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Evil Bob

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Everything posted by Evil Bob

  1. I wonder if the hike will be enough to nerf it from the game? Regardless it a particularly impressive “******-you” to Nighthaunt. It made the underperforming Battletomb less bad.
  2. I’ve seen one 3D printable movement tray that worked just fine and a bunch of others that were ******. A local Skaven player uses some kind of MDF Board made ones that are just awesome.. Probably going to end up doing magnetized trays because the exact pattern I want isn’t available in the layout I want. GW is not going to get away with charging me an arm and a leg for something that costed them under a dollar to produce and package.
  3. NOOooo! Do you know what you have done ColsBols? The GW Sales Team is going to push for a new mortals battleline. They’ll get the AoS 2.0 warscroll with a good point value since they will lack the “summonable” tag. Nothing else will get reviews or fixes in order to drive sales. I started playing the old Death Army over 20 years ago in order to avoid painting flesh or hair. The thought of painting 120 to 200 blood-bags makes me want to drink the brush rinse water.
  4. She’s still not worth that point cost but that doesn’t mean she cannot be made to work. Her CA is still one of the most powerful ones in this game. This is a time honored combo. Go to town. When a skeletal unit is forced to be that low you’re generally better of switching to Chainwrasps. Use them defensively. Unless they are anvil bait then make sure Neferata has double whammied their defense. A spare command point (for Battleshock) and a Gravesites recommended. The list looks interesting ColBols. Mobile forces generally do not like protracted engagements so Match Play battles are going to come down to the mission and deployment.
  5. Good thing for GW those are web exclusives. CHA-CHING!
  6. That’s very interesting considering the current trend with prayers and special warscroll traits that can’t be dispelled.
  7. We really shouldn’t derail the bedsheets thread with too much general Death and Death related accessories.
  8. Everything else was already outdated as of AoS 2.0. Grimghast Reapers compared to the newest warscroll revisions aren’t anything special. I viewed GR as the fix because GW would not update the warscrolls or point values of the original Battletomb:LoN elite choices. Trying to force people to use other bad options is a terrible idea. The General’s Handbook 2019 is not going to fix Grave Guard. Nothing short of an AoS 2.0 grade warscroll has a chance. New shiner enemy warscrolls will wipe the floor with them at any point total. A number of the old AoS warscrolls did it as well. Grave Guard would have to cost the same as regular skeletons before being considered a dangerous speed bump at ten models. I might consider trying to make them work at 100 using the new endless spells. Frankly odds are any point drop on GG is going to be a bandaid on a severed limb. Someone please get the GeeDub Devs a clue because they sure won’t listen to reason.
  9. Garbage by the time AoS 2.0 dropped and made stinkier with every warscroll revision other armies get with power creep. Warscroll needs some overhaul love. Battletomb:LoN is once again without a decent sized elite unit. Mission accomplished GW. Amen. Although I do like the challenge. They need effort and luck.
  10. Wading through the English FAQs and Warhammer Community info is a nightmare. Basically the Fight Phase has has three sections. Start (where your General get’s to fight), During (where all the normal fights happen). And yes on your turns your hero goes first during Start and then you pick first at the During phase. Useful linkage.
  11. In all of my various Death armies I haven’t had Cogs stolen from my control. But it is always a possibility that a savvy enemy may try for. Mainly you just drop it a bit behind your caster (or don’t if there is a flying enemy wizard nearby). Most of the time I’ll have massed battle-lines near or decent elites in such a way it isn’t a concern. In theory it would be pretty cool if an enemy wizard was baited to steal control of Cogs only to find, “It’s a TRAP!” A nightmare scenario would be Big-V of the sea-weed smoking elves jumping the lines, killing the General, and taking control of Cogs. Which he can do. That guy is where Nagash was years ago before the point hikes. Oddly enough your list has a chance against eel-force. Ranged mortal wounds is like their kryptonite. They enjoy controlling charges and your army is just as mobile before wounds set in. It would all come down to who hits first and how well they roll. Don’t expect 20x summoned ghouls to be much help, in general statistically about 1/8th of the attacks will result in allocated wounds not counting possible ghost ship peeling off another 1/6th of the successes. *shakes a fist* EEL-FORCE! Spells Blood Feast: On a AAR with the Dermal Robe. Do it or you will forever roll “6’s” on the cast to prove my point. It has failed me so many times. Cogs: Only use it to improve your saves. Guard it. Using it on speed and a enemy double turn could ruin your day fast. Only improve charges after excruciating concoderation. Chalice: Depending on your opponent they may be willing to burn their spells to remove it. Not the most ideal but then again if they are playing an elite force the highest value would be near units of 20x summoned ghouls. More models the better. Shackles: Good for potentially slowing the enemy. Any mortal wounds on them is a good thing. The FEC barrier could be more valuable since you really want to control who gets to be in combat. Miasmal Shroud: Generally use on the enemy with the highest volume of dice unless you really need to crack a hard target. Spectral Host: Self explanatory. Just don’t get cocky and throw away a unit by sending them willy-nilly alone into the enemy just because you can cast this. People throw away units on the craziest of things, even Old-Hammer players.
  12. What I type up in a convoluted paragraph Honk nails with two sentences. Adding my two cents here. Glamdring be weary of how CoGs is used. Slow tanking for your General is great. Speed would probably help your opponent since practically all competitive lists (outside eel force) will have slower movement values on their more point-efficient dice units. Last thing you need is your big baddies getting overwhelmed or worse the objective game going sideways.
  13. If this is a GHoN allegiance I’d drop the Black Knights and bring two Morghasts with Spirit Halberds. They do flanking better than Black Knights. If flanking isn’t needed that can be used for a wide area surgical threat. Other than them being at the mercy of so few Attack dice even if they just end up supporting skeletons they will find a job to do.
  14. The winning LVO list doing min-units/max-monsters relied on Terrorgiests spewing ranged alpha-mortals. It would have crumbled to a horde list. This list gives great maneuvering & magic flexibly. I want to second the concerns over sustainability. The chalice might help if you go slaughter an enemy horde unit but it works best when when everyone has many models near it. In a 2k game even 20 summoned ghouls can’t be assured survivability, not like in 1k or even 1.5k games. Someone with a decent TAC list and skills will beat you on the objective game. Boosting speed and charges sounds like a winning combo for a very ghoul heavy army. It would take Flayers from being a knight chess piece to a rook or bishop. I really do like your top three leaders. My lists unfortunately don’t get to go that way because of army architecture. The function of the army’s “needs” determine units included. Someday I’ll burn an excessive amount of time starting with those three models and building the army around that. Do you have a model list and style(s) of play you enjoy? How competitive is the goal?
  15. There are going to be some of the cross playing 40kers who strongly prefer mono-Codex armies that are going to use “soup” like a four letter word. I love the narrative idea. This has major potential for shaking up the competitive scene. For good or bad, I have no clue. With our lack of shooting the cannons jumped out. I’m regretting selling off my Outriders years ago. Sure I can just pull out my ghouls but sometimes there’s the urge to go cowboy. Getting off some shots at the get-go doesn’t hurt. Deep-strike flanking is so much harder to stop than in 40k.
  16. At 1k points running a battalion is over ten percent of your points. You need to ask yourself does the CP/relic/trait outweigh more units/troops? I deploy Chainguard at 1.5k with two 20x Chainwrasp battlelines and the GoS. If Olynder is working then continue fielding her. On the downside in theory she’s keeping entire unit(s) + (lesser) hero of yours off the table. That reduces your rolling dice, wound count, and tactical flexibility. Her warscroll isn’t that great compared to her being almost a quarter of your army. That’s allot of responsibility on her ethereal shoulders. If you really want a special character in there The Grimhailer might be a better fit when squeezing points. Since Nighthaunt doesn’t have gravesites. I almost always bring the GoS and SoT. Those and the Vampire would be a good core of a 1k army since each offers a good buff to the fighting units. You don’t have to keep the GoT or Vampire out of combat. Just rig the fight first: limit enemy attack zones, mix in your guys for anti-pile-in, the fewer swings on you the better. The SoT with the ginsu-blade option scoops DoK and Ironjaws off the table. Pro-tip: A SoT supporting in the back but dragged into combat from enemy pile-ins can sit at 2” making him invulnerable to being attacked by many units. It is possible three characters is a bit much at 1k. It really depends on your style of play, scenarios, local meta. What kind of force compositions are these guys throwing at you?
  17. I dunno. The cannons are looking kinda sexy.
  18. You need to get your hands on the old metal sculpt. When GW was moving over to Finecrap they were forced to do a derpy version. I couldn’t find an extra off eBay, been considering checking out the 9th Age scene.
  19. Knights weren’t meant to be beat-sticks. They are specialists and mission specific. Horrors flanking aren’t to going to up your game. It doesn’t help they want an abhorrent within 18”. Twenty ghouls if the goal is beat-down and sustainability. I only fall back on Flayers if mobility is important or I’m desperate for mortal wounds. Deathwatch really needs to be a careful consideration even at 2k. It draws points form monstrous hero's and maxed ghoul blobs. In smaller games it should be considered a fluffy narrative choice. I’ve ran it in multiplayer games with very specific missions in mind. It will never compete with a similar eel force at the same points. Keep up the battle-reps. They’re great! Really liking the pics.
  20. I’ve been alternating my Crypt Infernal Courtier with Cruel Taskmaster & Dark Acolyte. On paper having more magic certainly looks better but my fail rate on casting rolls or people unblinding says otherwise. Whereas getting more Flayers has always been great. It really puts the pressure on my opponents to finish off squads. Decimated units are suddenly getting 8 or more extra dice to attack (screams are so-so). I don’t really use the re-roll unless there is one or none successes. It has never failed to get me back at least two.
  21. So if Arkham is the Nagash-lite option does that make Reikenor the new Arkham-lite? Hmmm.
  22. After the WFB split between wet/dry undead I had gotten very used to missing out on the shooting phase. Running these guys has been interesting. Getting an extra wound here or there on an important target generally isn’t dramatic but certainly helpful. Running two of them near the Briar Queen once killed a Chaos Lord walking his dog in two turns. That was chuckle worthy.
  23. Does the rumor include price hikes across multiple books? There’s always the question if the one(s) spreading a rumor are just jockeying for position. In 40k the nerf-brigade sure love to scream for Guard point hikes.
  24. If you don’t have the spare parts to kit-bash try hitting up eBay. I get more bitz there than I do buying/trading from local players.
  25. There is a delightful insanity to your list.
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