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Everything posted by sorokyl

  1. I think you misunderstood. I am saying better than 3x20 is 2x40. But you must take a minimum of 3 separate units of clan rats, which is not ideal. We want the flexibility to run 1 or 2 units of clan rats, which we do not have.
  2. The problem is that 3x20 rats is a very poor battleline. Clan rats are really only great in groups of 40. So the skyre army really wants 1x40 or 2x40 clanrats, and the other battleline to be stormfiends.. 3x20 clanrats is NOT going to be part of any reasonably competitive list.
  3. Well. You can't take nurgle units if you run skaventide allegiance.... But, if you play maggotkin of nurgle allegiance you can run all the pestilens you want still (even 100% pestilens) because they have nurgle keyword.
  4. clan rats were in a retail box before, and are in a retail box now. They are going to be in retail stores. Hence they were "reboxed". Everything else is metal, so it wasn't reboxed, just shipped with a different base in the generic webstore only packaging. (all that stuff still webstore only)
  5. It is not uncommon for GW to plan the sprue in advance such that not only are the factions in seperate halves, but individual unit(s) on a single sprue and can be sold individually. Look at the first AoS starter, the leaders were sold seperately. 40k Deathwatch Overkill Broodcoven, etc. WHQ Silver tower had some of the heroes on seperate sprues too. GW is smart. they will find a way when it makes sense.
  6. Great idea on the acolytes! I think I may be one short but I bet people are gonna be dumping some on eBay soon.
  7. So, there were several models that used to count as a packmaster. Now the packmaster is not a hero anymore and a new warscroll exists for "master moulder". Which sculpts do you think count as master moulder and which as packmaster? Particularly the SoD model Master moulder - has warpstone tipped Lash or thing catcher Packmaster - herding whip and rusty blade. 1 in 3 can have a thing catcher. I think this is just to match the rat ogors box. Also, poison wind weapon team is officially out. They were the only warscroll left behind in previous "skaven" faction on app. Bummer. Cool model. Will have to try to find a use for it.
  8. I think with gloomspite (look at stabbas warscroll) they've shown this is how they are going to write rules now. You can only field a unit in a configuration that is possible buying the exact amount of correct kits from GW. I think it is a positive change, but it sucks for anyone who kitbashed their stormfiends to have all one type of weapon (but that's the cost of doing business when playing competitively... rules change. Could have easily as been a change that your favorite weapon now became the worst weapon)
  9. NZ preorders are up. A few observations: ALMOST all models on round bases. Acolytes, rat swarms, jezzails, all the old stuff. Except the Assasin for some reason... New names are shown. "Weapon Team" dropped from the name of those models. New names: Master Moulder, Clawlord, Deathmaster Other than that not many changes. BTW these name/photo updates are already on the US site as well.
  10. I really like the normal Tyrant model, but I'd only use 1. maybe 2 (it does have a lot of customization for a metal/resin hero) Other than that, look at the whole range of maneaters, see if there are any you like. Either their current weapons match what you want to use them as, or you have to do a little conversion. some people like the Megaboss model for a Tyrant. I think that can be pretty good too. Only thing I don't like is rank and file ogor bodies for Tyrants. Those poses just don't say "Hero" to me. I know a lot of people really don't like resin or metal, so I agree the options there are very limited. Hope for a plastic hero and a battletome!
  11. Woah guys let's temper expectations here. They did not say everyone was getting a battletome this year! What they said: ----------- 2019 will see new battletomes for every Grand Alliance! Some brand-new armies will be joining the fray, as well as classic armies updated for the new edition. --------- We already have 4 battletomes we know of. Beyond that. the only thing this confirms is at least something for Order and 1 brand new army (Could be 1 in the same). Will we get some other refreshes. sure. very likely. But every faction is a lot of tomes and they by no means hinted or suggested this.
  12. Since we already know of 3 GA's getting tome this year (Gloomspite, Skaven, FEC), only Order is left. So all this announcment means is "You'll get at least Khorne and 1 order tome" Not 100% sure if "Stormvaults" is a chamber. It would be a super freaking generic one. "Oh me, Just a Stormcast from the Stormvault chamber herp derp"
  13. those pictures are just recycled from here https://ageofsigmar.com/factions/order/ But the reference to "The Stormvaults Open" at the end of the video doesn't sound good for the "no more stormcast" crowd (everyone?)
  14. You can't hide another unit of 5 fanatics in Zarbags Gitz, as they already host a unit of a single fanatic and the fanatic warscroll states a Moonclan grots unit can not host more than 1 unit of fanatics..(really for zabags 160 points you get 3 units. The hero, the fanatic, and the other Gitz )
  15. They never allow this during studio previews because they don't want potoato phone pictures of their models. That's the reason they post the community page article immediately after the event (what's the point of someone trying to sneak take pictures and post them... just to spoil GW by 30 min?)
  16. Um as of right now that's just an announcement of an announcment. Did you actually click it before submitting this post?
  17. They could very well announce new minis to be released the week after the tome comes out. There is a studio preview this Thursday. I am not holding my breath but I give it a 20-50% chance.
  18. Or skaven. Or fyreslayers. Or ironjawz. So... Underworlds warband doesn't mean very much!
  19. I wouldn't really put much weight behind this website, I don't think they put much effort into this part. Doesn't have "gloomspite" for example, just "grots" By asking you to stop (or banning you) he's really done nothing but lend credence to your rumors... Thanks again for sharing...
  20. So before the itchy spell goes off, your opponent has a chance to unbind the endless spell, 0-2 chances to dispell the endless spell (very easy on a 5+) and a chance to unbind the itchy spell. Is that worth the cost of the wizard+ the spell?
  21. guys he listed, in a single post,. all the rumors he knows about. I don't understand the point of clogging this thread with "but what about x". If he didn't list it, he doesnt have a rumor for it.
  22. Most people do not play with Realm spells, since it usually strongly favors 1 army over the other. So... the warscroll spell is half the unique spells for the model (not really counting arcane bolt / mystic shield).. I'd say it's pretty important. Situationally it may not always make sense to cast the spell you chose from the lore. Also, The Gobbapolooza wizards, as well as the Troggoth Hag, can not take Moonclan (or spiderfang) spell lores)
  23. Battletomes are made in China Endless spells are made in China Scenery is made in China So no, I don't think that refreshing a bunch of existing factions with new battletomes/spells/terrain will really utilize their new UK factories. They could refresh all the factions this year without really needing to produce anything themselves Hopefully the expanded manufacturing capabilities do mean more new releases, and keeping existing stuff in stock. (and maybe more bang for your buck as they've been pretty stingy on how many sprues come in a kit lately)
  24. I started playing in the spring with Nurgle. I started collecting Seraphon and Moonclan over the Summer. Picked up Gutbusters this fall, along with Skaven. those are my 5 armies. if I get 4 battletomes this year that is going to be so dope...
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