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Everything posted by Skabnoze

  1. How sturdy do you find the crackle paint on the bases is? Is it prone at all to flaking off? I have been buying resin bases with this effect on them for my Bonesplitterz and was thinking of using the same theme when I get around to Ironjawz - but not many manufacturers make the bigger bases. Also, 32mm bases for infantry is a pain to get a hold of in decent quantity.
  3. That would be the converted Balewind vortex...
  4. I have had the feeling that the compendium forces were eventually going to be phased out in some way. Either just dropped at some point (I hope not) or reworked into a whole new direction (probably with a new faction name) and then the compendium force removed as some of the models would be absorbed into something else in some capacity (and probably resculpted into something else - but allow you to use your old things). But this announcement sounds like a way for them to just outright retire them.
  5. My problem as someone who did not care for the last few editions of 40k and recently brought my armies out of retirement for the new edition is that every casual game I play at the house (95% of my games anymore) are exactly the same and have a feeling of disappointment. I also find that 40k does not manage the Spectacle of the game as well as Age of Sigmar. 40k still has the Lords of War level of characters that in some cases can dominate a game if the opponent is not prepared for one. Huge models in Age of Sigmar, even when they are characters like Nagash, can be dealt with or are not totally pointless to play against with a lot of casual built armies. Age of Sigmar handles the spectacle aspect of a wargame better in my opinion. As for the releases for 40k - I might be interested when they get back around to Orks. But my god, are they going to be the last one out of the pipe at this point? If so then they better drop some cool models into the range. It will be one of my biggest disappointments in playing 40k since the late 80s to be the last in line for a codex in 8th edition and have it just be one of the converted Index books without even any old models updated with new sculpts.
  6. I am actually pretty tempted by this army despite my grand distaste for elves in just about every setting ever created. But for me, I am really thinking of going all-in on the no eyes feature and removing the sockets entirely with putty. Make them look a bit more like dolphins or something.
  7. The GOBLOBBER is back! Holy ******... Is it bad that I remember that?
  8. This is fair. I like the more recent models so I would be fine with them making new fiends and a greater demon. But having said that, we have seen crazier things happen. I did not expect them to blow up a world they spent 30 years developing and convert the whole game into a skirmish version, and I also did not expect such a large change for a new version of 40k.
  9. Thats fair. But they could preview it today. I am sure we will see more about the Deepkin, but I honestly don't see how that could in any way come close to as big of an annoucement as dropping a full new ruleset for their flagship game. There has to be something else.
  10. I remember something from an interview with one of the designers (name escapes me at the moment) during a video about the Daughters of Khaine where he mentioned that Slaanesh was coming relatively soon and was going to be a big thing.
  11. Another idea for a really big announcement would be the return of Slaanesh. He/She is fairly quiet in both games right now and a big Slaanesh release could be a big thing for both main systems. And we all know that they are probably making an effort to rework the aesthetics of the Slaanesh faction - so it might be a pretty huge shake-up from what we have gotten used to.
  12. God, I hope they don't do some other Xenos full army before they release the Orks. And I am really hoping that the wait on Orks is because they are finally planning on replacing some of the ancient Gorkamorka-2nd edition era kits and the resin models that they have. Just drop a new buggy/trakk kit, Ghazgkull & Badrukk, plastic Kommandos & tankbustas dual kit, and finally sell a real kit for the Deff Koptas and it would make me a happy 40k player. Barring that - maybe finally modernize the Chaos Space Marines range with nice models? I am sick and tired of seeing constant new ****** when so much stuff is old and meh. I like new stuff as much as the next guy but I absolutely loathe GWs long-time policy to ignore massive swathes of their game and spend attention on a small section. The argument is that they concentrate on the stuff that sells best - but that argument is really circular since you can legitimately say that the popularity of some things is the fact that GW puts so much emphasis and attention into it. Stormcast are a pretty good example of this. In terms of GW races - they are practically brand spanking new and they are quite popular. GW is capable of making most of the factions in any of their game popular. Barring truly terrible rules, their visual design team is capable of reworking almost any faction into something exciting and they have proved this a number of times over the years.
  13. I agree. I have some sort of problem that causes me to try to convert almost every model I get and I have to fight pretty hard sometimes to not do it. The absolute best comment you can get is when people ask you where you bought the model from because they think you simply purchased it rather than built it. If you can manage to fool the casual observer into thinking the model came that way and belongs in the army then you hit a home run with that project. In that regards, superb job on your lobbas. For the most part they do look very much like the rest of the Ironjaw range and they are painted very well. My only critique would be the wheels. In my opinion tires just don't belong in the Fantasy world and they are the one part of those models that breaks the visual theme for me. I would probably have used a different wheel entirely - either wooden wheels plucked from some other kit, or something completely metal sort of like the old 40k 2nd edition Ork artillery models had. But, you could probably also get away with swapping the color on the wheels so that the rubber portion is bare metal and the armor plates are painted and weathered. It is a pretty minor critique and still a great job and they should look great with your force!
  14. It looks like they are done using the paint-crackle effect (either GWs version or a generic craft one).
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