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Everything posted by SleeperAgent

  1. Yeah I was super disappointed about the quality of Forgeworld in general. Mourngul in particular. I wish GW would take over those models and do them right. EDIT: Also what rumors of Black Coach?
  2. Finally! I really hope this means next week they put Bladegheists up too. Seems ridiculous to keep them for another week as the last unit. Depending on price I will be ordering up to two Black Coachs though.
  3. That may be possible. Mourngul is on the chopping block. I could cut Mourngul and add 10 more Bladegheists to the unit for the discount, then add a spirit torment and a unit of chainghasts.
  4. Not fighting for all of them. Just controlling the ones I need, Spirit Hosts spit out mortal wounds and black coach brings back d3 slain models per turn for each unit within 12".
  5. Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (general, ruler of the spirit hosts, midnight tome) -140 Lady Olynder -240 Reikenor the Grimhailer -180 Spirit Hosts (battleline) -120 Spirit Hosts (battleline) -120 Spirit Hosts (battleline) -120 2x Bladegheist Revenants (10 total) -180 Black Coach -280 Black Coach -280 Mounrgul -300 Geminids of Uhl-Ghysh -40 Mounrgul may become another unit of 10x Bladeghiest Revenants and a buff of 3 more spirit hosts to one of my battlelines.
  6. I plan on running two of them. Should average out two levels per each turn. Bringing back slain models and selfheal are so good.
  7. It might just be me, but my Mourngul dishes out MW's like nobody's business. Once Black Coach comes out put a bunch of Spirit hosts around it and they will deal them just as well. Plus the Black Coach will heal itself and bring back slain Spirit Hosts every hero phase.
  8. I thought you could only attempt each spell once per turn regardless of how many units know it, is that not correct? EDIT: Quoted wrong person.
  9. I actually very much like this list. But do you really think double LOC is better than 2 different chickens? Kairos has Gift of Change which is another spell I can cast. 2 LOC means only one get to attempt Infernal Gateway and the other has to just use a spell of change.
  10. Bought two start collectings on sale today. Lemme know what you guys think about this 1k list. Realm: Ghur General: Huskard on Thundertusk (Everwinter's Master, Chain Trap, Gryph-feather Charm) Mournfang Pack (Gargant Hackers) Mournfang Pack (Gargant Hackers) Stonehorn Beastriders
  11. I'm gonna answer here because I like the idea of way more spells. So something like this: (I cut the Ogroid , and Tzaangor Skyfires for Curseling and Blue Scribes. Didn't like Magister much) General: Lord of Change (Incorporeal Form, Blade of Fate, Tzeentch's Firestorm) Kairos Fateweaver (Bolt of Tzeentch) Gaunt Summoner (Shield of Fate) Curseling (Glimpe the Future) The Blue Scribes (Arcane Transformation) 10x Pink Horrors (Fold Reality) 10x Pink Horrors (Unchecked Mutation) 10x Pink Horrors (Treason of Tzeentch) Endless Spells: Chronomantic Cogs Geminids of Uhl-Ghysh Umbral Spellportal 2000/2000
  12. What would you suggest in the Fateweavers place? I figured I'd buy extra Pinks because Ogroid can make more. Ok I went with Shield of Fate thanks.
  13. Thinking of getting a second army and Tzeentch is on my list of possibles. Would this list be semi-competitive? General: Lord of Change (Incorporeal Form, Blade of Fate, Tzeentch's Firestorm) Kairos Fateweavers (Bolt of Tzeentch) Ogroid Thaumaturge (Infusion Arcanum) Gaunt Summoner (Shield of Fate) 10x Pink Horrors (Fold Reality) 10x Pink Horrors (Unchecked Mutation) 10x Pink Horrors (Treason of Tzeentch) 3x Tzaangor Skyfires Endless Spells: Chronomantic Cogs Now I had some questions because I'm using the warscroll builder for this. I assume I can use both Arcanite and Daemons in the same army. Does Gaunt summoner get both lore and change spells? This is a rough draft and I want the whole thing to be worked out before I start buying as I already have a Nighthaunt army. Also, do I need to pay points for blue horrors and flamers that spawn off dead pinks?
  14. It says to pick a specific model, you you can in fact snipe whatever you want. (assuming it has 1 wound)
  15. Is there a way to buy the anniversary Guardian of Souls for people who didn't have the option to get one? The Mortality Glass is very strong. Or can we just declare a regular GoS has that instead of its normal one?
  16. You are correct, my bad. Thought Spirit Hosts.
  17. I feel like they are either the best or second best battleline. They already do a truckload of damage, once I get my Lady Olynder they will be even better with her command ability. As they have the highest wound to model ratio of summonable nighthaunt.
  18. This is my counter to "Mounrgul is op" every single time. Sorry your 80-100 cheaper unit gets guaranteed mortals and I have to roll 6's. (To be fair though, in one game I got TWO 10+ charge attacks with my Mourngul )
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