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Everything posted by Warfiend

  1. It would be really cool if the mouth of mork is a reincarnation of wurrzag dancing on top of a big feathery wyvern
  2. Rofl thanquol with 4 warpfire projectors can’t be charged by non elite units now. since he will on avarage deal 2 mw against every model in the charging unit. Absolutely obliterating 1-2 wound units and severly crippling 3 wound units. Didn’t even think about this before you mentioned him. Luckily I got two thanquols… yes yes.
  3. When aos released they also had a “unique” stormcast model on a single sprue, got one from my flgs back then. I said “unique” because it’s probably the plainest liberator in existence.
  4. The Mirebrute troggoth seems pretty large tho.
  5. I'm disappointed with the kruleboys monsters, they look derpy and way too detailed. Looks like they designed the faction to fall apart since they have put a lot of tiny easy breakable spikes on most models. The archers are fine tho.
  6. I agree with you on this. This is an oversight considering they choose to carefully bold the words that define the scope of the new rules and yet left this hole which can and will be abused.
  7. Technically yes, but you need to find another character to do so.
  8. The rules say: "To use a command ability, you must spend 1 command point, pick 1 friendly model to issue the command, and pick 1 friendly unit to receive the command." so to use a CA you must: 1 > spend a cp. 2 > issue a command. 3 > receive it. and later "you cannot use the same command ability more then once in the same phase" the rules for sister say: "If an enemy unit finishes a charge move within 3" of this unit, this unit can receive the Unleash Hell command without the command being issued and without a command point being spent.’" the rules are crystal clear and might require an faq
  9. Use it not a bolded keyword in the rulebook. another rule says that to use a command ability you must spend a command point, since you're not spending you're not using.
  10. yes but RaW the units that have the ability don't use the command ability they receive it based on a trigger.
  11. This is incorrect. The way it's described means you can use unleash hell multiple times in a single turn (since the rules state you can only issue the command once, and the warscroll states it doesn't count as being issued as well as costing no CP). But you can't use it twice on the same unit because a unit can only receive it once a turn. If you have two units or sisters standing next to each other with another ranged unit behind them within 9". And an enemy unit ends their charge within range 3" of both sister units and within 9" of the third ranged unit it means you can use a free Unleash hell on both the sisters without spending any CP and choose to spend one CP to issue Unleash Hell on the third unit for a grand total of 3x Unleash hell in a single phase. The angy orruks in this example would be absolutely destroyed if they would attempt this charge: TLDR: 1 - Yes, Yes 2 - No
  12. I think you made my point for me. none of those things ever happened.
  13. People are exaggerating greatly and making up a lot of nonsense. Maybe try playing the game instead of talking about it as if the sky is falling. This thread has devolved into a sad mess.
  14. I got my first cabbage a while ago and build a gordrakk out of it. But Last year I got a second one that I didn’t finish since I work on too many things at the same time. but I hyped myself again and been working hard on this one the past few nights, few more days/weeks and it should be done. My custom (still nameless after many years) clan finally getting a worthy (still nameless) boss, riding his mighty jaguwaagh
  15. What makes you say they don’t have enough going to be their own army? They already have a larger range then quite a few unique armies. Just curious.
  16. Some nurgling operated plague spewing siege weapon.
  17. I think kragnos was the new model for Kholek Suneater, but some suit messed it up. Anyways got my dominion preorder, rdy to beef up mah Ironjawz
  18. I used to play warhammer fantasy before AoS got released so yep. it was messy but not nearly as horribly imbalanced as it currently is
  19. I'm very happy with all the changes. Personally feel the game currently is in the worst state it's ever been.
  20. It will encourage people to reliable not go first, first turn because they can go into a double turn with a cp advantage.
  21. When some youtuber asked one of the developers of TWW3 if he knew if Cathay was going to be part of the old world, He replied that he didn't know anything about that but that GW was heavily involved with the design of the faction just like with Kislev. Which is in contrast to most other factions, although GW always had the final say. With other "underdeveloped" armies like the vampire coast and norsca they were given much more of a free reign and it were the game developers who dug through the old lore to find interesting units. obviously cathay is most lacking when it comes to lore but some see it as proof they're making an old world cathay army.
  22. I honestly don't think the leaked rules are bad rules. The problem is that they're bad compared to the few crazy strong armies. Which makes playing these weak armies less fun esp when facing the strongest lists, However if you compare these rules with the other armies that have "bad" rules they seem to be a whole lot more balanced then the stongest armies among eachother. Personally I think playing more evenly matched forces is much more fun way of playing the game then the current almost rock paper scissor meta. Currently the main "skill" component of the gamy side of they hobby comes in the form of understanding armies and how to build great lists, the strategical side (which I like and I think should stay an important part of the game). Because of the way the strongest armies generally work (having only a small segment of their army being actually strong) and the fact that only a small part of all armies are in the top, in an competitive setting this leads to a majority of the participants bringing top armies with top lists resulting in a lot of very similar lists fighting for the top spots. Due to the nature of the game this leads to battles that involve very little tactical decision making. Which is a shame. However when using the weak armies and pitch those against each other you will find that the underlying synergies are often not strong enough to lock a game down. Instead you actually have to fight and let the dices do the work. Suddenly tactical decision making becomes a lot more important and the game becomes more fun.
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