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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. There’s hype for cos? thought the army was already out😂. jokes aside I’m hyped for the empire release in tow as soon as it comes
  2. There’s a good chance, still though While I did enjoy 9th edition 40k aos at least in conparison to that system was a lot less bloaty. although having book tactics was in my oppinion a bad idea all the way through
  3. Huh, thanks for noticing, I actually didn’t remember having another 25points left
  4. Yeah I might not have finished that sentence correctly what I meant was I would love if they added a legend button to both listbuilders in 40k and aos
  5. I meam there are definitely new players, but I wouldn’t call casual, a game where you mindlessly throw models on the table. think of it more like - it is more open to mistake, they will be more often forgiven and backing up to something you might have forgotten happens - lore is more important to most casual players, so you’ll see many people trying to go for a theme more heavily and more often then you would see most tournament players to do -tournament winning lists aren’t liked to be used or seen on the table -they play the units they like even if they are terrible. -and legend units are allowed. if I had to compare it to something. think of the casual side of aos to be similar to what Horus heresy is currently, heavily invested into the narrative. ps: although there are always exceptions to all points I mentioned. i have met unpleasant players on the casual side. That took a tournament winning list and went with it is fun to win and therefore it is a casual match. and I have met tournament players that heavily invested into the narrative of their army, going so far to convert a lot of their models even
  6. I mean if screening, moving, choosing a target are considered competitive I will have to restate my last comment😂.
  7. I think it always depends on the people. i have met a lot of new players joining the competitive environment. Some stayed others lost interest and went onto the more casual side. currently at least in our club we have around 10ish% that are interested in the competitive scene. but that doesn’t mean that gw shouldn’t be focusing on the competitive side. personally I’m happy if they focus on both, making certain that armies are fun and play as it is written in the lore. if it comes down to anything I want specific, I’d say please gw start adding your legend stuff to your apps. it’s frustrating not to be able to write a list with those units when you clearly made the effort to add points and rules for them
  8. I think they could do great. for gw tournaments this might actually be a great idea, for any other’s I might just go for some awesome 3d sculpts
  9. Sorry for double posting but while I was writing my list I noticed that something significantly chanced since the last faq update for tow. apparently skaven are now able to take multiple cannons or doomwheels (1 for each 1000points) as ling as you have 1 or more engineers. i believe you needed a engineer per skryre warmachine before hand. this should at least open up list-building for the skaven by a lot
  10. I’ll be playing a tow game tomorrow and thought I’d share this list: Skaven tournament list [1975 pts] Warhammer: The Old World, Skaven === ++ Characters [676 pts] ++ Grey Seer [245 pts] - Hand weapon - Warpstone Tokens (D3) - Level 4 Wizard - General - On foot - Lore Familiar - Daemonology Skaven Warlord [195 pts] - Hand weapon - Heavy armour - Shield - The Fellblade Warlock Engineer [74 pts] - Hand weapon - Warplock musket - Warpstone Tokens (D3) - Ruby Ring of Ruin - Battle Magic Skaven Chieftain [162 pts] - Hand weapon - Light armour - Shield - Battle Standard Bearer [Grand Banner Of Superiority] - 2x Skavenbrew ++ Core Units [735 pts] ++ 27 Stormvermin [390 pts] - Hand weapons - Halberds - Heavy armour - Fangleader (champion) - Standard bearer [Banner Of Verminous Scurrying] - Musician - 1x Weapon Team [Hand weapons + Ratling Gun + Light armour] 20 Clanrats [145 pts] - Hand weapon - Light armour - 1x Weapon Team [Hand weapons + Ratling Gun + Light armour] 25 Clanrats [200 pts] - Hand weapon - Thrusting spear - Light armour - Standard bearer - Musician - 1x Weapon Team [Hand weapons + Ratling Gun + Light armour] ++ Special Units [244 pts] ++ 5 Warplock Jezzails [95 pts] - Hand weapons - Warplock jezzails - Pavise 3 Rat Ogres [149 pts] - Hand weapons - Heavy armour (mutated hides) - 1x Packmaster (Whip - 1 per 2 Rat Ogres) ++ Rare Units [320 pts] ++ Hell Pit Abomination [210 pts] - Warpstone claws Warp Lightning Cannon [110 pts] - Warp Lightning Cannon - Hand weapons - Light armour it’s nothing special but I am trying a few things out since this will ne my first tournament-ish based testing game
  11. I have a better idea, you play as the skaven and your mission is to end the storm-things. it’s a hell dive against the order tide😂
  12. I mean why not. the tow community would be incredible happy if that happened
  13. That depends on the price increase I guess. if 20 lothern sea guard (should they actually get their blood island equivalent of a release) cost as much as 10 lrl spearmen. I think high elve migjt be much more interesting for a good amount of players not just the tow players. but personally I agree the price hike likely said won’t favor a lot of kits. Although you’ll likely also feel it in other ranges like aos and 40k (and horus heresy😱😭)
  14. I’m very certain that a lot of old high elve kits won’t be getting any an update. considering gws record of the last 3 armies plus the dwarfs getting a few new heroes as well. but High elves in particular, will likely get a good amount of people in, considering that they had a huge ranfe refresh st the end of 8th many people that wanted those units never really got a chance of buying them, and it’ll be interesting to see what kind of heroes are the high elves getting
  15. Uff I know this is a writing mistake but just think what the outrage wpuld be if Stormvermins got sold in boxes of 3 models instead of the 20 it currently is😂
  16. Which is funny, because I’m having the same struggle with the marine players😂. nobdoy wants to collect the stormy marines, and for some reason those who did stopped and sol their collection after the culling
  17. Yeah although I’m not a fan of the new grey seer
  18. Nah I’d prefer it if they keep their distinct look of having some guts. it’s unique although a few more faces wouldn’t hurt the kits.
  19. Similar too me. my dwarf warriors (from fireforge miniature) arrived also I almost finished painting da green Knight’z trusty mount. and yes that greem thin on his face is just some paint splattered onto him
  20. It was sold incredible well actually. although the biggest problem was that on a single sprue you had high elve bits mixed in with the skaven stuff
  21. Mmmh dental ensurance, might be too much, we should remove that too from our contracts🤔 Ah interesting didn’t know it comes with a double barrel option I’m happy and at the same time prepared😂 pete the wargamer converted sole awesome rattling gun weapons teams, and wel I followed his example for that
  22. It had no skaven in it, it was doomed to fail We don’t offer our underlings holidays, dental is the least thing they get,
  23. Well… I mean int theroy the human range at least does needs some kits. they are missing a heavy infantry with great weapon equipped unit. some more artillery. bothing against the cannon, but where are those multi barrel smaller cannons or mortars
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