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Everything posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. Officially there isn't any mention of Gravelords replacing LoN. Unofficially, LoN isn't available, the majority of its units have been updated in Gravelords, and Gravelords have taken 2 subfactions (Legion of Night/Blood). Which heavily implies that LoN is just gone.
  2. Oh no. At least the Cursed City undead characters showed up.
  3. *Stares lovingly at the Monstrous Arcanum book* It is a crime that the Khemric Titan was never made.
  4. Outcasts are spite-revenants & Drycha, who are order like the rest of the Sylvaneth. Honestly, the chances that current factions switch Grand Alliances are lower than the return of Tomb Kings.
  5. battalion The goal of adding the Core battalion is to even out the benefits armies get from battalions in regards from direct battalion bonusses and artefact generation & deployment control. By making only core battalion available to everyone, you even out this playing field directly. If you keep faction battalions allongside core battalions, you keep the problem that some battalions are stronger than others.
  6. Saying that existing battletomes will still work is just saying that no models and allegiances will be invalidated in 3rd. If we're getting a big change regarding battalions, I would expect that change to happen at the dawn of the 3rd edition. Keeping both Core battalions and faction battalions around would be messy.
  7. They have their own fancy Battletome: Nighthaunt.
  8. Malerion/Malekith and dark elves have been around the corner for the past... 5 years now?
  9. I am unsure about sinking if sinking more into the double turn will improve it. The way they talked about it I got the same feeling as a coding project I did with a group. We coded a feature, which didn't really work the way we wanted it, and so we kept adding more code to it in attempts to fix it. In the end, we had a massive code abomination that still didn't really work the way it should. I hope I'm wrong though, I would like AoS3e. On what I would love to see, increase in points and smaller max unit sizes. GW has balanced units by reducing their points through AoS, to the point where some mediocre units cannot realistically be reduced further. Resetting that to a higher standard would make fix that and allow them to rebalance units into the future. Smaller max unit sizes as those give a particular advantage on objectives, as well as with bufs and sustained combat. It could also allow certain horde units like Clanrats be actual hordes, compared to other units.
  10. Right lets see. Monday - Was correct. Tuesday - Only got sisters correct. Beastsnaggas were on Friday. Wednesday - No AoS books. Thursday - Only got the Idoneth Correct Friday - We got beastsnaggas and a tease for Grey Knight & Thousand Sons codexes. Completely wrong. Saturday - AoS3e instead. I got some correct, and a bunch wrong. Such is life.
  11. Because we are doing it. 1. Want: New Tomb Kings. Give me mummified chariots. 2. Expect: Media/Eisenhorn release 3. Don't want: Age of Sigmar: Immortal.
  12. Just imagine a giant ossiarch bone construct crab. With a fancy hat.
  13. Well, if you're primary a 40k fan then ending with a new edition for AoS might not be that much of a bang for you either. Live action adaption would be a big thing for GW (just look at the mainstream popularity of an IP when it gets one of those), and certainly worthwhile for them to hype it up that way.
  14. There aren't many options for the Saturday reveal to be honest. It is billed as a mystery to generate wider interest. Faction/expansion/codex previews would be under the respective system. Which leaves either 1) Summer big release, or 2) something non-game related. For big summer release, we have either Old World or AoS3e, or potentially a Horus Heresy soft relaunch. For non-game related we can have the rumoured Live-Action Eisenhorn adaption. Old World I would expect some more buzz about (like sketches for the 2nd faction) and it will take the Summer big release slot, which will rule out an AoS3e this year. (Old World would require a bunch of releases, and would compete in hype with AoS3e, so not smart marketing) Horus Hersey relaunch would run into a similiar problem, and I don't know how big it is. Which leaves AoS3e and Live Action adaption. Personally I suspect the latter.
  15. Thanks for the clarification. That does put a AoS3e preview saturday back in the realm of possibilities.
  16. Does anyone know if all the PA books were out before 40k9e was announced? I think that might gives us a reference frame wether or not to expect AoS3e.
  17. Expected 3 boxed game previews, got 3 boxed set previews. And we got the superior crab that made all other previews look weak, so i count it as a win.
  18. The Nighthaunt unionized for better working conditions, which didn't amuse the aristocratic vampires.
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