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Everything posted by Deadkitten

  1. So this happened this weekend. Dragon took out those Blood Knights but then got charged by another 5, the VLoZD, & 2 Vamp Lords. Popped the Orb of Enchantment and then proceeded to kill the Dragon.
  2. I don't think so but the battalion tax seems to be coming down in general and the FEC artifacts seem pretty good.
  3. Allegiance: Legion of BloodVampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (440)- Deathlance & Shield & Chalice5 x Dire Wolves (60)5 x Dire Wolves (60)5 x Dire Wolves (60)10 x Blood Knights (480)Terrorgheist (300)Terrorgheist (300)Terrorgheist (300)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 116 I'm looking at a FEC Gristlegore list and tried to see if I could do it in LoB instead. This might be a Just Because I Can DOesn't Mean I Should sort of situation. Not nearly enough casters or heroes for missions.
  4. Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts- Grand Court: GristlegoreAbhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon (440)- General- Artefact: Ghurish Mawshard - Lore of Madness: Spectral Host- Mount Trait: Necrotic FangsAbhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (400)- Lore of Madness: Miasmal Shroud- Mount Trait: Gruesome BiteAbhorrant Archregent (200)- Lore of Madness: Blood Feast10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)Royal Terrorgheist (300)Royal Terrorgheist (300)Total: 1840 / 2000Extra Command Points: 3Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 83 Going all in on Gristlegore monster mash! I know there's a concern about 20 models not being quite enough to screen with against Alpha Strikes and w/o a Battalion, my drops are too high. Meh.... I'll just put the general out front! This one is for funzzies but I do want it to be as competitive as it can be. EDIT: An Alpha Strike list has got to be worried about a Call to War followed by a Feeding Frenzy. That's a lot of potential damage even from a wounded Terrorgheist.
  5. Zombies are super cheap. I've been wondering if anyone has been looking at them. Ghouls are a bit overpriced at 100 pts I think. I'm sure it's due to the Muster ability. However, if you're not leveraging that and only need bodies on the board, then Zombies will do that. Not much else, though.
  6. I'd almost go a 12-3-3 split on the Flayers. I think once Goblins and Skaven armies hit the table you're going to what to hit hard.
  7. Not after that guy house rules a cap on the number of models you can have on the table.😬
  8. Yeah, where's this guy's store? We'll all show up for the next tourney and just play real AoS and show him how it's done. Basically, this guy is format building. He's shaping the game to what his vision of AoS should be. Personally, I have no issues when a local group does this but it becomes something else when it is imposed top-down like this. Unfortunately, it sounds like your options are restricted. All you need is one other mate to break off and do your own thing. Community building is another thing but maybe something to consider. Ugh... The bookkeeping for that house rule must be a nightmare. do you just point out eveything on the table every turn? That would get real annoying real fast. @RocketManOn the other hand, this is definitely a new format which means there's a build floating around that over-performs. I'd look to that. Actually the FEC muster ability is pretty nice here. If you can only summon up to 2K then the Summoning abilities that stay at that limit are going to be ace. LoN is a perfect example here. The FEC Muster ability seems like it will play nice here as it allows you to hover at that 2K mark. I'd go with large blocks of the Flayers or Horrors backed up with characters to muster them back. Or the lean real hard into Royal Menagerie.
  9. At this point I think we're quibbling. The "once per game" nerf to the Cloak doesn't make it worthless.
  10. Yes, technically you are correct. However the practical effect is that you could Leverage the cloak into three profitable attacks before your opponent. No it isn't absolute and there is some setup cost but the doppelganger cloak in conjunction with the new character and another unit that you can pick first as the player with priority seems pretty good.
  11. I'm using Chaos Knights. I trimmed the worst of the spikey bits off and did a head swap. I also bought a bunch of the Black Templar terminator shields for them but haven't added them. Dragonblades are the go to unit for sure. If I had to do it over I think I would use the Warlock models. Their sense of movement is so good. Add a lance and shield. I'd then green stuff some armor and chainmail for the steeds. I think think the Chaos Knight model is fine but it looks best on the larger base. This has cheated me out of getting an extra guy in from time to time which I care about more than I thought I would when I decided on them.
  12. But usually 1 good turn is all you need. That Dopp Cloak is a third unit fighting before your opponent goes. The -1 to Hit will be more consistent for sure.
  13. How many people are using the expensive endless spell that makes units fight last?
  14. +1 for sure! I may start Beasts of Chaos over FEC and their endless spell that makes units strike last is a part of it.
  15. We'll teach you the secret handshake when the Book releases.
  16. Meh. Of course it's good. Just not sure it's any better than what all the other factions with an AoS 2 book can do. Again, the diff between having a book and not is pretty significant.
  17. This fight again command ability looks much better on paper IMHO. In practice it seems to simply fall in line with where AoS is at the moment in that if a unit hits another unit it is generally going to simply wipe enough of it out so as to make it combat ineffective. Sure there are some grindy matchups where this will do some work but on the whole it just seems to be par for the course. The new character's ability to fight at the beginning of combat seems much better. EDIT: TLDR - Welcome to the Cool Kidz Club, FEC.
  18. Can confirm. I was at a large regional 2 day event recently. I won my first 3 games. The last 3 games were against alpha strike armies. The only one of those I survived was vs Dragon Princes who don't really have a proper tome. You absolutely have got to have a plan for surviving your opponent placing half + of their units into your DZ T1.
  19. I've been poking around looking for a new army and took a look at Gavespawn. I was thinking of running 3-4 Spawns as a screen? The unreliability matters less if they're up front and only it seems likely that 1 will still be around when you need it. Thoughts?
  20. +1 to trying to figure out a color scheme. This is what has pushed the army back for me. I even have a couple boxes. Just can't figure out how I want to do them up.
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