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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. Don't forget me Your Swoleness! I need the book to build Chaos-Araby! Enjoy your new dog @MitGas..... I remember when I got my dog when I was a kid..... I miss my puppy.... OKAY! BACK TO FOCUSING ON WARHAMMER!!!! Here's hoping we get some new lore drops about upcoming units and armies (such as chaos duardin or some kind of undead). Or the surprise return of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! though I will admit I do want some kind of siege elephant creature and a new character model (Ghuri-Xza who operates in Ghur).....
  2. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/09/17/saturday-pre-orders-the-leagues-of-votann-arrive-just-in-time-for-necromunda-to-fall-apart/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=gw-pre-orders&utm_content=gw-preorder&fbclid=IwAR0rM513LSwyNyiwP5oMx-ZZOODUZtk5mc7zblOGQwzZ1tdyOrNltXpW-lQ Alright everyone, with the Votann preorders now underway, what do we think will be part of the Sunday previews?
  3. That’s the same logic I use regarding LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! And mysterious Araby when GW drops a vaguely Egyptian or Middle Eastern/Persian/Indian themed model.
  4. Don’t forget that we’ve been speaking of chorfs.
  5. *Happy Mummy noises* Alhamdulillah the battletome comes! I managed to score the Tzeentch half of arcane cataclysm for a decent price on eBay and it arrive on Saturday. If I bounce my focus between that and school, I’ll have an epic army when the book drops.
  6. I hope that the war cry bands from season one are going to be repackaged into 3rd edition boxes (and without the cards), otherwise I'm about to go buy a few Scions of the Flame boxes before they're gone. which is weird because they have a perfect example from Total War that wouldn't take too much effort to port in: Doom-Knight.png.webp
  7. True enough @MitGas, but if we complain too much we won't be able to enjoy the new army book because it doesn't have everything we wanted.
  8. BY SETTRA'S GLORIOUS CHARIOT OF THE GODS DO I AGREE WITH THIS!!!! Seriously, will GW continue to ****** over AOS and Fantasy, despite promising to improve both of them for the better? I just want some updated rules and lore for my favorite chaos faction..... is that so much to ask? Oh well, I can't truly complain, just means that I have more time to finish my army and various projects.
  9. “Blending the old with the new” should be TOW’s slogan: AOS style redesigns with the best of Fantasy.
  10. If gw imports half of the designs from TOW for LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! And the Vampire Coast (to say nothing of their chaos stuff), I’d be a happy camper. CA really went all out with certain factions and it shows.
  11. *Busts out bas Cajun/New Orleanian Accent* Well now, dat dere's a big ole gator! If I saw him down in Ghur I'd turn and run the other way real quick.
  12. The only reason I can think of you explain the amount of AOS material that has been passed over this year (including Warcry and TOW) is that GW and CA have an epic year planned for the 40th anniversary of Warhammer.
  13. I can only hope this means that they realized how badly they needed us, and are currently reworking the time so that Tzeentch rules the meta until the next round of stormcast. Enjoy @Beliman, enjoy.
  14. This is ridiculous. It’s just two books! We don’t expect the new models as well! JUST GIVE US THE NEW BOOKS!!!!
  15. Personally I hope we get Cities and TOW drip fed to us as much as we've been getting World Eaters and Votann. I need more fantasy/aos news ASAP, because like @MitGas those new berzerkers are growing on me. I wouldn't play World Eaters, but I would probably turn the new kits into some Night Lords Terror-Squads..... BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA GW! HELP ME OUT!!!!! In other news, I finally got to play Total War III yesterday after preordering it over a year ago (I use a Mac, not a gaming PC). Cathay has been a difficult but fun campaign, and I truly enjoy Kislev. Though can someone tell me how to run immortal empires? I'm currently stuck with just the Realm of Chaos campaign and it sucks.
  16. By Hashut's beard I hope that such a masterpiece is restored to us. Here's hoping the next two war bands are either Ogres and Khorne, or Ogres and Death (preferably Soulblight). Though if the second warband turns out to be Tzeentch flavored I wouldn't complain...... I seriously hope that the battletomes are coming soon, I just order the Tzeentch half of the Arcane Cataclysm box off of eBay.
  17. Thus ends an era we will probably never see occur ever again. Seriously, she lived through WWII, the dismantling of the British Empire, the Cold War and The Wars on Drugs and Terror. She's met nearly every president of the 20th century, and all of the ones elected so far in the 21st. May God rest her soul reunite her with her family.
  18. In my personal opinion, I think the only kits that should be redone are any that are not from 8th edition of Warhammer Fantasy. Those kits were the last bit of the Old World before AOS and therefore kinda laid the groundwork for what was to come.
  19. Do you mind sharing pictures of those lovely lads? In regards to the Horns of Hashut, I think that they're as much a test model as the hobgrotz were in kruleboyz. GW's currently teasing new chaos dwarfs, and are clearly trying to figure out where they want to take the faction. So far the chorfs have kept the "industrial powerhouse" position they've had since the beginning of the Warhammer, but with the addition of the Horns of Hashut and the Hobgrotz we see them start to expand upon this idea. the Horns go out and secure new forge-grounds and resources, while the Hobgrotz act as the middle men between the Dawi-Zharr and other factions. Though out of curiosity, has anyone here picked up the Horns of Hashut and painted them yet?
  20. Don't forget the undead @KingBrodd! I for one hope for new grave guard or some kind of death cult unit.
  21. I’d listen to anything besides Modern-Country and most pop songs, so send whatever songs you’d like my way. Freddie is an excellent Noise Marine name, though his original name also works for Tzeentch (Farrokh Bulsara). I’m getting to the point where I can’t focus (or care) about all the chaos gods. I only really started turning to them when I realized gw would not bring backLONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! For a decent amount of time (it’s looking like 2024-2025 at this rate). Plus chaos lets us mix and match parts throughout the range(s) to make an awesome force on the tabletop.
  22. Believe me @MitGas, I know how hard it is to stay loyal to just one "god" in the pantheon. I got into this hobby with the Thousand Sons, and have ended up building a Death Guard army and Slaanesh leaning Night Lords warband (They like scaring people so much it's become a drug in and of itself), too say nothing of my Dark-Mech and Slaves to Darkness plans (tzeentch and slaanesh). There's simply too much overlap between the gods in certain fields to stay loyal to just one..... plus they all look amazing when properly painted. The best thing GW could realistically do at this point imo is announce TOW is "coming soon" Leagues of Votann style. This way, we get Grand Cathay models, and we can just build our own warrior-scholars and chaos dragons. The new world eaters look amazing, honestly my favorite article today was the berserker kit preview. Also, I see your Noise Marines kill team and raise you one: The leader is named "Alvasse" (get it?).
  23. You can see the irony regarding perfectionism and our shared choice of chaos god right? They should also bring back the scions of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! Particularly the war-Sphinx and tomb guard kits, as they’ve become so expensive to pick up second hand…..
  24. Marauders have more or less been replaced with the various cultist kits, though the dark oath box can easily be used as a count as unit of them in a pinch.
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