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Thalassic Monstrosity

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Everything posted by Thalassic Monstrosity

  1. Ah, dang. I'm still going to get and play Slaangors, but I do feel a little sad they seem to be lacking in comparison with other Beasts options. But at the end of the day: Live fast, die young, and leave a horned and crab-handed junkie corpse.
  2. Just to clarify, what was the complaint about Slaangor? Too much glass, not enough cannon?
  3. I'm probably in the minority but I have to say my hype is still pretty high! I hope the rules are worth the wait but either way I plan on collecting - and painting! - a sizeable amount of Slaaneshi in a little over a week when they release. Now that I think I have a color scheme locked down I'm anxious to put it to use.
  4. The Lord of Pain unlocks Myrmidesh and Symbaresh as Battleline! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/10/3-decadently-different-ways-to-build-your-hedonite-host/
  5. Symbaresh/Myrmidesh are priced similarly to Blightkings/Skullreapers, so I think we can expect them to be comparable. Elite, heavy infantry... maybe Battleline? I don't play either of those armies so I don't know.
  6. The Enlightened come in boxes of three, though admittedly they also come with discs.
  7. Thanks so much for pointing this out, I had no idea whatsoever it existed!
  8. How do you get one drop with them, if you don't mind me asking?
  9. So Idolators cultist units can now take Marks of Chaos. Thoughts?
  10. I just want a book that's internally balanced to the point where I have a good selection of viable options and externally balanced to the point where my performance in games is more reliant on my skill and decent fortune than on my choice of army. While I'm at it, I'd like my unicorn to be sea-green with a nice white mane.
  11. Oh lord, even the face on the armor is-! This may be in the top 6 things I've seen on the internet.
  12. That's a load'a bull. (Someone had to. I'm not proud)
  13. I'm thrilled by the steed that has it's mouth open. It looks so great! It's also great to see some of these Hedonites are sensible enough to armor up their mounts' chests. I'm over the moon with these reveals. I just need to lock down a color scheme and I'm good. Come on, February!
  14. Huh. I didn't even realize there was something suggestive about the cover. I was just stoked that the art is great. I'm glad GW is drawing more attention to Slaanesh as a force of obsession. A set of small blurbs from Black Crusade's Tome of Excess always stuck with me, wherein a Lord Governor devolves into cannibalism seeking the perfect flavor in his meals. I'm always disappointed when I see Slaanesh reduced to just carnality.
  15. Hello, I have another question! With regards to Skyfires, are larger or smaller units a better choice? I've been painting some up to test a color scheme and I'd like to maybe get some use from them. Please and thank you!
  16. In today's Community article, GW remarks about the Direchasm Slaangor: "Perhaps his appearance is a taste of things to come..." Something to consider.
  17. Hello, everyone. I just got my first chariot in Shadow and Pain and I want to know, what should I assemble it as? What's the most versatile and useful choice of the chariot types? Provided it isn't a Herald varient, however.
  18. Someone on Facebook suggested that you might be able to see Slaangors in the background in the video. Not the Direchasm Slaangor, either; it looks like different horns. Might be wishful thinking, but who knows?
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