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Satyrical Sophist

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Everything posted by Satyrical Sophist

  1. Euphoric Killers is a pretty big deal though. And it looks like we have an easy time fulfilling depravity point requirements. With God seekers we get even faster, and can easily manage three t1 charges (if nothing else Centigor under HoS have 14 +1 + run then 2d6 +1 charge). I also want to try doombulls, since they have 8 wounds for 120 points.
  2. No it doesn't? Desolating Beast Herd is any hits, not just melee. That's the thing I was mentioning with raiders. Since I'd done the maths for Desolating Beast Herd Ungor Raiders I decided to do Euphoric Killer Hedonite Ungor, which does only work on melee.
  3. I might have done the maths wrong, but 4+ (reroll 1s and 2s, 2 hits on a 6)/4+ works out as the same end result of 3+/3+, or 4/9 damage per ungor before saves. I'm curious as to what the best way to equip HoS Ungor will be. Spear Ungor (30+) 5+ (reroll 1s and 2s, 3 hits on a 6)/4+. Is 0.44 damage per ungor before saves. Spear Ungor (20-29) 5+( reroll 1s, 2 hits on a 6)/4+. Is 0.29 damage per ungor before saves. Spear Ungor (less than 20) 5+ ( 2 hits on a 6)/4+. Is 0.25 damage per ungor before saves. Club Ungor (30+) 4+ (reroll 1s and 2s, 3 hits on a 6)/4+. Is 0.56 damage per ungor before saves. Club Ungor (20-29) 4+ (reroll 1s, 3 hits on a 6)/4+. Is .49 damage per ungor before saves. Club Ungor (less than 20). 4+ (2 hits on a 6)/4+. Is 0.33 damage per ungor before saves. I don't know why I did this, but I started and apparently there is something wrong with me. 20+ Bestigor Vs a big unit that isn't order gets 2 damage per Bestigor before saves on the charge.
  4. There is nothing stopping beasts in Khorne from being members of a slaughter host (the equivalent), and taking their command trait or relic. That said, mostly isn't super useful since they tend to refer to mortals (sometimes even a specific unit type) or daemons.
  5. So, looks like BoC might be really good in Slaanesh. Ungor end up a bit silly with Euphoric Killers. You easily get to generating 3 hits for every 6. With clubs that means each ungor gets 1.1 hit, each ungor with spear gets .89 hits. That's pretty good
  6. The lack of buffs is over stated. They benefit from more than enough good buffs. The main ones they seem to lose the Aspiring Death Bringer extra attack, and the Blood Stoker buff. They also lose the Mighty Lord of Khorne reroll charges. I'm not saying that these are not good buffs, but they remain effected by the Wrath Mongers, Slaughter Priests and Bloodsectrator, and have some very good attacks to boost. Khorne BoC can't ambush, but honestly it's not much to miss out on. You say they are not much faster, but Gors and Bestigors both run and charge, and get +1 to the run, meaning that they basically run 7+d6. That's an average move of 10.5 and can still charge. Centigor move stupidly fast, a default 14 +1 + d6 for charging. I also don't know why you are saying that BoC have worse saves than Khorne. The beast shields give Gors and Centigors a 4+ in combat, and Bestigor have a 4+ native.
  7. Yeah, they do. They lack the mortal keyword but benefit from anything that buffs Khorne in general. 1-4 combination of Beastlord and Doombull; 3-8 combination of Bestigors, Bullgors, and Gors; 0-8 combination of Centigors, Dragon Ogors, or Tuskgor Chariots; 0-2 combination of Cygors or Ghorgons.
  8. You can run Brass Despoilers in Khorne. Q: Can Brass Despoilers, Phantasmagoria of Fate, Pestilent Throng and Depraved Drove be used as part of a Chaos army that owes allegiance to a Chaos God? For example, can I take a Brass Despoilers battalion as part of a Khorne army? A: Yes ‘Units from this battalion gain the Khorne keyword. In addition, this warscroll battalion is part of the Khorne faction and the Beasts of Chaos faction.’ It works. I'm looking forward to trying it (I'm BoC main).
  9. I haven't started Fyreslayers (way too big a gray mountain) myself. but was tempted. One thing that really put me off FS 1.0 is that in order to run it you needed to paint blocks of 30 Vulkites, which ends up damn expensive, and also very same-y in an army that visually has issues with that. If you can run a more elite force then that obstacle no longer applies, for example a hearthguard and heroes based list, or heavy magmadroths. Another issue (At least for me) is that people are waiting for books to be updated before they jump in, not necessarily because they want the latest OP thing, but so they know what to build stuff as. Look at Kharadron Overlords, at the moment the Arkanaut Company can take 3 light sky hooks, but the box only gives one, along with a volley gun and a pike. If they change the warscroll the way that they did for storm fiends then a lot of people are going to have to readjust. If you have other projects on, it makes sense to wait.
  10. There is also a very good chance that the unit of ungor is either dead, or going to run in the battle shock phase.
  11. Not the person you asked, but can give a brief description. You charge an enemy with ungors (the screen) and Enlightened. Imagine they line up like this. O O O O O O u u u u u u u E E E E E E. Only one enlightened is within range of the enemy unit. They have "clipped" it. So you can attack first with the ungor, they swing back, with only one or two being able to target the Enlightened, Ungor take the hits, Enlightened pile in (and can attack over the top of the ungor if any survive), getting their rerolls without taking too much damage. You need to clip the unit to complete the charge, since the enlightened need to end the charge with at least one within half an inch.
  12. I'm not a KO player, but love the look and flavour. I have way too many projects on to start a new army right now, so fine to wait for a new tome/updates. That said, fyreslayers are apparently going to 2 wounds each, which opens up the possibility for KO as well. If they did up the sound count on troops it seems like they might end up making KO more elite overall. Any thoughts? If it was just a wound increase, what kind of points increase would follow?
  13. Yeah, there are some definite issues. Kinda disagree on the BoC front though. I played Tzeentch before BoC and have to say I'm really impressed with how they handled BoC. Tzaangors are good, bit have definite downsides. Enlightened are too cheap, would be a main point I'd make. They should probably flip the points cost of Bullgor and Enlightened. That said? Internal balance is pretty good I have to say. The old beastmen hold up very well, and are definitely not invalidated by Tzaangor. There are a couple of units that could do with a tweak. -Gor are a little bit misbegotten. They suffer in comparison with a fair few other units, with centigor actually showing them up the worst. That said, they do represent unconditional battle line that's fast and reasonably durable in combat. I've definitely seen them used well -Warhounds are also shown up by centigors. Centigors are just so much faster. Warhounds get to auto run 16 inches, which is very fast. Centigors run 16-21 and can still charge, while fighting better and having a much better save. I love the fluffy guys, but they really could do with being battle line, or just something. -Monsters. Monsters are in such a weird place balance wise. I think it's one of the weakest areas of AoS in general.
  14. I've been pretty impressed with the 2.0 roll out. It seems like the 2.0 books all play well together, with a few 1.0 books placing well on occasion. (I am including DoK, Deepkin, Nagash and Nurgle as 2.0). The main issues with 1.0 books is that they seem to have less internal balance than the 2.0, leading to a shortage of choices. The 2.0 lists have been pretty varied as well, some smaller factions and some huge factions. Even the less tournament successful ones seem fun at least, I know I enjoy gloom spite, and wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing it place better as new things are tried.
  15. I've made a Dracoth Ogroid Thaumaturge Shaggoth. Those pieces work together. Bullgors are so much chunkier I'd be really worried about being top heavy.
  16. Need to take some better photos, but here are some of my centigors, along with some of my other BoC, including Elkhead Mooselord, my beast lord.
  17. There are some other cool interactions that I want to try. Cygors give Tzeentch a good use for 4s and 3s, also Dragon Ogors are pretty tough. Nurgle gets centigors for blades shenanigans (Bestigor and Ungor raiders work well with them as well), and just fast units in general. I also like the mortal wound chariots. They don't benefit from some nurgle synergies though, since a fair few things call for Mortal or Daemon or Rotbringer. Khorne has some of the same problems, though not too bad. While everything benefits from extra attacks, Bullgors and Ghorgons get the biggest benefit. Plus chariots are one of the cheapest ways to get bloodtithe points in the game (spawn are cheaper, but damn are they unreliable and not very tough) and Centigors are also a pretty good source. Slaanesh has less synergies in general, being more limited overall, but I do want to try the pretender shaggoth. I think you could get a depravity generating monster with him. The other thing to note about them is that they are very flexible battalions. I love taking cheap throw away units, and the god battalions are a great way to do that without having a million drops.
  18. Yup. I actually quite like the way it works, though I wish BoC units gained access to traits and a spell lore if you did it. (Slaanesh still allows traits because it's not got a battle tome. You can make a frankly brutal doombull or shaggoth leader). So if you want a blood stoker, you are running a Khorne army, it might contain almost entirely BoC units, but it's a Khorne army and everything has the mark of Khorne. They clarified that the BoC units are not counted as allies, theoretically you could run a Khorne army that contains only BoC units.
  19. Reroll ones is deceptively powerful honestly. Given blood letters are 3 up to wound that improves their wound rate to 78% from 67%. An 11% damage buff is nothing to sniff at.
  20. Got a fair bit more to add, but I'm pretty sure raider arrows can work with blades of p. If you have a full unit they end up getting 2/9 of their hits as bonus mortals (22%) as opposed to 17%. A unit of 40 will put out 9 mortals at range and in melee as well. Edit. Bestigor also benefit Vs big units.
  21. I'm actually kind of fine that Razorgors don't fit in battalions. It would be cool if they did, but I can see it being super annoying to play vs. Other than drop count running MSU is kind of amazing.
  22. I'll try and get some photos of mine up. I do love using them. I need to get back to the goat mines, been sidetracked by gloomspite. I can even try to do a how-to. Original ones I did were rescue ones from some pretty battered and already assembled sisters of the thorn. Hopefully the next batch are easier. Wasn't too had kitbashing them. Need to do chariots and pigs next. I have elaborate chariot plans, but not sure that they'll work. I have some gore gruntas that I am wondering about converting into Razorgors. Might be better as chariots. PS. Warhounds... Yeah, I still can't believe how slow they are compared to centigors. They go 16 when running. Assuming you have the banner still alive that is the MINIMUM run possible for centigors.
  23. You've got a lot. Looks like a warherd list is possible pretty much immediately. That said Myrdin is right, the stuff you are missing is the fast disposable stuff. I personally love centigors and am working on converting more. Got 5 stag ones done, another 5 stags to do, and another ...35? Horse based ones. One of the big advantages of BoC is just how mobile you are, and centigors are really good at harassing backfield objectives. I've run warhounnds, but honestly next to centigors they are disappointing. Wish they were battle line. I'd also try some ungor, at least for sacrifices.
  24. I love squig herd honestly. They have done really well for me. With a moon clan general (so unless you are troggoth based or spider based, pretty likely) they represent your cheapest battleline by far. 70 points gets you 12 wounds, which works out at 5.8 points a wound, cheaper than discounted stabbas. They also have a tiny imprint and can fight in two ranks. I love setting them up like this. SS SSS H. That gets you a tiny front facing area, all squigs attacking. They are really handy for charging into flanks and being a pain to dislodge. They can also fight reasonably well. Most flanking units are going to have an issue with them unless they considerably out point them, so they are handy backfield holders. Plus I just love the reroll run and charges.
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