 Marauders are amazeballs. I used them yesterday buffed by a Warshrine (reroll hit & wound + Slaanesh Mark) and they evaporated 25 ardboys (after battleshock). Though I only had 13 Marauders left standing afterwards ^^ —> pretty much fully buffed Witch Aelves the Chaos Lord on foot with M.o. Slaanesh is pretty solid in melee and he killed 2 heroes (getting a 6 each time which was a waste since he already killed the Orc sorcerer...), then he was turned to red crease by a megaboss the demon prince was okay, he lacks damage (I used the axe since I used Ssyl‘esske as Slaanesh DP)
  16. Might seem legit and would be a awesome move by GW to incorporate the Pirate coast units into AoS (Arch enemies of the IdK?)
  17. It‘s still not representative of a entire faction, it‘s representative of one or two combos and units. ^^
  18. The issue with the stats is that they don‘t speak for the entirety of an army. Since those stats represent tournament lists you must expect that the lists are min-maxed which means they could include any number of units from the book - meaning the table shows the power of certain lists/ unit combinations but not of an entire army/Battletome. there‘d need to be a weighting of army list variance that matches the powerlevel with the amount of (different) units used. This way you could distinguish a bad Battletome/Army (only 30% of all units are effectively playable) From a great army/Battletome (<50% of the units are playable). Currently the table shows which army has the most effective unit + player combination. Edit: for example might Idoneth Derpkin be a bad Battletome they only ever field 30% of their army while having a lower winrate. CoS might be good since they field an average of 80% of their Battletome while having a 45% winrate.
  19. Imo it‘s a wasted opportunity not to put out another Chaos War Mammoth, why? Because I am a fanboy 🤣
  20. Nagash also dies against the rest of his attacks. I am a hardliner against instant Death abilities, those ruin games (not competitive ones though) edit: #BadGameDesignStrikesAgain 🤣
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