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Everything posted by DerZauberer

  1. Hey mighty TGA Community! I've stumbled upon this Desert Terrain Piece on Warhammer Community. This is the exact type of stone i wish for my desert terrain, especially the very bright, nearly orange type of spots on the stone. Sadly, the article only explains how to do the weathered bronze and i just cant find any colour recipe that immitates this type of "orange" sandstone. The picture and the article is from june 2017 and im eager to achieve the same desert stone effect. Maybe someone here has any ideas how to achieve that? Thanks in advance!
  2. Servus! So i'm a bit in a pickle regarding dem' Gitz. We clearly have a heavy variety of options and it seems that some things should be maxed out to get the most of it, e.g. spiderfang. To make a spiderfang list work i came to the conclusion you go all the way with mostly spider riders, arachnaroks etc. But this is something i don't want to go for, i'm not interessted in an single flavour Gitz army. So i think most the time about a solid core of Gloomspite Gitz, which works allways and you can add stuff onto that. What i've came down to is In my oppinion Skragrott is an auto-include and absolutly bursting with flavour, you just have to love him. 60 Stabbas without any kind of buff are still ok i think, but for 70 points they are some sort of scary. If you don't make Skragrott your general you could swap out the Loonboos for another caster and get one of your shamans the command trait which allows him to "Stab 'em good" Fungoid is just great. We have awesome spells and access to awesome casters, so he is just good and you see him in every list. 60 Stabbas are the anchor every army needs. Even without buffs they are great for screening and chaff is always important in AoS. Even in a Squiglist those 60 man Units have great strategical value imo. Squig Herds are awesome and you could easily pump those up. But i don't think those are really "essential" in any list, as you could swap those out for 20 units of shootas, or spider riders, rockguts, or whatever "main flavour" your going for. 1120 - 1260 (excluding the squig herd) points should be enough points to make any additional flavour work i think. Now i've got several questions for you gentlemen: Do you think 60 stabbas are as essential to any gloomspite gitz force as i do? If so, i would allways be very tempted to take more buffing power for the stabbas, e.g. a cheap unit of sneaky snufflers. Or is the Loonboos enough? Or maybe even too much? How high do you value the Command Trait of Skragrott? Gloomspite Gitz have awesome Command Traits and they make it really hard to make Skragrott your General As mainly Ironjawz player those Gitz twist my head regarding list building and unit options. Love it.
  3. So the Looncurse Box confuses me a bit. It seems that the box contains limited options on the Squig Hoppers / Boingrot Bounderz? I would've been interesseted if i could have 10 boingrots or 10 hoppers but it seems to strictly say 5 boingrots and 5 hoppers. Am i reading this wrong or are those sprues really limited to 5 each?
  4. Awesome! What Tufts are those? I'm searching for exactly that tone of grass. Mind sharing?
  5. The new Keeper of Secrets is just so well done. It's so seductive, without having all the naked jazz the old keeper of secrets have. It's very androgynous und has such perfect line and pose, which screams sexuality without being in-your-face about it. The face, the walking-pose, the perfect alligned claws, the female and male breast etc. Its 100% slaanesh. It's one of GW's greatest models i think - and i'm no chaos fan. For the rest: Forbidden Power seems forgettable, just as we forgot most of the first endless spells. Maybe the lore is what makes it stand out. We'll see. Good move by GW confirming other warbands in warcry than chaos, as it was critique no.1 for Warcry. The Gladiatorband looks cool and it shows that GW wants to make Warcry something similiar as Necromunda with each gang being very distinctive from other gangs. Looncurse could be cool, but are we sure "Flora" needs to be Sylvaneth? Whats about Seraphon Jungle? I hope that clear movement trays of Apocalypse will be sold seperatly! Fifty Shelves of Grey - great video, i'm really really curios what they bring. My hopes are high as i have a Gloomspite army coming... Fyreslayers - bummer, they could need new units. But FEC were desperate too, now they seem very good and quite flexible and no one complaints? A new book can make a army feel completly different. Lets wait for the book and especially for the lore of that forge. All new scenery are embedded in the fluff how they can "appear" out of nowwhere. But a Forge?
  6. Similiar could be sad about Necromunda, that deep down the hive you could send in Imperial Guard, Space Marines or some sort of Undercover Xenos in the style of Tau Pathfinders or Eldar Rangers, but they did not - As Necromunda is a very coherent setting which lifes and emboddies the outlaw-gang-skirmish-nojustice-survivalofthefittest esthatic which is great i think. This will fit the Allpoints too. It's such an outlaw-getoutofmyway-gang-skirmish-survivalofthefittest setting that chaos driven warbands battle in the allpoints - the epicenter of chaos in the mortal realms - to get the most attention from the gods and be the champ. Any other faction would simply destroy this gangvibe as those are military troops and not gangs/warbands. Theres even more to think about, like how should the rewards look for e.g. stormcast in a chaosgift driven reward system? I don't expect to "shop" items like you do in necromunda, as it should be fairly difficult to finde a grocery store in the allpoints. Besides, the allpoints should be extremly difficult to reach for anything not chaos.
  7. Instead of AoS Kill Team we got AoS Necromunda. Heavy warband (instead of gang) focus, 6 warbands (instead of 6 gangs), character development etc. First i was disappointed as i hoped for an AoS Kill Team, but the longer i look at it (and i'm no chaos fan) the more i'm interessted. But to be honest, this was the same for necromunda and skipped it. But i'm really interessted to hear how the game is to be played. Shooting, cover and such a like makes "easy" tactical choices (Necromunda) - an all-in melee pit does not (Warcry?). The word "kinetic" used to describe the gameplay made me real hyped about the rules.
  8. For me it seems like Necromunda, just in the Allpoints. There is a heavy (war-)band focus, character development and 6(?) distinct, completly new warbands. None of the warband symbols seemed to be too chaos-god themed. It's really close to necromundas 6 gangs when you ask me. That's for sure cool and something new is fine, but my hopes were for a AoS Kill Team and not an AoS Necromunda. But i'm really interessted to hear how the game is to be played. Shooting, cover and such a like makes "easy" tactical choices (Necroumunda) - an all-in melee pit does not (Warcry?). The word "kinetic" used to describe the gameplay made me real hyped about the rules.
  9. I'm certain the new Shadowspear Chaos Release will be very Chaos Space Marines centric, especially with Black Legion as the new count-as Skeletors for the Primaris He-Mans. I think there will be no "Pure Demons" like Khorne, Slaanesh, Nurgle or Tzeentch ones but only Demon-Forge-Fiend-Evil-Warp-Monsters. And therefore not suited for AoS sadly.
  10. I would love that and i'm really hoping for new Ironjawz kits, but my bet is going for new tomes and endless spells, one mounted hero, no terrain but a rule to destroy/interrupt enemy terrain and 50/50 for combining bonesplitterz and ironjawz.
  11. FEC are 4 Boxes if i'm not mistaking: Zombie Dragon, Ghouls, Crypt Flayers and Varghulf? We have 8 boxes right now. Like @Skabnoze already mentioned you could easily make brutes/ggs/ardboys different units, depending on which items they wear. Make a "wild" maw krusha without riding bosses on top or a dual wield megaboss for example. It would be a bit sad to just have "reskins" of already available units but it's what FEC got. The holes for FEC in list building were filled by just the book, nothing else. It's easy to make something similiar rulewise for ironjawz, e.g. make a gorefist army, not just an battalion, make a mawkrusha army legal. You could even go that far and say something like "those are the waaaghseeker ardboys, less skilled then proper ardboys but also though as nails" and make a cheaper ardboy version to fill that gap. My point is, similiar like the FEC Release, a rulebook can easily change how an army is viewed and played, including the models already available in that range.
  12. As much as i've heard, Skaven and FEC - although just a few new models - are real fun and got an huge power boost with their new tomes. Even if Ironjawz will be it it's own tome and only gets one modell (perhaps hero), you could give a lot of tricks and new non-model toys to them. Especially FEC seems to be the poster-faction when talking about low variety, but the tome really made them upper class scary and meaningful.
  13. Am i the only one thinking that Ironjawz and Blonespitterz get a combined tome? For me it's pretty much the same leap as Moonclan and Spiderfang Grots. In addition, they could really fill up the blank spots of each faction. Bonesplitterz got the chaff and magic, ironjawz the elites. I'm still thinking that GW will produce Battletomes for AoS with a similiar high pace 40k had in 8th edition and it's a great thing in my oppinion. 40k for example is in a real solid and great state because of this.
  14. I really dont want to target anyone and i'm pretty certain i couldn't. It's just that my subjective perception is that every second complain in this rumour thread is about dispossesed or KO, therefor the little duardin reference. Sorry if it was perceived as "finger-pointing".
  15. This thread really lost it somehow. Over the past two years we had several rumours told here by people and all were totally freakin about those, no one was annoyed that their army wasn't one amongst the rumored ones. I even "had" to join the forum because of the rumours about ironjawz 2nd wave and moonclan. People took rumours as something what they were: a rumour we could discuss about. Rumourmongers enjoyed immunity as we knew that it only were rumours and boy, the time frames were all over the place. But ever since GW activly steers what is comming to the surface and even invests several minutes of videocontent just about this topic, this thread went dry. Dry and salty. Now theres a typical, new rumour since ages in this thread we can discuss and dream about and people are calling him out, want to reveal his sources and being salty that their beloved factions are not part of those rumours or if they are, it's not the way they want them to be. It's really annoying that people who whine about their favorite faction moan the loadest about rumours because their beloved faction is not included in the rumour, so all other people need to know that their beloved faction is underpowered and they need a new book asap. Every dang time. I really hope those duardin finally receive something...
  16. what do you noble gitz think about spore splattas? Now when i read it correctly, you dont hide them in units (according to aos app). They are basicly invisible if the enemy unit is not a monster or can fly, but if the enemy is able to see them they just simply be erased out of existence before anything happens with 6+ save and 1 wound. Or just get spelled to death which dont require LoS. +1 attack to stabbas seems huge but it's wholly within 12". But i think it's good the buff goes off in the hero phase. So how to use them right with a unit of 60 stabbas to profit from the + attacks? Be in the front to give the invisible treatment to those stabbas, which i think is very difficult with about 5 models. You cover what, 8,5" in a line max? Or be in the middle to at least guarantee the +1 attack? If i imagine correctly you can build a 30,5"x24,5" inch bubble when you place em in the middle, in the front you only have 30,5"x 12,5" bubble which could get wonky with 60 stabbas, dont you think? My oppinion is, that you place em in the middle of the mob, wait till you are certain you make the charge this turn, profit from the buff in the hero phase and go all wild with your stabbas. With 60 grots its to difficult to keep em in the bubble otherwise and make use of your board presence imo.
  17. It's just 1000 points because i'm some kind of "slow-grower" and still have unfinished Ironjawz on my pile of shame. But as soon as my Ironjawz are completed i'm jumping right into 60 grots! I had a list with fanatics as well for 1000 points: But it's thin on board presence as i think, as you want Loonboss, Stabbas and Snufflers in the left eye and boingrot in the right eye. Only the Fungoid and one minimum unit of squigs is maybe a bit thin. But it's definitly one of those two lists i'll try. For 2000 points i think i'll simply build on this idea, make a big mounted squig detachment with loonboss on mangler and more support like the gobbapalooza and sporesplattas for the 60 unit grots. I think you don't need more then 60 grots, it should do all the tricks and be a real anchor of your army. Maybe it's enough to just slot in the minimum squig herds for battleline and expand wether A: you add on mobile squig stuff or B: add on making your grotblob get high on attack with shroomies. Something like this?
  18. This is as far as i know a fairly typical build for Ironjawz: The only hard to swallow pill is that you skip the magic phase. Ironjawz profit heavily from first turn to get board control and block several features of meta armies: graveyards, wyldwoods, contagion points etc. or you get quicker to armies like idoneth which u have to fight prior to turn 3. With bloodtoofs you have a very high chance of getting it because it's a one drop. You could take the weirdnob shaman but hes just so bad. He offers little to nothing. You could ally other casters to the army but then you would loose your one drop. Same for the Megaboss. In general, the warboss with waaaghbanner from the greenskinz is better for 140 points as he offers a reliable waaagh without rolling and a 1's to wound bubble. But again, you would loose your one drop. In my opinion it's the most competetive build right now for ironjawz which is not the Gorefist (Gorefist is probably really strong with 2 mawkrusha for example, but for me its really lame) The second build is without any battalion and lots of aardboys and gore gruntas as brutes are too squishy and slow without the battalions. For artifacts: if you want a Megaboss on foot, he needs fly. Otherwise he can't reach the targtes he wants to reach. The thermal rider cloak makes him a great hero hunter. Ignax scales are nice on the mawkrusha and the boss skewer is nice for debuffing and buffing morale. Second option is hysh with aetherquarz brooch and coronet for multiple multiple waaaghs, maybe even with prophet of the waaagh for rerolling the dice, fisihing for 6s.
  19. Hello fellow destructophist! So after toying around with my Ironjawz around one year having basicly this two options: to magic or not to magic (looking at you @Malakree), the Gloomspite Gitz blast me away with all the options available. Holy moly. So after figuring out my paint scheme - after hitting "desert mushroom" into google and seeing thats a thing - will be dessert themed as my IJ, i finally tried to build my first 1000 points list. So what do people think about this? Idea is quite clear: In 1000 points people will freak out seeing 60 grots. If they identify them as "main problem", thats cool, because i've got my fancy boingrots and vice versa. So theres two power cells, 60 stabbas buffed with those sneaky sneaky snufflers and loonboss and the 10 boingrot bounerz. Squig Herds and zarbags gitz are for objective grabbings, zarbag for cunnin', maybe hand of gork or something. No idea for artifact to be honest, it's all so good and i'm just not used to "options" while playing Ironjawz. That's also the reason to not ever think of 2000 points right now as my small ummie brain would simply implode.
  20. So just had another game yesterday with my Ironjawz against Sylvaneth (again). We're both prepping for an upcomming event late November and tried to stay as competetive as possible. My list was the same no-magic Bloodtoofs list @Malakree presented: I've gone for the Waaagh-Bomb Artifact combo with Aetherquartz and Prophet. The Coronet for Mawkrusha and the +2" Move on the Megaboss. Duality of Death, Bloodtoofs versus Dreadwood, both one-drops with pretty much the same strategy - get up fast to the objectives and force the enemy to fight you in melee. There was pretty much no shooting so it should be a tight game we thought. But in reality (i think), all was decided by the roll who was able to deploy first. Sad thing was, i had to go second and from there on it was an absolute uphill battle. Sylvaneth took first turn, got redeployments and 3 free movements before the game starts. He parches my Mawkrusha (half movement), summons 20+10 dryads (alarielle + Branchwytch) and 2x2 woods and in the end of the movement phase he is on both objectives, each one covered by either durthu or alarielle, with screens of dryads with magical shield and -1 to hit due to being near woods. So if i charge, i have to go through the woods, against the screen of tanky dryads and get hit by 3" reach Durthu or 2" reach Alarielle. One good thing for me was that the sylvaneth played chose to charge his 6 Kurnoth Hunters into my Aardboy Screen. We trade 9 Aardboys for 1 Kurnoth. On my first turn then i was sorrounded by woods, with either Alarielle or Durthu covering both Objectives. My only flyer is parched and has 6" movement speed. Nice thing: i use 2 CP's and get 6 bonus attacks with waaagh and prophet of the waaagh and delete the kurnoth hunters. But besides that, i was done. Funfact #1: The megaboss with his 60mm Base has real issues walking through woods. Second turn my opponent pretty much summons more dryads, more woods and sits on objectives. On my second turn i found some space to possibly get on one of the two objectives, charge in some gruntas, and a unit of brutes , get 2 extra attacks on waaagh. Funfact #2: I've lost 1 Grunta, one Gore-Choppa, one Brute Boss and one Brute to Sylvaneth woods. I could not take out Durthu and my Megaboss got stuck in Combat ( 3") between to Trees, but could not reach Durthu (1"+) as he was to t h i c c. He was literaly locked and Durthu could use him as a punching bag with his 3" sword. Funfact #3: We played Aqshy with the Realmscape Feature that inflicts D3 mortal wounds on runs of 6+ and charges of 10+ (for Bloodtoofs 5+ and 8+). I suffered about 10 wounds that way. It was pretty much done there, Durthu was the only one who could possibly fall, but Alarielle was Irriscendent (Aqshy, -1 to hit her) on the objective sorrounded by Woods and 30+ dryads with -1 to hit and reroll saves of 1 (Mystcial shield). We called it turn 3, it was a good game but i think Ironjawz simply don't have the tools to fight Sylvaneth which quickly bunker up on objectives. The durable screen and Hereos with high reach are just to hard to break through for us. But: We both agree that if i got the first turn, i could spread out on objectives, block the wood summons and force the sylvaneth player to charge me. This removes the durability on dryads and makes it harder to get in reach with Alarielle and Durthu. Next game we agreed on a rematch with the same lists, but i get auto-first turn, so we can test it and the sylvaneth player can prepare for such a "bad" matchup. Thoughts on list: Megaboss needs Fly. Otherwise it's absolutly hard for him to do stuff. With Fly he could surpass screens and be a threat to support hereos. I will try out Aqshy and the Thermalrider Cloak next time. Aetherquartz is funny and a blast if it works, but it worked out once out of 3 tries, so i don't know if it is worth it. Prophet of the Waaagh is Strong, but i always had 6 Units, and i only used it to fish for the 6's. It has its place with Aetherquartz, otherwise it's always Ironclad as it makes the MBMK so much more durable. No-magic is a thing and i think perfectly fine within Bloodtoofs. Cogs would've not helped at all this game, so i think i stay with no-magic Bloodtoofs. Ardboys with Shields are very, very durable, only loosing 9 on a 6 Kurnoth Hunters charge was awesome.
  21. So i had a games this Weekend with a funky list @Malakree proposed. It was the Gordrakk / Weirdfist list. I've played against sylvaneth dreadwood(? the one where he gets to choose D3 bonuses after deployment, e.g. redeploy 6" away). Long story short, i've lost those games due to several mistakes i made. But i think i have enough intel (for me personally) on Gordrakk and Weirdfist. So my thoughts: Big Baby G really has a place i think and we should try to fit him in our lists. I got alphastriked by 6 kurnoth hunters with the redeploy and with his teleporting ability gained through the dreadwood he practically obscured 3/4 of the table. He could do so as i had to screen Gordrakk and the weirdnob with my 2 x 10 aardboys to not just straight loose them to the kurnoth alpha strike. In the end i only lost 10 ardboys. Thats the biggest downside on Gordrakk i think, you really need to screen and protect him as he is squishy. On my first turn then - after my opponents alphastrike - i really had a huge potential through Gordrakk to swing the game around. 5 brutes eliminated the 6 kurnoth (with the aid of a footboss and a additional waagh) and i could spread as much as i needed to gain some board control back and into melee. Gordrakk does a lot of damage, as did the Footboss. Gore Gruntas tried against some dryads near woods but without the warchanter buff, it's hard to kill stuff (even with the gordrakk buff). Second units of brutes failed the charge and second ardboys stayed close to my weirdnob but in melee with a off-place branchwraith. But trying to get back boardcontrol was also the downside regarding the Weirdfist. I really think after only playing one game that the weirdfist is just not worth its points. We played on Aqshy, i had the balewind and pendulum and a single weirdnob (as the weirdfist can only include a single one). I really wanted the Inferno Blades on my brutes. As i got alphastriked i lost a +1 to cast and had only +2, but just a single roll. So there was only two really important spells, inferno blades (the realmspell) and balewind + inferno blades. Both not profiting from the weirdfist. And after my first turn my army was forced to get board control back, i really needed to spread out, so i already knew the maximum i get in the following turns is a +1 to cast and maybe 2 bonuses from the weirdfist, each only applying on arcane bolt, puke and foot. You can't increase the range nor the damage of all the important spells, either endless or realm. So the Weirdfist is something i really can't agree on, it's just not a good build with contrary bonuses. Either get a lot of MSU around your weirdnob for + range and mortal wound output but have your half army act as one 10" blob, or run a single 30 ardboy blob for the +3 to cast and flexible board control, but only get one extra dice for range or mortal wound output. In addition, you really need a second caster. You need one dedicated foot/puke/bolt weirdnob and one caster who does the realmspells or endless spells. You could argue 'just get the balewind or the cogs for the second cast', but it's an additional risk you need to make. When you fail balewind or cogs, you practically lost a huge amount of value due to spending so much points on practically nothing. It's for sure fun in a non-objective based game, but it's really hard to pull off against any list which can spread fast on objectives or alphastrike you. My next plan is to give Gordrakk a try with a Ironfist, with no endless spells and a fungoid instead of weirdnob for important realm spells. I'm even thinking on skipping magic at all when running bloodtoofs - as i really dislike the weirdnob now more then ever and the fungoid would make me two instead of one drop (which is a huge thing against other alpha strike armies) - instead upping the 10 man ardboy unit to 20.
  22. Fair enough, i'm still into training with a classic bloodtoofs / cogs list and i share the same oppinion on less reliable alpha strikes. But i think weirdfist would be better for the turn 2 engage /magic playstyle with putting more wounds on the table instead of the bloodtoofs. I was tinkering myself with a weirdfist, it would look like this: I've got the 30 Ardboy blob with Weirdfist buffs around two Weirdnobs for spell damage / tarpitting / objectives, one chanter for the 10 brutes, some gore gruntas for objectives/flanks and a reckless mawkrusha which angles for juicy spots or waaaghs for the brutes. Thoughts?
  23. Thanks for the interessting list @Malakree! But as @Rock Lobster said it's really risky, it's all on your Maw-Krusha, as you really try for those multiple Waaagh's with Aetherquartz und 2CP's from Bloodtoofs. If the opponent is able to interpret your list he knows it's all about the Maw-krusha. But you made him tanky and you have the lifeswarm, so maybe it works out. For me it looks like a Alpha Strike Build without the bits to ensure an alphastrike. I don't really know if Bloodtoofs / Onedrop is really that important when not going for Alphastrike with Cogs. Same for Aetherquartz. I could get the idea behind a Alphastrike list with two weirdnobs and several spells but i think the cogs are mandatory for it. E.g. get the movement turn 1, then get the extra spell turn 2. It would just fit perfectly into your list instead of the lifeswarm. But you've said you really want to try the pendulum and lifeswarm so i'm curious how they work out. The burning head is tricky, it requires finesse to place as it's only wholly within 3" + 9" range. But if used correctly you can make d3 mortal wounds to the enemy unit, charge, gain the re-roll 1's and obliterate the enemy unit so they don't benefit from the aura.
  24. The Nighthaunt Warband ist absolutely gorgeous and I'm excited for shadespire season 2. New content is always nice and as long as there is no big power creep with the new bands (and their magic) then I'm happy. I'm happy about those previews, as new shadespire input and warhammer quest for 40.000 is awesome, but I'm upset about no news on anything destruction related for Age of Sigmar, just another confirmation that there will be a destruction related shadespire warband, which is not in the starting box, with the starter box release at the end of the year. So there is a chance of no new destruction stuff at all this year it seems. Hopefully, destruction is not having the same meme status as Orkz do/did in 40k, but at least it seems confirmed that we will get sooner or later troggoths and squigs.
  25. @Rock Lobster Amazing work, thanks for this in-deep insights. As my first-ever competitive tournament is going to take place mid-November, I'm especially curious about possible matchups and "how-to-play" those matchups. Do you (or anyone of you lovely gits here) have some spare time to write up a few general insights on the current state of Ironjawz matchups? Another thing which always gets me is the urge to charge as soon as possible vs. the reasonable approach of playing objectives. With a Bloodtoofs + cogs list you can pretty much have the choice of alpha striking or objective playing I assume. I think this has to do with a good understanding of matchups?
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