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Everything posted by InSaint

  1. Something hilarious to share. For the first time in forever I had to retreat my blob of 30 Witch Aelves from an Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix w Jade Diadem buffed up with an Archmage and other spell casters. So essentially the Phoenix was on 3+ save (4+ to heal), 4+ to ignore and another 6+ to ignore. I can't kill it faster than it heals up from the sheer amount of saves. When an seemingly unstoppable force meets an unmovable object. Pretty cool experience. 🤣
  2. You might want to try this instead, it is more optimal. Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood Hag Queen 10 Witch Aelves 10 Witch Aelves 10 Blood Sisters 5 Khinerai Heartrenders 5 Khinerai Heartrenders
  3. You mean like this kind of geometric angel? lol
  4. You can organise a narrative campaign. Suddenly it is not about winning or losing but progressing the plot. Think Dungeons and Dragons style. As Game Master, you get to "balance" the game and give your competitive friends an amazing time playing their most broken strategies against near impossible odds. Award them with shiny artifacts to make uber champions and end off with a finale against Nagash or something.
  5. Sorry but actually I think Tyrion might be themed as the Fairy King. I can imagine GWS releasing an entire series of light aelves with butterfly wings wielding light magic. And they will intentionally misspell it as FAYRIE or something to get it copyrighted. I am also putting my bet on a new Unicorn Calvary unit because friendship is magic.
  6. Never play attrition against LoN, you will lose. Hit hard, score the objectives and move away if you are in danger. Pace yourself to end the game on turn 3 or 4 within the allocated time-frame. Continuously threaten to try to snipe off his hero with Khinerais, Death is extremely hero-centric and this will force him to devote resources to bodyguard the heros. Prioritize rending attacks against units that do not ignore rend. Unfortunately DoK and LoN are on the same Tier so games are evenly matched so simple mistakes can easily cost you the game. You can't afford to rely on your fraction's ability to get away with mistakes. You need to remain persistent and meticulous with your game and wait for a mistake by your opponent to secure a victory.
  7. There is an official tutorial at the Warhammer Community website. I suggest painting in batches of 10 and alternating between other models to avoid insanity.
  8. I personally think one more Battleforce is a great addition. This will give you; 1 more cauldron kit to turn into a Bloodwrack Shrine which is an amazing spell-caster with plenty of mortal wounding capability 2 more 5x Khinerai Heartrenders. 4x5 of them will provide fantastic board control, objective grabber and possible lone character assassination 5 more Melusai to form a squad of 10 which is a great size to deal enough damage and remain relevant from casualties 10 more Witches, self-explanatory And if you want to be ultra competitive, Witch Aelves are universally powerful and equally comparable to Melusai in terms of offensive capabilities unless facing high saves target (2/3+ re-rolls 1) due to the sheer amount of attacks with re-rolls hit and wounds. Currently, the most powerful temple is Hag Narr with the 5+ FNP. Combined with Blessing of Khaine prayer, your opponent will be facing 100+ wounds at 4+/5++ re-rolls if played correctly. DoK is a higher Tier army than SCE Sacrosanct. 20 Evocators with Gavriel alpha-strike will almost nearly wipe out 30 Witch Aelves but the point cost does not equate out. Just remember to wrap up your cauldron with Witches for 3" buffer to prevent him from harming your general.
  9. Just curious, how did he managed to Alpha Strike your Cauldron? Did you deliberately bait him with an opening or there was a way he managed to bypass bubble wrap of Witches/SoS. I face a fair amount of Gavriel + Evocators in my local scene and have to consistently wrap up my Cauldron. It is quite painful and time-consuming to always measure 3" away from the Cauldron and line up a row of Witches around it wherever the Cauldron moves. 😭
  10. In terms of wound count and melee save, both are on par. Honestly, a +5 versus 6+ save against shooting is an overstatement of being a bit tougher. 🤣 But Doomfires are fun to play with especially when you roll a 6 on the Doomfire D6 mortal wound!
  11. You need to also evaluate how Doomfire Warlocks compare to other DoK unit in similar reconnaissance roles. 5 DW is the same point cost as 2 squads of 5 Khinerai Heartrenders. 5 Khinerai Heartrenders at 80 points can; Consistently do approximately 1-2 wounds from shooting Can deepstrike board-wide Can give you slight deployment advantage by delaying your foot troops deployment Has a precious -2 rending on drop and subsequent -1 rend (-2 can be reset with Khailebron) Fly over and shoot into woods (Slyvaneth watch out!) Move and run and shoot (wtf like as if their movement suck to begin with) Move again after shooting (omg wtf, now you see me, now you don't) Block enemy movement with their huge ass base size Bait enemy hard hitting units off course (gosh I have seen 300 points detouring just to clear off 80 points) Capture and contest objectives Deal some mortal wounds against units that output high volumes of attack Every opponent I played with consistently think they are 2 wounds due to the large base size and ignore them They are actually borderline broken. I run 2x5 and my opponents are having a hard time dealing with them. Well yea they are not wizards but if I needed Wizards for objective, I will run with a Bloodwrack Shrine or Morathi.
  12. Strategy aside, can anyone share your experiences or tips on getting through the paint job for 70 Witches/SoS while maintaining sanity? 😂 Unlike Nighthaunts where you can easily airbush the cloak, I need to spend considerable effort painting the skin, fabric and armor. GWS provided a great tutorial but repeating this is wearing me down. Usually painting is therapeutic but this has become torture.
  13. Because there isn't a choice in the DoK battletome. She is the only cheapest DoK wizard that can carry Shadow Stone? This is in contrast to the the Bloodwrack Shrine which is an insanely cost efficient upgrade. For 80 more pts, you get extra 6W, more attacks and 2 D3 mortal wound abilities. The 2" reduction movement can be easily corrected with Steeds of Shadow. At 220pts, you have a 16" flying 12 W shrine that can comfortably position itself to decimate an entire blob and proceed to vomit D3 mortal wounds Mindrazor is unfortunately near worthless in the current LON NH spam meta. If I read the battletome correctly, Slaughter Troupe forces you to field at least 2 SoS units and up to 2 additional Witches units.
  14. For those building competitive lists, here are the DoK unit Tiers taking into consideration how point efficient they are and possible synergies. Unit Tiers Tier 1 - Hag Queen on foot, Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood, Witch Aelves, Khinerai Heartrenders, Blood Sisters Tier 2 - Morathi, Slaughter Queen on foot, Bloodwrack Shrine, Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood, Doomfire Warlocks Tier 3 - Bloodwrack Medusa, Blood Stalkers, Khinerai Lifetakers, Avatar of Khaine on foot Temple Tiers Tier 1 - Hag Narr Tier 2 - Khailebron and Draichi Ganeth Tier 3 - Kraith All the DoK Battalions are unfortunately ****** forcing you to field sub-par units. If you just want to have fun, enjoy a great time with friends and not be the ******. Just play whatever you like. 😁
  15. Did evocators alpha strike took out your Cauldron or Hag Queen on the first turn? I usually use 30 Witches to bubble wrap my entire army and the last 10 for an added layer to protect my Cauldron and Heros. Those guys are painful but if you can survive the initial onslaught, you can wipe them out the following turn.
  16. Awesome guide! I tested a similar tactic as well. You will have problems with enemy dispel on Mirror Dance. This can potentially leave your hero out to die. Give Bloodwrack Shrine Steed of Shadows. This gives your general insane mobility on top of the ability to teleport someone away. Drop Doomfire Warlocks or at most just a squad of 5 for their signature spell. They are quite cost inefficient for what they do.
  17. Please see start of thread -> http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18324-daughters-of-khaine-witches-and-sisters/ SoS have their niche, their 6" pile-in makes opponents think twice before charging or piling in.
  18. You can try this, pretty solid for a 1000pts with plenty of units with mobility to hold and secure objectives. Bloodwrack Shrine - Steed of Shadows - Gryph Feather Charm Hag Queen - Catechism of Murder Hag Queen - Blessing of Khaine Slaughter Queen - General - Sacrament of Blood 20 Witches w shields 10 Witches w dual daggers 10 Witches w dual daggers 5 Khinerai Heartrender 5 Khinerai Heartrender 78 wounds, 2 dispels, 9 units Just beware of turn 1a charge that can cause your 20 Witches to run w/o any spare CP to prevent battle-shock.
  19. GW don't even have elves anymore, it is the Age of Copyright so we have Aelves. 🤣 I do get the frustration, 20 years of rich lore on WHFB just got flushed down the toilet. WHFB is a fairly expensive hobby and having entire armies becoming obsolete overnight is rage inducing. GW will unlikely ever announce an end-of-life on the old WHFB until they are sure majority of their players have bought into one of the new battletome armies. This is a standard product exit strategy to manage their customers. My advise is to pick up one of the newer armies. I am fairly certain the "light aelves" and "dark aelves" will not look remotely near your standard elves which is pretty exciting if you think about it?
  20. You may combo Mirrordance with Temple: Khailebron - Mistress of Illusion "deepstike" ability. The idea is to deepstike an initial hero and swap it out the the desired hero so that the hero can move closer. This allows you to move into great position and almost guarantee a charge. Especially entertaining to catapult a 220pts Bloodwrack Shrine on turn 1 to assassinate backline fragile hero, decimate an entire mass with bloodwrack stare or even just lock up deadly range units.
  21. Yes you are right here on the 60 points saving which is a huge edge in competitive play. The Slaughter Troupe Battalion also allows for retreat and charging to prevent a combat lock-down. But honestly, after playing DoK since it was released, I am more into narrative play and experimenting with other temples. Hag Nar is getting really static for me.
  22. The way to avoid this is to not field 2x30 Witches... Next time try this configuration instead, it is worth sacrificing the full squad bonus. 20 Witches w Bucklers - Main Anvil 20 Witches w Bucklers - Back-up Anvil 10 Witches w Dual Dagger - Hammer 1 10 Witches w Dual Dagger - Hammer 2 OR 30 Witches w Bucklers - Main Anvil 10 Witches w Bucklers - Screening 10 Witches w Dual Dagger - Hammer 1 10 Witches w Dual Dagger - Hammer 2 How does this works? Very rarely have I seen 30 Witches getting wiped out in a single turn unless your opponent decides to vomit everything at them. 20 seems to be the magical number for me and most of the time I have <10 Witches surviving to lock the opponent in close-combat for my hammers to counter-charge. Witches and Sisters are very mobile. Your hammers can be parked deceptively far away from the anvil to bait your opponent into charging your anvil and respond with a counter charge. Or your anvil can even charge together with your hammer, but remember to activate your hammer first in close-combat. 10 Witches w Dual Daggers, fully buffed does enough damage to be considered a decent hammer in Turn 1 . You can bring in the Melusai at later turn 2 for the additional kick. More units also gives you better board control and allows you to conserve units until later turns where the blood rites make them more deadly. Ideally you want to be throwing out a full strength hammer with buffs every turn. Also Khinerai makes excellent screening units. Wound for point they are costly but their huge ass base sizes can mess up non-flyer movement. And because of their huge base sizes, everyone thinks they are 2 wounds. 🙄
  23. I doubt DoK will ever get have any Set Collecting set beyond the Blood Coven and Battleforce. They are a niche fraction with strong unique selling points that does not need an affordable Foot-in-the-Door sales technique starter set. I am sure all of us here who plays DoK started this army not just simply because we want "another AOS army". We started this army because of certain compelling reasons that trumps the price tag. Sure the army is crazy expensive but players who want it will still buy into it. Deep down I am quite happy as well, otherwise we just become another one of the Golden Jesus or Ghost-in-the-Shell army... 🙄 Also just look at the Sci-fi equivalent all female army, Sisters of Battles... the hype is beyond belief. Just a sneak peak a some obscure part of the upcoming SoB sculpt is enough to give nearly the entire warhammer community a literal hard-on. I think if they are priced the same as DoK, people will still buy. 🤣
  24. Has anyone had any luck with Mirror Dance, situational or can an actual strategy be built around it? Cast value 4 with Shadow Stone can be pretty reliable.
  25. Considering the obscene amount of attacks our Witches can put out, what kind of Dice Rolling apps do you guys recommend? The official Warhammer Dice App is no longer available, at least on Android. I'm currently using this app called Warhammer 8th ed Dices by Homeslyce. Simple, flexible and elegant. Another pretty good app is Xd6 - Dice Roller by 82blue. Unfortunately it does not allow for us to calculate our auto hit exploding attacks, Catechism of Murder. What other Dice Apps have you guys come across that is suitable for DoK use?
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