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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. That’s actually a good question. although I love what they did with the swarm
  2. Mmmh I love that some of the new models are in these boxsets. but I’m not really a fan of the old skeleton warriors. at this point I’d probably would have enjoyed a return of the vampire count skeletons with an upgrade sprues for weapons and shield options
  3. Yeah seen it don’t believe it. And those rumors also mentioned the skaven merc box being 2x3 (or just 2 individual) stormfiends with the new hero. and while gw has made some bad boxset this seem something so incompetent that even gw wouldn’t do Pretty much. although nighthaunt getting something seems likely the believable part, considering some of the rumors remind one of something ghostlike
  4. No worries there mate, they are probably occupied being the enslaved ratmas tree-things for the skaven
  5. Yeah personally all of the verminlords look awesome. and if it wasn’t for a friend of mine I’d probably never would have gotten the chance of owning the warp-gnaw verminlord.
  6. If it’s not too late I’d personally go for the first one as I personally just enjoy gutter runners more then night runners. Also what happened here? seem like nobody has written anything at all for a good amount of time here. Hopefully much more will be talked-squeaked when the battlescroll update comes. ps: also a merry ratmas to all of ya
  7. I dunno I mean wouldn’t that theory also work on their weapons they carry?
  8. It doesn’t look skaveny at all. maybe some sort of tzeentch poison mixer
  9. We don’t really know although what is certain os that the skeleotn chariot and skeleotn warriors aren’t getting new models upon release considering the starter box for tomb kings that good leaked
  10. The old ones have a small charm to them. also the fact they can be given great weapons, kinda just give them the feeling of heavy infantry. although should I use my gitz in old world I’d buy the newer kit of black orks, which will then be given the hand weapon and shield options. as spears just seems wrong for an ork that want’s to get as little space in between him and his foe I wouldn’t be worried. there have been a ton lf old world/ army project players that used the new minis and have somehow managed to put them on the smaller bases even. so if the bases are getting bigger so too likley will it be easier to put them on it😁
  11. Why not go back and bring the clawlord on bonebreaker ratogre out. and while doung this he’ll need some good bodyguard units. so stormvermins on bonebraker ratogres
  12. I believe the drukharis already exist😂. unless…. You mean the druchiis in which case I’m totally in. A new model for malekith and dark elve models returning with some new kinds of dark-ish elves
  13. Queek was killed by the dwarfen high king of the mountain As for the rest of the heroes. not really much is known about them surviving or dying. except for ikitt. we do know that he survived the end times, although the story that mentions him also mentions how he is for some reason hide-sneaking from the horned rat trying not to get caught. also he has lost his memory somewhat and can only recall that he loved in another world and had a different name than the one he is currently using. so very unlikely will see any of those characters returning…… although I guess skrolk might be a possibility, after all while definitely mortaly wounded by…. Saurus with the spear, he was saved by the verminlord corruptor that accompanied him and his army to the end time fight against the cold blood-things. So maybe a named verminlord corruptor of some sort will be introduced👐🏻
  14. Truth be told I would definitely be quit interested in seeing which one that is. although if that was the case. i hope its not just an update for the kits in need of that clan (skaven after all don’t have subfactions) but also something where they bring in more. or else. the whole skaven update for 4.0 would be like 1-2 updated kits😂
  15. If we stick to the 11 kits theory. i’d pribably say it would look more like this: 1.night/gutter runner (1box 2 options) 2.plague monks/plague censer bearer (1box 2 options) 3. Rattling gun, warpfire thrower, grinder (3 options for 3 weapon teams) 4. Rat ogre with packmasters 5. plague priest 6. Arch warlock 7. giant rats with packmasters 8. doom flayer unit 9. Master moulder 10-11 new kits And with that done that’s pretty much a revamp of every unit that need one (except rat swarms in easy 9 kits😂
  16. I personally believe that clanrats and stormvermins will be fine, should the skaven be the next faction getting an update in 4.0 (we of course all hope so) Kits or clans that we could probably see being update, if any at all, are clan skryre: weapon teams (including jezzails) and skryre acolytes (may we’ll see a new warlock model or arch warlock👐🏻) clan pestilence: plague censer, plague monks clan eshin: night/gutter runners Clan moulder: rat ogre, master moulder, giant rats (maybe rat swarms but I have a feeling that they may be going from the range) and packmaster although I could sed gw doung a gloomspite gitz thing here and just making the packmaster an additional model taken when playing units of rat ogres or giant rats. now these are just what I think could happen, sadly I don’t know anything and in the end it is up to gw how and what gets updated. I still doubt thought that clanrats or stormvermins will be part of that update, if it happens
  17. Well not to get your hopes up, but the certainty that we are next in line isn’t quite a given. while most aos fans including myself believe that skaven are the next starter faction getting a new update we haven’t heard or seem anything that confirms those hopes. so so far this will just be us hoping that it isn’t any other way. also stormvermins are awesome looking models. i think we’d see plague monks redone before them if at all
  18. Mmhh, if you really want something for fun and to suprise your enemy (although it will take time to get used to the list) play 12+ rattling gun weapon team
  19. Same here although should or shouldn’t the double turn get removed. i will probably be happy about both outcomes
  20. A dawnbringers book mostly focusing on skaven, would be cool, but unlikely
  21. Ah ok. sorry mate didn’t know we where talking about that model. it has kinda been too long since I have played wh fantasy and especially against chaos warriors.
  22. ?? What’s Those look awesome. where they 3d primted or have you bought them at some store? and if so could you please give me the information😍. i’d love to be able to field my round based models in sich a game
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