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Everything posted by Darkfine

  1. Not a fan of catapults in a tournament setting. I swear to God it’s the only piece in the entire game with an arbitrary “fluff dictates how it works” rule that unfortunately makes it useless against a fairly popular at the moment army.
  2. Dig the list! I’d love to roll a Thrice Fold list but am gun shy about dropping another 300 bucks for one list. As for the list itself you could look at the following, it occurs to me the lists bellow aren’t actually in your line up. In which case making your General the Harbinger and slapping Rustfang in his hands is probably were I would go! Don’t like Nurglings or Drones and Archie and Company definitely want their own list!
  3. Well if we assume he is effectively 140 points and compare him to our other options at that range he is far and away better stat for stat. His eight wounds and three up/five up make him extremely tanky and he kind of hits like a truck to boot. Now, he isn’t bringing much to the table after his tree and stats but I’ve found it more than enough. Also is should be considered that his tree comes down after deployment and you don’t need to be wholly within 7 to use its run and charge ability. Which means with a conga line you can have a lot more flexibility with your free tree drop.
  4. The Slimux tree is dropped on top of him turn one, it isn’t getting shut off anytime soon. You aren’t putting 5 trees on the table, you are putting two. If you don’t like him don’t play him.
  5. Well Slimux isn’t about making summoning viable, it is just about efficiency. He drops a tree turn one which will over the 5 turn game generate between 5 and 15 points with an average of about 10. Those points equal on average about 80 build points which makes him a 140 model. When you consider his stat line and abilities that makes him a great buy regardless of other factors.
  6. Here is two flavors, one is more of an all comers list and the other is heavily weighted to fight anything without guns. I understand why everyone is super into ambush mechanics but we seriously don’t need them. Now, if Nurglings weren’t stuck to deploying in cover I’d be more in favor of starting every list with them but it is to easy to deny them their ability in AoS. Also not paying 300 points for it either.
  7. Dig it! Fingers crossed they are treated well when their update drops.
  8. Our summoning isn’t bad, it wins games. It just isn’t what everyone else’s is. I could be wrong but I think chasing incidental Contagion Points with things like Epi and the Lord is sort of a red herring. Slimux on the other, I think that guy is the bees knees. Since his ability and tree farming happen at the same time you get to pick the order. So turn one sees you getting 6-10 points on turn one. Coupled with the fact that Slimux is actually decent in combat and dude seems like a winner in any list.
  9. Alpha strike armies that can keep you in your deployment zone. The only reliable deep strike we have is Spume and 300 points is a huge investment in something that might not even work. Worst case scenario, which I played through mind you, is getting locked into your deployment zone with your only tree shut down.
  10. Don’t think it is d3 “per” bearer rather if you have one or more then you get d3.
  11. 1. Pretty much, it’s either 30 Plaguebearers or bust if you are looking to maximize effectiveness. 2. Those are two guys who do very different things for your army. The Sorcerer is a more traditional caster who is looking to get casts off, both Squall and Blades, control the wheel and late game mess with objective math. The Poxbringer is more close support with spells like Favored Poxs and artifacts like Whitherstave. Bringing both can definitely happen. 3. Nurgle summoning is vastly different than anyone else’s. For starts our summoning is fairy unique in that it can shut down reasonably well. If your opponent parks on trees and gets in your face quickly you will struggle to summon at all, about 10 Plaguebearers actually. It is also very dependent on mission, there are a few with tiny territories and mostly dead space, those are practically impossible to summon on. Even if you are collecting points at a good clip the kind of summoning you are want to do isn’t going to be earth shaking. The burden a tar pit army carries unfortunately. If you are looking to bring in awesome stuff to affect the game via interaction with the enemy then you’ll be massively let down. Plaguebearers, Beasts of Nurgle, even Drones and Great Unclean Ones aren’t going to shift units off of objectives late in the game. We have no charge tricks outside of Command Points and are extremely pillow fisted in a straight up fight. Now, the nature of how we actually put models into play means we can come at people sideways to sneak objectives thought otherwise safe. Either that or we force bad positioning. As an example at 21 points(around turn 4) you can drop two trees covering over 2 feet of table space and leaving you 7 points for a 5 man Plaguebearer unit to grab something. Like I said that’s just one example, a few times I’ve found it correct to summon a unit as early as turn 2. Getting into a fight with a large unit and summoning a 5 or 10 man Plaguebearer squad to get a long bomb charge from the other side of a combat to keep a hoard spread out so those freaking spears don’t mow you down. A general rule of thumb is, the more you can think on your feet the better you’ll find Nurgle summoning.
  12. Well sure, banking on what is basically a fancy game of Farkle(spell casting) isn’t the way to approach a series of games(like a tournament). However using the wheel and Squall to top off characters/units is kind of our best shot at Death, which, as far as I can tell is the only allegiance that out tar pits us.
  13. Hence the Plaguebearers. You don’t need to burn a CP to survive combat and they tar pit well enough to survive until buffs can go up. Also not sure if it is apparent or not but you can use trees as a summon point and you can summon trees. It doesn’t matter where you get tied down, you can always make it to your opponents objectives. Also, this is probably more a local meta deal but if I can’t kill characters I can’t win games.
  14. I mean, army wide -1 is good but I’m straight winning games with 11th hour summoning and GA: Chaos has zero character interaction.
  15. Actually, in my opinion, mortals are about to take a huge hit. On paper mortals are fantastic because of their cost effectiveness. At 40 Marauders for 200 points they are 5 points a wound. Now, normally because of their relatively awful stats that wouldn’t mean much however Nurgle has a huge number of things that make them one of the best units in the game. You can literally spend over a thousand points just making Marauders killing machines and a great tar pit. The caveat there is before they can claim that you need a hero phase. I think we are about to see a lot of of one drop alpha strike and magic/gun line armies. Lists that can interact with you in a meaningful way before you get a hero phase. Plaguebearers don’t have that problem.
  16. Actually, in my opinion, mortals are about to take a huge hit. On paper mortals are fantastic because of their cost effectiveness. At 40 Marauders for 200 points they are 5 points a wound. Now, normally because of their relatively awful stats that wouldn’t mean much however Nurgle has a huge number of things that make them one of the best units in the game. You can literally spend over a thousand points just making Marauders killing machines and a great tar pit. The caveat there is before they can claim that you need a hero phase. I think we are about to see a lot of of one drop alpha strike and magic/gun line armies. Lists that can interact with you in a meaningful way before you get a hero phase. Plaguebearers don’t have that problem.
  17. Absolutely, but with no range requirement you can literally have a caster off in lala land casting Squall and mucking with the wheel unopposed. To Squalls effectiveness it’s true it doesn’t hit terribly hard most of the time but if has huge burst damage potential and entire games can come down to one mortal wound.
  18. There just isn’t a reasonable scenario where you would ever want to summon a GUO.
  19. So, not a lot of Seraphon players in these parts?
  20. Came across that, like the sculpt a lot but am unwilling to put that much money into a model I might be told I can’t use.
  21. Can’t find Mamuks either. Just finished a wire frame for a Mammonth I’m going to hand sculpt and I’m not convinced I’ll get it done.
  22. Is that all we have about anything AoS related? It isn’t like there are a ton of not slave rumors making the rounds.
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