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Everything posted by Zplash

  1. I may be wrong but I think blessed son battalion was with the plague cyst and not the blight cyst? Which is really sad... Blight cyst within blessed son would be great. 40 points for extra CP, extra artefact and reroll ones for saves... I'll take it! The plague cyst on the other hand is not that interesting.
  2. That's one +1hit but where is the second? Can't see it too. No grashnak in your list. And keep in mind you are only allowed to buy 1 extra CP. So you cant use both CA per turn. Additionally you will likely need CPs for battleshock for your marauders. So it's better to choose one of the 2 CA models and if you want to be offense you take glotkin. Still with marauders spam very likely one of our strongest list, which is just awful for a nurgle player with nearly 4000 points of maggot king models... Ps: if you update your aos app you have all new scrolls on your phone very easy
  3. Before we all start to build new mortal lists around this Isn't it Slaves to Darkness Nurgle Units? Which would make it for us not feasible with blightkings and pusgoyles
  4. Next best competetive nurgle list might be something like So sad... Allegiance: NurgleMortal Realm: HyshLeadersChaos Sorcerer Lord (160)- General- Runestaff- Trait: Grandfather's Blessing- Lore of Foulness: Plague SquallLord of Chaos (140)Archaon (660)- Lore of Virulence: Favoured PoxesSorcerer (120)- Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch- Lore of Malignance: Blades of PutrefactionSorcerer (120)- Lore of Malignance: Blades of PutrefactionBattleline40 x Chaos Marauders (200)- Axes40 x Chaos Marauders (200)- Axes40 x Chaos Marauders (200)- Axes40 x Chaos Marauders (200)- AxesTotal: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 203
  5. You will face a model count issue to hold objectives in my opinion. The 2x20 marauders can die in turn1 pretty easy.. Due to bad defense and bad bravery... After those 40 are off the bord you have overall only around 10 models... Makes it very difficult in scenarios with more than 2 objectives. But still your list is decent I think. You will see some wins in a not 100% competitive environment. Ah and one last hint. Don't over estimate the pusgoyles... I really tried to make them work because I love cavallery and the look of these models imo they just don't kill anything... The output is just the worst
  6. Very Cool sounds like a good fun game. Still it seems like everything went in your direction (roti rain several times on 7, starting wheel on5? and turning wheel on 7) and your colleague wasn't a competetive player (no out of line of sight of his buff heros? Even without terrain just hide behind big Maw). Even with fighting last, the IJ should punch you very very hard in the combat phase if he uses his synergies correctly and your armee really lacks dmg output and rend in melee vs 3 and 4 up saves... So sounds like the dice God was heavely on your side Your whole Armee consists of around 24 models... With that model count you shouldn't be able to win in a match counting models within 6 etc... Don't get me wrong I really like the combo of Lord of affl and the pusgoyle and I also love Rotigus and to hear that they squeezed a win make my heart jump but for the people starting or seeking advice about nurgle and with the conversation above was all about competitive I just had to share my thoughts here and try to help not to misunderstand that win vs currently very strong IJs.
  7. As mentioned by hughwyeth a or most likely 2 spells with 7 to cast without bonus isnt reliable at all which is always bad in a competitive scene. Very important I want to add that he s a named character and can't take an artefact that is one big big downsize for him too. With 4 to save he will be killed by any hammer unit in the game in 1 or at least 2 turns... VS Shooting even worse. The CA is nice but without any punch in melee for nurgle the +1 attack is rather meh... ( I know monks and marauders maybe but... Ya I want my real nurgle boys for the party :D) I'm really looking forward for an update because it would be a shame not to play this great model on the tabletops (same goes for our maggot Lords and our big fatties GUO/Rotigus too) By the way last weekend I ran a one day tournament and ran 2/1 with my tallyband only lost in the finals, last game close VS FeC due to his mobility Over all 3 games I killed like 10 grots and 1 flayer... Objectives and debuffs is the only way to play nurgle currently, in my point of view.
  8. Thricefold is at least better than our high wound count mortals, if you screen the 3 GUOs good enough and if you have luck with your casts Vs Slaanesh I think our best bet is something like tallyband with lord of blights extra CP and broonch. 2 Drop, get first turn, run up objectives and hope you can hold them long enough... On scenarios without midfield objectives, you are lost
  9. Totally agree. But still very challenging to play especially vs big antimagic because in combat or shooting there is nothing in this list. Just tanking and casting.
  10. Oh a nurgle fellow in the top 10 of last GT, nice! He brought the good old thricefold to the table but still not bad for us now a days His list:
  11. Think positive! A new book will come for nurgle. There are so many and so great models in this faction, they must be stupid as hell if they don't update the book and add maybe some endless spells. Quick and easy changes to fix one of the biggest factions (model wise) Until then I'm with you... Maybe tallyband is our best bet in the upcoming meta haha. At least you can't be shot and u don't care who is attacking first because you won't do any dmg either way I'm ready and waiting what will come. Daemon Armee is complete and 90% painted and mortal Armee is my current project. This one is inspired by @sal4m4nd3r let's see if those blightkings really can kill something or if it is just another Def Armee like my daemons
  12. Don't forget about the DPR from Harbinger for our mortals Even worse hehe
  13. Just a short feedback to your 1st list. With Harbinger and glott in one list you will always struggle with command points... Because to use the full effective of those two expensive models you want to use there comma d like every turn... And with max 2 add. CP this is very hard and so this combo feels very clunky for me. Additional glotts command and his signitiare spell favors more the horde units like plaguebearers monks or maybe marauders But looks like you already made this conclusion for yourself and looking in the right direction with gutrod deepstrike and maybe GUO for move. But as @sal4m4nd3r stated I think you should take a look at the warshrine or maybe Festus, sorcerer with potential strong lore spells or endless spells. Lots of possibilities there for 440 points
  14. What about reducing 1 unit of BKs to 5 and deleting balewind (moving Festus is more likely to use his heal ability). This frees you up 200 points. I would use those for 1 CP and the pendulum ( to cast with epitome because in my area we don't use realm spells) and with the open 100 points you can add either 5 chaos warriors or something fancy like nurglings (for blocking or tacking units). The 1 CP is important due to the high drop count all first strike armys will hurt the marauders very much
  15. 2x30 plaguebearers 1xspellportal and 3rd battleline up to you... 5 chaos knights or 10 plaguebearers or 20 marauders? Depending on this choice you can choose another endless spell... Not too much flexibility in this one.
  16. Yeah totally agree. A good slaanesh list will bring up another 2000 points on the table vs that heavy wound focused list... Not sure how my approach with this list would look like vs slaanesh. Sounds like a pretty up-hill battle...
  17. We are totally fine And concerning MWG I really can understand you! It's like there isn't 1 battle report with an critical rule failure but I think the focus for the guys is more on the fluff and fun side which is totally fine. You just can't compare it to the competitive meta. Lokking forward to hear your results at Nova and how your list worked out. PS: pulled the trigger and more PBKs as well as 40 marauders are ordered so don't let me down with your list core idea haha @sal4m4nd3r
  18. @sal4m4nd3r you are defending papa nurgle pretty emotional I think the comment above wasn't meant to bad. But still you are right with your rule description and papa nurgle needs more dedicated people to help his cause. Let's see to increase this 47% win rate hehe
  19. What do you think how this style of list will do vs the present "I fight first, you fight last or I fight twice" environment? Are you able to "tank" enough? I'm really curious to try your approach of list style. With missing 40 mauraders, 15 blightkings, epitome and warshrine it's just feeling like I have to buy a complete new army Proxy testing is a first way but with 60% of the army as proxys it really looks stupid I really look into this because the next tournament has a house rule with scoring objectives only by wounds left within 4'. And I think this list can outnumber wounds on objectives pretty effective
  20. Cool to see nurgle winning a tournament! Still, 2 nurgle and 1 not competitive death list are not top tier currently and therefore hard to bring this in comparison to the "meta" I know my gaming club and I assume I wouldn't win 50% with the list... But maybe I'm just too bad
  21. My planned competitive 2k list... Pros: 3 different main dmg blobs (40arks, thunderes, hearth guard) 2 deepstrike options 3 heros extra cp Cons: No dispel / magic Min. 6 drops Not too much screen potential What do you think about the list in current meta? I know it's nothing completely new, more or less a mix of a lot of options mentioned here before. Allegiance: Kharadron OverlordsSkyport: Barak-Zilfin- Additional Footnote: There's No Trading With Some PeopleLeadersAuric Runesmiter (120)- Runic Iron- AlliesAether-Khemist (140)- General- Trait: Prospector Aether-Khemist (140)- Artefact: Aethershock Earbuster Battleline40 x Arkanaut Company (480)- 12x Light Skyhooks10 x Arkanaut Company (120)- 3x Aethermatic Volley Guns10 x Arkanaut Company (120)- 3x Aethermatic Volley GunsUnits10 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (240)- Poleaxes- Allies15 x Grundstok Thunderers (270)- 15x Aethershot Rifles3 x Endrinriggers (120)War MachinesArkanaut Frigate (200)- Main Gun: Heavy Sky Cannon- Great Endrinworks: Aetherspheric Endrinds (Barak-Zilfin Skyvessel)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 360 / 400Wounds: 130
  22. Good question, I'm new to KO and fighting myself every day if I'm going to buy 60 arkanauts or should wait if something is changing our battleline choices... Maybe Cities of Sigmar? But not sure if I should hope for so much
  23. How do you rate the drop count for kharadron? Looking at the escort wing battalion and arkanauts not included in the battalion, you kind of always be at around 6 drops... So usually you won't be able to decide the first turn order. But on the other hand, is this really an issue for us? What's your opinion or even better experience with it?
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