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Everything posted by novakai

  1. prediction for UK Toy Expo Battletome Gutbuster or Wanderers maybe a hint of what on earth is the next death tome going to be (maybe model reveal) Codex Space marine something for the Specialist game like a new bloodbowl team
  2. i don't really expect warscroll changes from the GHB for Point changes, I hope for a general decrease in points for every Ironjawz unit Brutes: 130 Goregruntas: 120 Ardboyz: 140 Mawkrusha: 340 Gordrak: 400 the extra thing they can add in a GHB would be a Spell Lore, Pray's list, Mount traits would all be helpful too. that said they probably wrote the GHB already and it already being printed out somewhere
  3. I feel like I would have been more interested in Warcry if the released Warbands were not all different flavors of chaos marauders. like how Mordheim had Humans, Chaos worshipers, Skaven and Undead.
  4. I have a feeling though that changes done by a new battletome would be perceived as side grades like with Sylvaneath and Khorne my prediction of what going to happen would be: every buff would become "Whole within" (expected change, not a big deal, but some of the few games I play with BS I notice how easy everything is when it "Within") the Superbattalion (Bonegrinz, Drakkfoot, Icebone Warclanz) maybe changed into becoming Stormhost abilities (Pro: free abilities, Con: makes it harder to one drop) Kunnin Ruk and Arrer boyz changes: not sure if they will gut them further or just change it to be more bearable, I honestly hope they keep their range playstyle. thing i hope they add to BS: a List of Prayers ability to play in the Activation wars other than using Gorkamorka's Warcry Buffs to the regular Savage Orruk and Boarboyz maybe controversial, but I hope they make the army a little less reliant on the Big stabbas
  5. For the STD/Darkoath/Everchosen battletome release, i feel like they would release that when all 6 warcry warband have been release and i think there would only be 4 playable at launch (based on how their release schedule was for shadespire and Nightvault). so it could still be a ways off. admittedly there is a lot of 40k releases on the horizon, Renegade Knights, Apocalpyse game, Primaris tank, AD mech transport, Iron Hand Character, Blackstone fortress, it probably fills up the next 2 month pretty well
  6. any new AoS release (that we don't know about) would probably hinge on if they reveal anything worthwhile or significant at the UK toy expo next week. I not sure how big the event is but I would guess at a minimum they would reveal another Warband for Warcry and another WH: U model tease
  7. just wondering is it a British thing to spell Color as Colour?
  8. ah yeah that pretty strange, maybe the week is left out so they can fill all the retail stores out first before the general public can get access to them. I believe a few places are doing demo of contrast first before the preorder even starts.
  9. if they don't reveal anything more today, it probably is and that the Contrast paints are one of those two-week preorders that GW does sometimes on bigger releases
  10. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/05/26/coming-soon-paint-revolutionisedgw-homepage-post-1fw-homepage-post-1/ Contrast is on preorder on June 8th and coming out on the 15th
  11. I used him a few time, even if he not the general, i find him still amazing as a Hero sniping Artillery piece and a good wizard by himself. his moon ability is good and all but it not always necessary to take advantage of during a game. the only thing I felt I miss was the possible D3 CP he can get but since this army has other way to get them it not a big deal.
  12. However, they did say that it was 9 non-chaos warbands so that would technically exclude Skaven since they are a Chaos army
  13. I have a feeling that whichever death battletome comes out would be the one that gets the model release (unless it happens to a LON rerelease)
  14. The wildest dream would be if every buff that currently Moonclan Grot is specified to be Moonclan or Grot so everything gets a buff in the book except trolls of course, this is probably opening the Floodgates too much
  15. If they drop the grot keyword from some of the buffs and just have moonclan (or the other way around) it would open up a lot more synergy to the army then just buffing up stabbas
  16. probably the Troggboss and regular Dankhold some of the Araknorok variants may too. hopefully, the Gobblapaloza and Loonsmasha/Sporesplatta fanatic goes down too a lot of the battalions could be cheaper too at this point, I think the Bounders price will stay the same
  17. Yeah but those plastic models where build for slotted square bases (archers and knights of the realm) they are both really dated and not up to standard anymore either.
  18. why would GW bring back the existing Bret line outside of Made To Order? they have been clearly trying to make a push to retire metal and finecast models in their ranges and replace it newer plastic one. they also don't sell old model in retail store to begin with.
  19. first Forbidden Power battleplan https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/05/21/forbidden-power-death-on-the-watergw-homepage-post-4/
  20. also, I think Gloomspite is an army that tends to have a lot of Fluff bunny in a tournament (kind of like Orks in 40K), where a lot of people bring the army not to win but to have fun. so you get a lot of pure squig and Trogg list that aren't really competitive. I feel like Spiderfang would be better if they had a little bit more going for them in the book
  21. but the most concrete info we got about warcry was that it going to be released in July though
  22. The UK toy expo at the end of May is probably where GW going to reveal something next
  23. They have been mentioning Ogors a lot lately in the forbidden power preview
  24. From the bobo result, looks like a Gloomspite Gitz player got third place in the tournament
  25. Too bad Donal decided to play a death army for this tournament instead of the Gitz
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