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Everything posted by a74xhx

  1. I'm wondering if this is intentional to stop mixed Destruction being overpowered and Bonesplitterz/Grots/Greenskinz from being competitive, as none of them can use our spell lore without use of the Arachnacauldron.
  2. This is my Branchwraith in progress. She's entirely made of spare Sylvaneth pieces and some green stuff. I wanted to keep the "tree turning into a woman" of the original wraith, and I've painted her the same colours as my Drycha to tie them together. Pleased with my mushrooms on the back I made, and cutting then filling the Branchwych leg so it wound around the tree. Not so keen on the change of detail scale between the different pieces and I still need to get the blending of the shoulder from skin to wood working. VID_20190129_105408 (1).mp4 This summer I was in the Galleria Borghese in Rome. The statue of Apollo and Daphne by Bernini instantly reminded me of the Branchwraith. As you move around the statue, it gives the illusion of Daphne turning from human to tree (not so easy to see in still photos). I'm fairly convinced this is exactly what the GW sculptor was copying using for inspiration. And that's why I wanted to keep that aspect in my wraith. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_and_Daphne_(Bernini)
  3. Were you not able to ignore that low bravery using CPs ?
  4. That's a nice list for me to start from (and includes everything I already bought too!). I'm going to see what gets lost when I try to squeeze in Hag/Mollog/Gobbapolooza/Snufflers/fanatics/some spiders. I'm not sold on the Troggherd battalion yet...... Not sold on the ability it brings. It can't guarantee me first turn, so I might as well assume I'm going second and plan for it (the one drop Sylvaneth player in me is twitching). If I keep Fungoid and Skragrott in then I don't need that command point. So, it becomes 180 points for an artefact. For that I could take Mollog. If that extra artefact becomes essential, and I take Gobbapolooza, then maybe the Gobbapolooza battalion at 110 points is more useful than Troggherd.
  5. Yeah, Snufflers definitely get a free pass! They're grots with pets, and the buffs work nicely with grots too.
  6. The big restriction in that list is you're stuck with three units of grots (or squig herd) for battleline. But switching to a new Trogg/Spider/Squig general makes the grot buffs slightly less useful and Skragrott loses some of his cool stuff. Gah! As a Sylvaneth player, this having lots of units and subfactions to choose from is all new to me 😄 Mollog was already on the pre-order list too!
  7. Been looking at trying to get a decent 1500 list by paring down the standard 2000 lists. I'd also like to use Alarielle, but obviously I'm quickly going to start running out of room. The most obvious that seemed to fit was Harvestboon, as she just fits into the standard Harvestboon template: Branchwraith (80)- Artefact: Acorn of the Ages - Deepwood Spell: RegrowthBranchwraith (80)- Artefact: Ranu's Lamentiri - Deepwood Spell: Verdant BlessingAlarielle the Everqueen (600)- Deepwood Spell: Throne of Vines30 x Dryads (270)10 x Dryads (100)10 x Dryads (100)Forest Folk (140)Harvestboon Wargrove (100)Soulsnare Shackles (20)Total: 1490 / 1500Wounds: 76 With lack of other stuff, my plan would be to get Alarielle in the centre spamming the board, whilst the Dryads take objectives and protect the queen. Mostly defensive/control work. Sadly with this list I waste an artefact and can only fit 30points of endless spells - Shackles seemed the best for defensive playing. And I'm not going to get much use out of the Harvestboon +1 charging. Iterating on this, I wondered about dropping Harvestboon, but keeping forest folk, giving me 100 extra points to play with..... Branchwraith (80)- Artefact: Acorn of the Ages - Deepwood Spell: RegrowthBranchwraith (80)- Artefact: Ranu's Lamentiri - Deepwood Spell: Verdant BlessingAlarielle the Everqueen (600)- Deepwood Spell: Throne of VinesBranchwych (80)- Deepwood Spell: The Reaping30 x Dryads (270)10 x Dryads (100)10 x Dryads (100)Forest Folk (140)Balewind Vortex (40)Total: 1490 / 1500Wounds: 81 I've lost an artefact I wasn't using and the +1 charges/runs on Dryads I didn't think I needed, but also a command point, and the extra summoning on Branchwraiths. I'm now 4 drops..... which I'm hoping will be enough to get me first turn, but that's a risk (I'm not quite sure how many other armies will run battalions at 1500. If they don't I'm almost certainly fine). But in return I get a branchwych with vortex that will spam 9" reaping and 15" spites on anything that comes near. Cool, but not sure if it's worth the first turn risk. Anyone think these are viable? I'm making one out of spare Sylvaneth pieces. Just need to finish painting and I'll post it here in the next few days.
  8. That's 710 points in Squigs, which feels a little heavy (for me) at first glance. I guess with fewer squigs the Loonboss starts to become expensive for the smaller buff it's bringing. I like the idea of using snufflers, Gobbapalooza and fanatics to boost my grots .... but those are for putting grots on the frontline, instead of using them to grab objective (I think). Squigs are the cavalry, which I won't really be getting elsewhere if I drop them. So I'm wondering if this leaves me with more of a defensive destruction list, if such a thing is remotely possible. 😜 Everyone in here seems so heavy on the squigs right now, with other build types being lost in the process. Ok, there are the Troggoth and Spiderfang threads, but they again lean more towards pure Trog and Spider lists.
  9. (Without wanting to offend all the Squig lovers) Is anyone here considering Squig free lists? I'd like to do just Grots, Magic, Trolls and Spiders. Am I kicking just myself in the face for thinking this? Or are there some Squig units that are essential?
  10. Ahh, true. Need to make sure you keep your other gitz away from that enemy unit when you do the charge too. Sylvaneth units could teleport away, but if they were fighting over an objective, then the grots still keep it. Probably still a valid tactic against the gitz, but very very situational
  11. Thinking about grot resurrection. Your opponent knows that as soon as he finishes off that unit of 60, another unit of 30 is coming back. In the right situations, an opponent might just stop attacking them when they are down to, say, 3 models. Either retreat or focus on another unit that has piled in. Safer than risking another 30 grots popping out of the ground.
  12. I wonder if it's possible to fully break any of the battleplans before units have been deployed just by making a strategic point unobtainable. Maybe only the fluffy narrative ones which have non symmetrical layouts. Is that to prevent scenery going on top of the objective? If so that would break the Sylvaneth strategy of placing woods over everything.
  13. Could you just dump the loonshrine on top of an objective? Objectives are not scenery and objectives can be placed on scenery. It might be big enough to ensure no one can then take that objective. Amazing for something like Battle For The Pass.
  14. Well there was this: Q: Do the enemy units that Drycha Hamadreth attacks with her Colony of Flitterfuries have to be visible to her? A: Yes But I'd hope everyone was playing that way already.
  15. Been thinking about 1000 point lists. I feel Sylvaneth 2000 points have strong strategy rules, but 1000 points is a little vague. You can't just follow the same rules as 2000 points as there just isn't enough room in the list. First turns: At 1000 points it makes no sense to take a wargove battalion, as they are too expensive (almost 1/4 of your points before counting units). So, if you really really want first turn then the only real option is to reduce the number of units in your list. You could take the a small battalion but they are really expensive (>100) for what you get out of them (+1 artefact, +1 ability of debatable use). Two or Three units now become one drop, helping that first turn. Household forces you into 3 not that great units. Forest Folk or Outcasts (if you want Spites) are of use. The others are just too big. Alternatively, just take the largest sized units you can to reduce drops. Eg: 2x3 Kurnoths become 6 Kurnoths. Still, you need to plan on getting second turn. Artefact: 1 artefact. Ok, Acorn Of The Ages is the usual choice. However, I'm wondering if this is more useful overall: Branchwraith : Ranu’s Lamentiri, Verdant Blessing Branchwraith : Dwellers Below TreeLord Ancient : Rebirth Ranu gives the first wraith a 91% chance of casting a wood (instead of 72%), plus the Ancient has a 50% chance (not sure what combined odds of getting at least one wood is) Once you have enough woods out, the first wraith instead gets a +1 to cast Dryads (72% instead of 58%), and the second wraith can now start shooting stuff. Whilst it's still possible to fail getting woods out on turn 1, I'm wondering if this is good enough to drop the Acorn for Ranu which is going to help you every turn. 10 Dryads are 10% of your points, vs 5% in a 2000 game, so they are effectively twice as powerful on the table. Maybe at 1000 points the only woods you really care about are the springboard, with additional woods being a bonus. And if you want to reduce number of drops, then maybe: Branchwraith : Acorn, any spell doesn't matter, you'll only ever summon dryads TreeLord Ancient : Rebirth I really love Drycha's Squirmlings to obliterate a 1 wound battleline unit, so I'm wondering maybe taking her with the double branchwraith. I'd always want the possibility of getting more woods down, so I wouldn't drop down to one wraith. And I really want to keep her healed too, so she needs rebirth. I'd probably avoid Durthu unless I could somehow take ghyrstrike to make him less swingy. Maybe if I managed to get a small battalion in, he'd be back in the running.
  16. My approach to buying wyldwoods was to buy 1 extra base every time I went and bought more models. This spreads the cost out so you don't notice too much. The Vale Of Gyhran makes things cheaper...... but now you do notice the sudden cost of having to buy 4 woods in one drop and the box is HUGE. Also, you end up with 12, probably a few more than you need - overall, you'll probably spend the same amount of money but end up with more plastic at the end. Stupid GW pricing strategies
  17. Messing about with a Harvestboon list that doesn't spam Dryads and ended up with this. It's light on bodies (47 models!), and I wonder if taking 1000 points in two models is suicidal, even if both of them are going to hit hard. Going to need to make sure I get them both up front and hitting ASAP, but getting Durthu upfield is going to be tricky (well, with perfect wood placing and then a teleport I just need a 7 for a charge, which can have a reroll). Alternatively, I think it might be better loosing the Kurnoths to gain 20 dryads and an extra 30 points towards a better endless spell. Allegiance: Sylvaneth - Mortal Realm: Ghyran LEADERS Branchwraith (80) - Artefact : Ranu's Lamentiri - Deepwood Spell : The Dwellers Below (not that the Deepwood spell will ever get used) Branchwraith (80) - Artefact : Acorn of the Ages - Deepwood Spell : Verdant Blessing Alarielle the Everqueen (600) - Deepwood Spell : Regrowth (or maybe throne of vines?) Spirit of Durthu (380) - General - Command Trait : Warsinger - Artefact : Ghyrstrike UNITS 20 x Dryads (200) 10 x Dryads (100) 10 x Dryads (100) 3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200) -Greatswords BATTALIONS Harvestboon Wargrove (100) Forest Folk (140) ENDLESS SPELLS Soulsnare Shackles (20) (or anything else for 20points) TOTAL: 2000/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 2 WOUNDS: 93 LEADERS: 4/6 BATTLELINES: 3 (3+) BEHEMOTHS: 2/4 ARTILLERY: 0/4 ARTEFACTS: 3/3 ALLIES: 0/400 Did a similar list for Gnarlroot.... with even fewer models (35!). I'd let Alarielle summon a third set of Kurnoths and take heavy advantage of the resurrection spell to keep all 9 on the board. Reaping on the TLA as I want to get him upfront and into melee. Oaken Armour instead of Ghyrstrike because, unlike Durthu, I think the trick is to maximise his life rather than boost hitting. Again maybe drop one set of Kurnoths for more battleline and spells, but I wanted to maximise my Kurnoth loadout. Allegiance: Sylvaneth - Mortal Realm: Ghyran LEADERS Treelord Ancient (300) - General - Command Trait : Gnarled Warrior - Artefact : The Oaken Armour - Deepwood Spell : The Reaping (or maybe regrowth) Branchwych (80) - Artefact : Acorn of the Ages - Deepwood Spell : Verdant Blessing Branchwraith (80) - Artefact : Ranu's Lamentiri - Deepwood Spell : The Dwellers Below Alarielle the Everqueen (600) - Deepwood Spell : Throne of Vines (or maybe regrowth) UNITS 10 x Dryads (100) 10 x Dryads (100) 5 x Tree-Revenants (80) 3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)-Greatswords 3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)-Greatswords BATTALIONS Gnarlroot Wargrove (130) Household (100) ENDLESS SPELLS Some endless spell for 30 points, not sure which one TOTAL: 2000/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 2 WOUNDS: 93 LEADERS: 4/6 BATTLELINES: 3 (3+) BEHEMOTHS: 2/4 ARTILLERY: 0/4 ARTEFACTS: 3/3 ALLIES: 0/400
  18. Thanks! Oh ******... didn't notice that - Vortex isn't allowed for anything 9 wounds or more. That restricts it to the Branch*s then. Glad I didn't order one now!
  19. Trying to figure out a 2000 list myself, and may go Harvestboon too. Couple of questions for everyone 1) Durthu vs Drycha - who is most useful? Both are beasts. Drycha is a lot cheaper with killer shooting.... but you can't give her Ghyrstrike or any other artefact. So, let's say you've got a left over artefact to use in your list and nowhere else to place it. Which would you spend 380 points on: Durthu with Ghyrstrike Drycha + Branchw(ych/raith) with an artefact + 20 points to spend elsewhere Drycha + 10 Dryads (probably bumping up another dryad unit) + loose the artefact! 2) Is a second or third Branchwraith always better than a Branchwych? On paper the Branchwych spell sounds like it's going to be a killer, but I've always had lacklustre results - a cast of 10 is only going to do roughly 1.5 mortals. And Dwellers Below is similar enough. 3) Is anyone choosing Tree Revenants (except for those taking Gnarlroot or Ironbark)? Great for scoring objective points, but they need keeping alive until then, which usually means staying out of combat. 4) Drycha (with Reaping or Dwellers Below) on a Balewind Vortex in the centre of the board - a waste of points or a 2 spell + shooting nightmare? Add in a Branchw(ych/raith) keeping her healed with regrowth. And Remember that against some armies Primal terror is impossible to score any damage (1D6 + 2 is always less than Death's bravery of 10).
  20. So, is going Excecution Herd actually competitive then? Or do you really really need to get some Infernal guys in the mix? I'd love to run an Excecution Herd + warmachines + Drazhoath + K'daai + smiths. Lack of bodies to score those objectives does worry me, especially as there will be a bunch of points out the way sat on the backline firing. Place the centaurs on an objective, and if you get mobbed you're going to loose that objective for a turn, even if you do cut them all down eventually. Maybe find something cheap to boost the model count? 10 Ungors for 60 points that aesthetically fit (sadly, they are rubbish on the battlefield, but they are cheap).
  21. Any benefit of doing that instead of setting up the unit off the board at the start, and then moving them to the first wood on the first turn?
  22. Right. I was reading "any other models" refers to any other than the bearer of the acorn. That totally changes how it works. Although, if the Branchwraith drops it 1" away, then she can still get 6" inside the wood on her movement turn. So, it's not that bad.
  23. "Acorn of the Ages: This unassuming acorn is verdant life given form. Once per game, in your hero phase, set up a new Sylvaneth Wyldwood anywhere within 5" of the bearer. The wood cannot be set up within 1" of any other models or terrain features." There is no minimum distance listed from the bearer of the acorn. This means I can set up the wood so that the model holding the acorn is directly in the centre? (Which would make the distance roughly -5 inches.....which sounds very odd when you put it in those terms.) And the same for navigate realmroots. I can put my teleported units inside a wood? "Navigate Realmroots: Sylvaneth armies favour a swift, hit-and-run fighting style, using spirit paths to strike and fade before the enemy can react. If a SYLVANETH unit is within 3" of a Sylvaneth Wyldwood at the start of your movement phase, it can attempt to traverse the spirit paths instead of moving normally. If it does so, remove the unit from the battlefield, then set it up within 3" of a different Sylvaneth Wyldwood, more than 9" from any enemy models. Then, roll a dice and consult the table below."
  24. I'll be playing a 750 game against a Death army. At that size, I'm asking myself what is essential for a Sylvaneth build. I feel my options are: 740: Branchwraith (80), Branchwych (80), 30 Dryads (300), Drycha Hamadreth (280) (W=50 M=33) 740: Branchwraith (80), 30 Dryads (300), Drycha Hamadreth (280), 5 Tree-Revenants (80) (W=50 M=37) 740: Branchwraith (80), Branchwych (80), 20 Dryads (200), Treelord Ancient (300), 5 Tree-Revenants (80) (W=47 M=28) 740: Branchwraith (80), Branchwych (80), 10 Dryads (100), 6 Kurnoth Hunters (400), 5 Tree-Revenants (80) (W=55 M=23) 740: Branchwraith (80), 10 Dryads (100), Drycha Hamadreth (280), 3 Kurnoth Hunters (200), 5 Tree-Revenants (80) (W=45 M=20)740: Branchwraith (80), Branchwych (80), 30 Dryads (300), 3 Kurnoth Hunters (200), 5 Tree-Revenants (80) (W=60 M=40) 720: Branchwraith (80), Branchwych (80), 20 Dryads (200), Drycha Hamadreth (280), 5 Tree-Revenants (80) (W=45 M=28) + An endless spell 740: Branchwraith (80), Branchwych (80), 20 Dryads (200), Treelord Ancient (300), 5 Tree-Revenants (80) (W=47 M=28) 740: Branchwraith (80), Branchwych (80), 10 Dryads (100), 6 Kurnoth Hunters (400), 5 Tree-Revenants (80) (W=55 M=23) 740: Branchwraith (80), 10 Dryads (100), Drycha Hamadreth (280), 3 Kurnoth Hunters (200), 5 Tree-Revenants (80) (W=45 M=20) I don't feel I've got enough models on the board with final two lists to deal with the hordes of death, but they are the only way to squeeze in some Kunroths. The second list
  25. I was looking at the Blackout 2018 results: https://aosshorts.com/blackout-2018-report/ A Sylvaneth list came 9th: Spirit of Durthu (380) - General. Gnarled Warrior. Alarielle the Everqueen (600)- Throne of vines. Treelord Ancient (300) - Regrowth Drycha Hamadreth (280)- Verdant blessing. Swarm, of sqirmlings. Branchwraith (80) - Regrowth. Acorn of the ages. 10x Dryads (100) 10x Dryads (100) 10x Dryads (100) Chronomatic Cogs (60) 2000 points. I found it a little surprising. Only 85 wounds. Min sized dryad units. No revenants. No battalions. No rubbish taken in order to fulfil requirements elsewhere. No oaken armour!! - that TLA is going to be squishier than I'm used to. However, it does have ALL the big guys. TLA and Durthu and Alarielle and Drycha. Yowsa. Got me thinking - Is that Dryad >12 bonus and -30 points for 30 of them really worth it if in return you need to take even more battleline? When instead you have more room for something really cool. Curious how the cogs were used and what Alarielle summoned (Kurnoth sword/scythes I'd hope), and if TLA and Durthu stuck together or split up.
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