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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Yeah, well maybe they’ll get cheaper with ghb 2019. Anyways will be trying out a 1500p list tomorrow, and was wondering what your frights where about it. It consist of: 1Verminlord warbringer:260p (General, artefacts, commanabillity not sure yet) 1Clawlord:100p (traits etc. Not known yet) 1grey seer: 120p battleline: 40Stormvermins:500p 2x40clanrats:400p others: 2x1warpflamers:140p
  2. Nah, I don’t really believe stormvermin will be a must take. I can see that will have many options where Stormvermins definitely won’t be needed at all. clanrats do the tricks just fine as meathsields, and when needed a hammer well, we still have other great options like ratogres, Stormfiends etc.
  3. It depends on your own story I guess. for example I’m going for a clan mors themed armie, which has overtaken many smaller clans moulder and Skryre, which is why they all have a unified color in my armie. Edit: if making up a small history of your clan isn’t really your thing, I can tell you that painting the skaven all a bit similar, will garantie you a much easier and faster finish if the models.
  4. Don’t know, it looks good on paper, if you can throw out the damage before you die. but hey I’ll be using two of them tomorrow so, if you guys are interested in how good they were I’ll happily report my battle in her😁.
  5. Well the easiest way for painting clanrats is to just use like one color on the clothing (2 if the primer you used looks ok). It’s a good way of painting your clanrats quick, and knowing what color you want makes it less hard to think and always having to dip into another paintingjug. as for your question, I usually paint them mixed match.
  6. A skaven preview just came out. the thing that I find very, very interesting is this bit: ”Lightning spell can be cast as many times as you like by different Wizards.”
  7. Don’t forget the possibility of taking Stormvermins as battleline.🧐
  8. Ah reminds me of that Skaven army that was showcased in Warhammer Community
  9. Well I mean as long as your not interested in taking apart on a tournament, it should be fine. and even then, smaller events ususally allow you to take the square bases, since they are usually (not always) a minor issue rulewise.
  10. Well I think they are all great choices, even the stormfiends who where in somewhat nerfed. The buffs we can give to our units is what will make all of these units fantastic. also as a Sidenot, the spell from the warbrimger works on all Skaventide units now, so meaning we can deathfrenzy ratogres or even stormfiends, which great
  11. Well the warpflamer is technically the perfect and only ending I wish Dok gets (not fluff wise just in the game when beeing played)
  12. Well if you want to go just skyre, I guess you’d have to wait till the book comes out, because without it I don’t really know if you can have anything but skyre in your armie. Go for a more mixed armie, your good of. Having around 80clanrats as a starter and afterwards if going into the tournamanet heavy scene, at least 120. but in the end it literally just matters what you want to take, afterall nobody wants to play with a unit that he/she doesn’t like.
  13. Ok thanks, so I misunderstood the guy who made the preview.
  14. Clanrats. the thing you really want, if your going the mixed skaven route, both in fluff and against more heavy hitting armies like khorne etc.
  15. Well the bombardier is relatively new to us all, but from paper and what I heard, 3of them could do a ton of damage especially since they only costs about the same amount of points as the normal warlock engineer.
  16. say does anybody know if our so beloved Verminlords will also be able to take magic from a certain lore?
  17. Well it depends. the question I was asking myself the whole time was, if the packmasters cost 60p or if a unit of 3 cost that amount of points. If it’s the first one, I’ll. probably won’t be using them at all, since a model that is t a hero with a total of 2 wounds that can be sniped very and I mean very easy, is in my eyes not worth 60p. Ill rather pay 40 more and get the master moulder. if I can take 3 for 60p, I’d reconsider the other and proabably would be using them in that unit size, since it would give a free rain of control over the wholy within Situation buff for my rat ogres etc.
  18. Well as the Verminlord I am, I promise you that I’ll at least not try and backstab you for that book. but just because your articles were and are fantasticly written.
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