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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. I mean its not my taste, but apparently some people really like the mix of all daemons
  2. And not to mention mixed daemons of chaos! (I’m not joking we genuinely have 5 new people (quite young even) who started aos with daemons of slaanesh and khorne mixed together
  3. I believe to have read a statement from the old world times where they basically mentioned how there are a total of 4 steam tanks in the empire, so yeah rhe production definitely i creased since then😂
  4. Having seen stormcast getting their models edition in and out. I think it would be just far to give another faction the chance. personally my idea wouldn’t be to choose a single specific faction that replaces the stormy marines, but rather having a different faction each edition that would represent the good and evil side. maybe even have two armies that are neither fighting for the grand allegiance of order.
  5. Definitely although I mean more like we have seem then edition in and out. wouldn’t it be more interesting, especially for making up theories if another army or factions gets a chance. considering we have a few that could definitely use an update or some extra models, a starter with them instead of the marines wouldn’t be a bad idea in my own opinion
  6. I mean considering the stormy marines releases. can one even get excited about that factions releases anymore?
  7. I look at that kit and the only thought I had was, eh could easily fit i to old world as well. I guess skaven are just this one awesome concept that can’t really be changed. truly the real poster boys of aos.
  8. As the double turn currently is, I don’t like it. personally I have heard of so many people stating that it has a some what in depth tactic, yet I haven’t seen a single person ever taking the consideration of just not taking the double turn when it happened. this is the case for both casual and tournament level play I have seen, taken part in and witnessed. Currently as it stands, there is no incentive of just not taking the double turn. the benefits of taking it are much greater then thr negatives it comes with.
  9. To answer gws question, its not a skaven👐🏻
  10. Gw like: look at these new meatshieldtilators with great weapons
  11. Looking at this model, only makes me question, when the skaven will get their showcase of new models
  12. My thoughts on the currently known 4.0 edition rules. personally I can’t say much it definitely has a few interesting buts that have been mentione like weapon range, battleshock etc. being removed, the double turn getting a new twist of not allowing a player to earn battle tactics, all sounds very interesting, but without any rules in my hands it pretty much stays that. interesting. certainly that doesn’t mean I’m not concerned of these new additions changing the game in total. All models being able to fight within 3 inches would mean the game could become a lot more deadlier, which in my oppinion isn’t really what I want, then again that’s coming from me not knowing what the warscrolls will look like. maybe we’ll ne seeing a return of the dreaded 4+ to hit stat for a lot of the warscrolls that lost it during the 3rd edition period. maybe will see a reduction of attacks or an increase on all safe characteristics. personally this is still more a mystery to me then I can state much more then that. as for the removal of the battleshock. I don’t really mind yet I do wonder if it may come back as some sort of a test to see if the unit can’t hold objectives. Which would make it a bit interesting. As for the double turn well I’m keen in seeing if the interest of not taking a double turn will decrease with the idea of loosing 2 or more potential victory points.
  13. I’m quit interested in seeing if we get a new named hero. i do not know and the one that survived the end times doesn’t seem to be coming back so hopes here are for some new heroes that a story can be told around
  14. I must say that ine guy getting 3 wins with an army most players consider unplayable, is quit amazing. now that’s a guy I’d like to see taking part at the next world event held by gw
  15. Mmmh one faction in particularly seem to be missing
  16. I mean currently the removal of the bonesplittaz is a wishlist and rumor of some people. I wouldn’t count on them being removed. although neither would I count on them staying. if I had to compare them to a faction, I’d say they have about as much of a chance of staying in aos as do the fyreslayer dwarfs
  17. Me looking at these cool objective markers I bought for 40k, and after having read that article
  18. I actually wouldn’t mind that at all. although I‘D be happy if a city of dark elves would make the return. like they did with broken realm morathy
  19. I would say yes, yet at the same time I’m not certain I have the time to travel to great Britain
  20. Yeah it can be quit funny. last game me and my opponent got to score 2 of those cards. we really just chose the wrong omes at the beginning of the game😂
  21. What predictions? I never gave up after loosing a double turn I just haven’t seen anybody not take the double turn. as for the discussion I had with my opponent. he thought the same way telling me that there is a strategic reason one shouldn’t take the double turn. Only admitting afterwards that if he took it the game would have ended turn 2 anyways That may be a prediction but that was the discussion I had with an opponent, not my own prediction although prediction might be to far fetched considering its what he believed the outcome to have been, if he chose not to show me the supposedly strategic genius behind the “not taking the double turn idea” considering that we weren’t looking into The future but rather into the result of a possible outcome, if we would have chosen to take the other path
  22. That’d be awesome. I just hope they’ll rewrite the rattling guns overcharge ability if that’s the case, or I’ll be yeeting them i to the enemies 😂
  23. Plague monks, giant rats maybe even night runners or poisoned wind globadiers. but I dunno we’ll see when the starter box fers announced. hopefully will get something to look at this week
  24. I can only talk from my experience, but I had the same discussion with another guy, who chose. Ot to take the double at the end of the first battle round. after we finished our session he admitted that the game would have ended if he took it, with a full annihilation on my side. So that’s probably the closest I got to the so theorized tactical decision of not taking the double turn.
  25. You know whats funny about that soecific underworld warband? those stabbas fit so perfectly into any stabbas unit. they have the exact same size are easy made with not many details, and with their more heavily equipped armor they make perfect unit champions
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