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Everything posted by sorokyl

  1. the rules for Beast of Nurgle say NURGLE DAEMON HERO in bold, which means its talking about keywords. These are 3 seperate keywords, and Harbinger of Decay has all 3 of them, so yes. He would trigger that ability.
  2. Moonclan is constantly rumored. It seems extremely likely. Many people are wishful for a combined grot battletome, or at least rolling spiderfang into moonclan. The scuttlings would fit right into that. Where did they get the idea of scuttlings? Who knows. Where did you hear it from? I'd say the likelyhoods are: A grot battletome including at least moonclan - 95% A grot battletome including other grots - 40% A grot battletome including specifically scuttlings - 10% A grot battletome based on grot scuttlings - 2%
  3. I don't see a reason to ever run 10 plaguebearers. They are really only good in blocks of 30. Especially since you can summon groups of 5/10 now as needed. Add more blightkings instead.
  4. You need 1 more battleline. Get rid of GUO, add glottkin . Get rid of festus, add blightkings
  5. Perhaps, but it looks just like the umbral spell portals so that would be unfortunate.
  6. Aleguzzler Gargants, DoK Blood Coven are also gone. Bloodfeast Gorgers is webstore only. The 3 gone are 3 of the ones I'd say are the most popular / best deals. Perhaps they stopped production on all of these and are just working through the inventory of what's left. Maybe Bloodfeast Gorgers is running low so they've stopped shipping to stores. Then again, I also expect something for DoK in the next 12 months, whether that is a SC or a Battleforce, so maybe you are right and they are cutting off some in anticipation of new products (And Gargants because it was a weird box, 2 for the price of 1? What's the point of the single then? Everyone knows their "lower price" button is broken so the only thing to do was ditch the Colossal Crushers box. )
  7. Starting turn two I plan on getting an average of 8 points a turn. only 2 of those coming from a tree. Why do you think the summoning is easy to shut down? Typical game cumulative points per round assuming you can deep strike or otherwise get into their territory turn on turn 1). with/without tree starting turn 2 1 - 6 2 - 14 (12) 3 - 22 (18) 4 - 30 (24) 5 - 38 (30) So the tree provides about 27% of the points.
  8. So I did some Engine of the Gods math. Could be wrong but here's what I got: 16.3% chance for an EoTG not near a Slan to get 14+ 35.5% chance for an EotG near a Slann to get 14+ 55.5% chance for an EoTG near a Kroak to get 14+ assuming Kroak uses up to 2 of his rerolls from his command ability (stack his command ability and you can do better) To calculate the third, I looked at the outcomes in which the result was not 14 and computed the probability of rerolling 14+ by adding: probability of being able to reroll 2 dice (50%) * (probability of the previous 2 highest dice + 2 rerolls being 14+) +probability of being able to reroll only 1 dice (27.5%) * (probability of the previous 2 highest dice + 1 rerolls being 14+) (I calculated this in excel row by row(1297 rows) but had formulas to drag down. Again it could be off) So 4 EoTG around a Kroak you get an average of 1.62 summons per turn. Without a Kroak you get an average of 1.42 summons per turn. Kroak gets an additional spell over a Starmaster, if you use that for conjuration points, then total Kroak nets you 0.45 more summons per turn than the Starmaster with 1 or more engine of the gods. At ~120points per summon, thats 54 points per turn, would take 4 turns to be worth the points. if you are only considering how much he can summon (this does not factor in any artifacts the starmaster is using)
  9. Starmaster gets 3 spells a turn, Kroak gets 4. Plus any additional from Cogs or Balewind Vortex. You can trade each of those spells for conjuration points. It's not d3 per spell, it's 3. So a Kroak on a balewind vortex with cogs gets a max of 18 points per turn (on a turn in which he did not cast the endless spells), plus d3 per astrolith bearer and 1 for the slann being the general.
  10. I mean you had to have done at least 2-4 dmg to the necromancer in order for a "single plage squall cast" to kill it right? There's not some trick to making plague squall do 5 damage right?
  11. Thanks, not sure how I misread the ability so badly. Does anyone have the math on it, with and without kroak?
  12. What ghb are you looking at? I'm looking at 2018 and it's not there under nurgle. 100% certain
  13. What am I missing about engine of the gods? My math it's a 16% chance to get an extra turn or summon some units. If you use Kroak's command ability you can get that up to 34% (factoring in the probability of kroak getting the rererolls and assuming you don't waste the rerolls when you have a good result or summoning is very improbable. But Kroak can only do that for 1 EoTG. Are additional EoTG really worth the point investments for a 16% chance to summon units each turn? Is there a trick here I missed?
  14. Here's my List for the weekend, just for fun. Decided to try The Blessed Sons, and wanted to try some endless spells. Was gonna do Cogs but I figured with the batallion I'll get first turn and buffed up I should survive a round of shooting pretty well to spend a possible 2 turns getting to them. Plus there are no good endless spells for 20 for this list! I'll save the Cogs for when I get my GUO built with a bell. The Eye of Nurgle is in case I play our Nagash player, Nagash has never died, so I'll take a 17% chance! (I get 3 artifacts anyway). Hoping The lord of plagues gets me some extra contagion points. Allegiance: Nurgle - Mortal Realm: Ghyran LEADERS Lord of Plagues (140) - General - Command Trait : Virulent Contagion - Artefact : Ghyrstrike The Glottkin (420) - Lore of Malignance : Blades of Putrefaction Harbinger of Decay (160) - Artefact : The Eye of Nurgle Sorcerer (120) - Artefact : Muttergrub - Lore of Foulness : Plague Squall Gutrot Spume (140) UNITS 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) BATTALIONS Plague Cyst (200) The Blessed Sons (100) ENDLESS SPELLS Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (40) Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws (40)
  15. rules question: Lord of Plagues Plague-ridden Great Weapon ability reads: Each time you make a hit roll of 6+, that hit roll inflicts D6 hits instead of 1. Malign sorcery artifacts: Aiban's Hidden Blade: If the hit roll is a 6+, add +1 to damage characteristic Flowstone Blade: Each time you roll a hit roll of 6+, add 1 to the wound roll for that attack. Do these abilities synergize such that all of the d6 attacks get +1 dmg or +1 to wound roll? What are your favorite artifacts/traits for LoP? I am running a minimum Blessed Sons List this weekend with the Glottkin, Gutsprume, and a couple of spells added (so everyone that can get an artifact gets an artifact...) edit: originally asked about Jadewound Thorn but I think that one doesn't work, since it immediately inflicts a mortal wound on a 6+, but Maybe I'm wrong.
  16. Run nurgle allegiance and take the glottkin=) especially if equipped with staffs, the damage is insane. If you really want pestilens, you can fit Oghotts Daemonspew in your allies. Pick a nurgle unit and reroll failed wound rolls. Pairs great with Contaigion banner.
  17. The glottkin is both a mortal and a rotbringer, so he gets to pick 1 spell from each lore, I believe.
  18. Probably, with HoD, especially if playing against ranged, right, you would probably use his ability every turn. You could have additional points from battalions or from unused matched points that you could strategically use on key turns to activate another command ability. I think Lord of Afflictions ability is a great one time use. It was a bad ability before because of this, but now that you can get all of its value with 1 point, it's really good. Can you imagine a unit of 4 Blightlords going 16" + run + charge (across a tree) with a Glottkins Command ability on them too? If they surive until the next turn, maybe your harbringer can catch up and use his command ability for the rest of the game. That combo costs 100 points, or 50 if you also took a batallion.
  19. What if you build it without the OPTIONAL howdah? (See how the new AoS app has 3 different warscroll for arachnarok). If it has zero goblins on it, is it still a mount? What is mounted on it? Something being a mount literally, and something being a mount for rules purposes, are two different things. When you say it can't take it right now, that's your interpretation of the rules, which to me seems wrong for sure.
  20. What do you guys think about 2 handed weapons + shields? Warriors & Longbeards warscrolls seem intentionally written to allow it, but I'm not sure why. Does it make anyone else feel weird?
  21. I do not see how the Spider is clearly the mount. I would say that the spider is clearly not the mount, as the riders are optional. Let's look at the warscroll: DESCRIPTION An Arachnarok Spider is a single model. It attacks its prey with venomous Monstrous Fangs and its massive Chitinous Legs. This is the description of the unit. The unit is a spider. That is also clear in the name of the warscroll "Arachnarok Spider". SPIDERFANG GROTS Many Arachnarok Spiders carry a howdah of Spiderfang Grots into battle, who attack those below with Spider-bows and Crooked Spears. These howdahs can also mount either a Flinger – a crude web-slinging catapult – or a Catchweb Spidershrine – a magical artefact tended to by a Spiderfang Grot Shaman. This section describes OPTIONAL configurations of the unit. If you aren't convinced, let's take a look at another, closer warscroll, that was rewritten recently with modern language: https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/aos_warscrolls/Downloads-AoS/aos-warscroll-squig-gobba.pdf DESCRIPTION A Squig Gobba is armed with Spit-squigs and a Cavernous Maw. Again, The description describes the unit the warscroll is about. The Squig. CREW: This model has a grot crew that attack with their Bashin’ Sticks. For rules purposes, the crew are treated in the same manner as a mount Again, the special rules discuss the crew. In this recently updated warscroll, it clarifies the crew is treated as a mount. Goblins on a spider vs Goblins on a Squg. Warscrolls read very similarly. I do not think you need an FAQ to understand that the goblins on the Arachnarok are, for rules purposes, the mount.
  22. Yeah, I think in this case, although it doesn't really make sense logically, for rules purposes the goblins are the mount and the Spider is the unit. I've seen several instances of this lately where newer/updated warscrolls have explicit language for this. For example Lady Olynder: Lady Olynder is accompanied by two Banshee Handmaidens, who are armed with Spectral Claws. For rules purposes, the Banshee Handmaidens are treated in the same manner as a mount
  23. You can't take Ironjaws as ally in a Spiderfang Army unfortunately. Limited to Aleguzzlers, Gitmob Grots, Greenskinz, Troggoths . All goblin factions have the same allies. Orruks(Ironjawz/Bonesplitters) have the same allies as well but can additionally ally with other Orruks. I suppose this makes sense. An orc does not want to take commands from a goblin.
  24. So I impulse purchased WoTGC Tempest's Eye... got a decent deal on it. And so it was that army number 5 was started... I am not in a big hurry to buy more models for this, just trying to get a sense of what to look out for (always shopping for deals, hence 4 incomplete armies). At first the army will be a free city allegiance with mostly SCE + dispossessed. In addition to Tempest's Eye I have the original starter, soul wars, some random SCE stuff, a cogsmith, and a runelord. The SCE contribution will largely be liberators (for battleline) and prosecutors (both because they look awesome and because I now have 9 of them) and some soul wars stuff. I will start out the Disposessed with my Warden King, Runelord, and 20 Ironbreaker/drakes, and grow it over time, but I'm not sure what to grow into. This is my interpretation of the units: Warriors: Cheap always-battleline melee unit. Stronger in large groups. Longbeards: A different always-battleline melee unit that can buff nearby units (maybe take a unit of 10 always?) Hammerers: Strong offense, conditional battleline Ironbreakers: The elite melee unit. Tougher, more damage, more expensive. conditional battline Quarrellers / Thunderers: Variations on similar ranged units, needs to be played in groups of 30 for max effectivness. Irondrakes: The ranged version of Ironbreakers, elite ranged units. I prefer elite units (fewer models to paint) so the Ironbreakers and Irondrakes stand out to me (good thing those are the 2 kits I have so far!). I am leaning drakes because it seems like they will always have a place. Am open to splitting it 10/10 though. I probably want 10 longbeards sooner rather than later for the buff. Which unit type is the most auto-include for you, and which do you think does best in a mixed army with SCE?
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