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Everything posted by Aloth_Corfiser

  1. Also to quote a little from my experiences in friendly games playing with a shooty Wanderer Army back in 2018 / 2019 early 2020: Squishy Aelves are just squishy Aelves. Even with the Spells the Lumineth have, Bravery will be a problem. Granted there is the Cathallar who is really strong - however Lumineth have lower Bravery than Wanderers overall. (It is one of my favorite Trivia Points that Wanderers are so brave. ) Anyway what I also wnated to say is: I have lost many Aelves to Endless Spells too: The Ossiarch Carrion Bird Spell is a pain and can be placed anywhere (!) on the Battlefield and can move 16". The Warplightning Vortex is also detrimental to anything really. Then there are the other ranged options, from the Armies I have played against most often (Skryre Skaven and Bonereapers) like overcharged Warplightning cannons or of course the Crawler. Overall I am not to worried about the Sentinels. Our opponents will find remedies in hard hitting fast Units, forced Bravery tests, their own long range, etc. However I can see the problem of it being a negative Play experience. As a matter of fact: I am both excited and a bit worried about the Ballista we are getting. It has been one of my biggest wishes to have a Lumineth Siege weapon and a Bannerbearer Hero! What a time to be alive. 😁
  2. If you compare the silhouette of the Wind Spirit in the Lumineth Teaser Video from the preview with the revealed Wind Spirit Model: then yes. One of them has the giant quiver and holds the bow sideways the other one (presumably the generic version) has no quiver as far as I could see.
  3. @Tiberius501I like it! Silver and Blue always match nice and the creamy white and darker blue offer a nice contrast also. I am so looking forward if there are any other paint schemes in the Broken Realms Book! Perhaps even for other Great Nations? Currently I plan to redo my Army in Yellow and light Blue 😅. I will post pictures if they are somewhat presentable.
  4. Not many things hint at that, as of now. Only an excerpt in the Battletome mentions swift Sword-wielding Warriors of the River Temple. The Underworlds Model which has released is calssified as a "Baldelord" and she carries the Tavlu Rune of Wisdom and learning on her backbanner. The same backbanners can be made out in the silouhettes. In my opinion the Swordmasters will be a unique blend of Tyrionic and Teclian abilities and not per se be aligned to any element. But we will see ...
  5. @Tiger yeah the Silouhettes are tiresome. However I never expected that many Figures. wow The Power Pair looks like they could be 2 Zenith Mages maybe? The Helmet of the one floating above is shaped like Myari's Staff or the Zenith Rune. The Blademaster-Helmets are A+
  6. So many Heroes 😍 Absolutely beautiful! So glad that Banner-Bearer Heroes are back!
  7. Am I crazy, or this a Lumineth Bolt-Thrower? 😍
  8. @SorryLizard's paint scheme is a perfect example of what you can achieve with a brush. I love the contrast and the dark brown skin. It really conveys the "hotness" (pun intended ) of the new Slayers and their theme. Even though I voted "no" on the poll: The general theme appeals to me. Warrior Monk / Mercenary Lava - Duardin are a cool and unique concept. I would like if GW could more go into the Monk Theme - in my mind it fits so well with AOS being a game with Gods who have agency. The reason for my "no" vote was basicly the official GW paint scheme I think - it shaped my impression of the Fyreslayers a bit too much. I almost immediately think of pale naked thighs. In the end it has a lot to do with the colours, in my opinion, the official paint scheme doesn't do them any justice, but others have discussed this before. We will just have to see what GW comes up with in the Future - I would not give up hope. The things I would like to see explored are: (obviously I don't know anything about Fyreslayer Lore) -Fyreslayer engineering, Siege Weapons -a unit of Priests or a unit of Iniates/Novices
  9. It was a close tie between 11-15 and 15-20 for me but in the end I voted for 11-15. Because I like these smaller thematic Armies like Sylvaneth or Kharadron Overlords or Daughters of Khaine. They really impressed me when I started to get into AoS. On the other Hand I am a fan of small 5 wound Heroes - you can never have enough of them in an army. In the end my preference lies with @Neverchosen reasoning here, that the amount of Warscrolls should somehow reflect the culture and background of the Army.
  10. Regarding the Wind Spirit I had the silly Idea of it being not just represented by 1 Model, but by 2 or 3 Models on the Tabletop. As in a metaphorical sense that you can never catch the Wind Maybe the Fox/Wind Spirit has 2 or 3 identical Manifestations. Or the Spirit splits in two as a last defense mechnaism when reaching a certain Wound threshold? Or there could be a rule like the Bad Moon: When a Wind spirit is in your army you roll a dice and determine from which side of the Battlefield the Wind blows --> according to that your enemy gets debuffed or you get bonuses. Your Fly High Idea sounds very reasonable, @Aelfric. I think what we can most reasonably expect is some rule that the Spirit can grant the Fly Ability to a friendly Lumineth Unit.
  11. Warmachines were mentioned in the Lore excerpt about Archaon attacking Slaaneshs Prison in Wrath of the Everchosen. Do you mean that the Wind Spirit will have the Warmachine Keyword? 😄 A Spirit launching artillery style Wind-Arrows?
  12. The Hurakan are really cute! I am already looking forward to the paint schemes peoples come up with.
  13. Hey! For some positivity: I might come back into the LRL Fold with these Kangaroos! So looking forward to what they are called. Or if an all Cavalry Army is now possible with the Lumineth. Damn. I have never had this effect of a single model switching my Brain around. I am very tempted. Let them complain and rant in their own bubble(s). Staying out of social Media (or deleting it) has worked wonders for me. Just to say this again: I am very glad to have found this Forum. 🤗
  14. Thanks =) We need more aesthetic polls in my opinion. :D I think many of you know Warhammer Weekly, in this Episode Vince outdid himself and made a survey about AoS Aesthetics the interesting point here is Group Percpetion and Individual Perception and group percption as perceived by the individual (if this makes sense lol) Have a look if you are intrigued, it starts around 47 minutes in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53004peUBmU
  15. That's a very good point, as @LuminethMage said also! I feel a bit dumb for not looking left and right. 😅 Nevertheless it is really interesting to see what everyone likes and dislikes. I did not want it to be too polarizing and chose these multiple choice answers to get a picture of "when people quit the Hype" - but it was not thought through. Interesting point about the Phoenix Guard - Nostalgia can be a strong "force".
  16. Yeah I was also always in it for the Aelf-Armies. I almost started Idoneth when they came out, however there was this 50% split for me where I didn't like half the Models but really liked the others. When Lumineth Came out I was hyped! It saddened me to see people not liking the release. The Battle Cattle, Eltharion and Teclis were not for me - I bought the whole Box anyway, because I like the basic troops that much. After a few months of assembling and painting I quit it. Because I discovered that I ddidn't like the assembly of the Models and the Lore that much (If that makes sense). Now I have moved on from Aelves.
  17. Since there was such a heated debate in the Rumour Thread, I wanted to create this poll to see what you are all thinking. I have followed the whole Lumineth debate quite closely. I know it has been discussed to death maybe, so I'll apologize beforehand if I offend anyone. Also I do not intend to step on anyone's toes and create a topic that derails into senseless arguing. It's just that I like the occasional poll. The release was a long journey and people were intrigued or gave up on the way - that's the reason for my arbitrary categories. 😄 However, since I have myself parted with the Army, I would like to see your opinions. Especially if you are / were a Lumineth Player.
  18. Since I joined in early 2018 I haven't got this impression at all. There were often new Models to discover and AoS even entered a new edition with Significant changes. Since then I always viewed it that way that the two game Systems (AoS and 40k) can benefit from each other and maybe GW will occasionaly try out different Game mechanics. In a way Bonereapers still feel like yesterday to me and the new realeases are only getting better in my opinion. AoS feels loved 🥰 In some ways it still needs to "find" its identity but we are gettig there. I was a bit salty and bitter about the changes GW took inthe beginning but now as new realeases are rolling out and the new design choices start to take over, you can see the work that has gone into it and appreciate it.
  19. I am delighted by the sheer scope of the Slaanesh Palanquin and happy for you guys! This is a Model to rival Katakros! Also I am all in for Humans now - go Vampire Hunters!
  20. Are you planning to use the Units in Cities of Sigmar or play with the Old Wanderer Allegiance Abilities from the GHB 2018 and GHB 2019? As a player whos experience it is to collect some of the worst Units in the Game ,I will try to give my spoiled advice (take it with a load of salt though) I tend to agree with Doko about the Wildwood Rangers and the Sisters of the Thorn, nevertheless I use both of them in my Living City force. My bold claim would also be that Wanderers, out of all the Factions, are most susceptible to Bravery losses. Just because of rather expensive Units, a low save and High Numbers. The Sisters have the problem that they have no damage output whatsoever and no casting buffs, in my games they often fail to cast and I use them to annoy my opponent a little bit and grab objectives or try to unbind spells. Their signature Spell is also quite weak - the Old Shield of Thorn Spell (in the GHB Allegiances) was better in my opinion. So yes they are best used in Units of 5. Wildwood Rangers can be good against monsters and are a threat to them - they have chopped down Arkhan or a Gothizzar Harvester to 1 or 2 Wounds for me. Problem is: they dont survive the retaliation. Even Freeguild Greatswords have strictily speaking better buffs and abilities. The WWR are so niche and situational that most would never use them. I roll with my 3 Units of 10 and the CoS Battalion: A Nomad Princce with Spear of the Hunt who strikes first then followed by buffed WWR out of the Hidden Paths can have some impact. But as always with Aelves Show and Glory are more important. There is also the real risk if you want to ambush with them and have no Hero nearby to reroll Charges - the WWR are just sitting there waiting to be shot or charged by some counter Unit. Sisters of the Watch can of course gain crazy amount of Attacks when standing still. Again Living City or Tempest Eye seem well suited. You can ambush them in or run them into position. If you like the concept: you could always team up Eternal Guard and Sisters of the Watch - since the Sisters will get their Overwatch in a 3" Radius you could place them behind the Guard. In my opinion Sisters of the Watch are totally worth it - I use Units of 20 to Ambush sometimes but rarely - smart opponents will Block of the Ambush opprotunities with chaff and all your potetantial shots are wasted. But it is fun to have multiple Units of 10 in reserve in a Living City Army. Those small reserves have won me some games and I am always proud of them. 🥰
  21. Progress Update: It has been a long time since my last post. When CoS arrived I decided on a Living City Force, however I had painted them in different greens already and especially liked the vibrant greens you could achieve out of Ogryn Camo or Elysian Green. 😀 The Models are not really painted to a good standard, the paint is thick, some are still in the shape of my first models I ever painted. However they look alright from afar and I had so much fun with converting. Most importantly I am happy that my very first Army ever is coming to a forseeable end! 1x Nomad Prince 1x "Assassin" 40x Sisters of the Watch 30x "Glade Guard" 30x Wildwood Rangers 10x Sisters of the Thorn All Units can also be played as MSU but most of my Army has no banners for flavour reasons as a more sneaky force. ^^ I put the Sisters of the Thorn on Fenrisian Wolves: Squad Leaders of the ranged Aelves: Squad Leaders of the Wildwood Rangers and the Glade Guard Banner Bearer (the only real Banner in the whole Army) The Nomad Prince, modeled as a Druid of the Everspring casting a Spell My favorite Glade Guard Models (now used as Darkshards or Freeguild Crossbowmen) all of the Glade Guard (30 brave Men and Women) Some of my favorite Sisters and Brothers of the Watch Wildwood Rangers with small conversions The Retinue (10 WWR) and the Prince with Night-Blue Capes The best buddy of the Prince (used as an Assassin and Adjutant) A view of all the Wanderers on foot And the whole Army with still 6 unpainted Sisters of the Thorn
  22. I can't really specify or make up my mind about that at the Moment, sorry. Maybe in another Thread about Aesthetics were people can deep dive into Miniature Design(s) etc. For me it goes a bit into the direction of what @Nos said in the post below yours @LuminethMage.
  23. Sadly it makes me dislike the Lumineth more and more I don't want to uselessly complain though. Aesthetics and preferences can be a weird thing. For my part, I am not a Fan of the light side / dark side aesthetic they are going for. (Tassles and eerily similar Shields on the Myrmidesh and Vanari and now this. Hmm .. So, nothing against the Slaanesh Mortals I like them in principle - just would not collect them. (Knowing my weird Brain I probably will in 5 Yearsor so.)
  24. Yeah, I admit, I did not think too much about about it. 😄 And yes, the fact that I narrowed it down to Sigmar Worshippers didn't occur to me as being somewhat problematic. My mind was already thoroughly entrenched into this mode of thinking., that "Sigmar Humans" would be the route GW would be taking in the future. Though, I also like the Idea of Tech Savvy Humans. I didn't know I wanted something like that in my life, but now I do
  25. As the titel implies, I would like you to vote on your biggest wishes for the role of the "normal Sigmar worshipping Humans" in AoS and how you would like to seem them realized. Please feel free to specify in your comments if you like. Mention anything my narrowmindedness failed to list in the poll.
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