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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Everything dark elve related is something I a gually thought would become a part of morathis army. it would aslo make a lot of sense and would give the old daro elve player the chance to play them reunited ones again
  2. Same thought here. I mean clan verminus is a give. that clan looks fantastic and isn’t really in need of an update at all. if we go though to clan pestilence. i could see gw deciding to just do nothing there, which I hope won’t be the case. and for the other clans, i don’t think they can really ignore those. clan skryre and moulder in dire need of an update as well as eshin. (the masterclan is fine)
  3. You guys know what’s funny about the new city of sigmar models? They would probably fit incredible wel into the old world as like an bretonnian army that found out how powerful blackpowder weapon can be, in a strategic way
  4. I don’t mind the new bretonian look gw seems to be going for yet, I prefer the renaissance look they had before a lot more. Kinda fits the whole Reichsläufer and landsknecht theme very well
  5. If they remove all models made and i spired by warhammer fantasy, there would be nothing left for the stormy boys to fight😂. ah well at least they can have some fish-things for lunch and beat up some swampy green-things and bash with flying heretical dwarfs😂
  6. I don’t think the old world aspect can be ever deleted from the aos system. many of the current factions (except the fish-things) are heavily inspired by the old world armies (or space marine faction from the 40k universe) or and are even from that time period (like for example dok). do I want a skaven refresh? yes definitely but it will be incredible hard to make miniatures that wouldn’t fit into the old world as well. I mean just look at the lumineth. their whole inspiration is basically high elves with just more terrible unfitting helmets, (and certain exception like the cow-thingie) True the cangoroos on from the ellyrion riders are something new but the inspiration is pretty much there
  7. If we are culling stuff, I think a good idea would be to start with the stormcast. of course culling the few thousand of unit they have is probably something gw isn’t interesting in doing so, my general thought would be to just make the 3-5 units that all are the same thing do the same thing and are pretty much equipped the same, become a single warscroll. for example: Liberators, sequitors and vindicators are all one now. with the option of having hand weapons or spears as their primary weapons
  8. Same here. the doomwheels drop is a massive boon. I’m not certain that this will help phr winrate, but at least now I’m able to take up to three wheels in a lisy where I wasn’t before
  9. Those poor poor elves😢. They even are the better looking ones.
  10. By tow do you suggest that the bonesplitters shall be an old world only army?
  11. I’m just wondering but has there been an faq clarifying what a double is? because if we are still following the core rules, and this is just on a gameplay sense of if you’re partaking at an event and are playing the rules exactly as written, it would in theory mean rhat armies that make a 3d6 roll or more would never be able to get a double, as written in the core rules
  12. Love the changes to the doomwheel. the rest was more meh then great. i mean it is great to see the screaming bell going down points, but as this point it may as well just cost 60 instead of the 240 points😂
  13. It would make sense, well I’ll be working tomorrow, so there should be a bit of time (I hope) to see the stuff that will happen
  14. Warcom? you mean like by gw themself, ir a potential leaker
  15. For clan moulder, sadly this model is to clean. it has literally no stitches
  16. Slanns players, I got a 24 for the casting throw. khorne: banned!!
  17. Good to know. yeah then bonuses to cast as well as the rule for warpstone chunks for the grey seers works pretty well with this new rule set i do think that skaven are going to fail miserably against tzeentch, the pointy ears-things and seraphon, but they are able to hold their water against other faction
  18. Skitterleap or dreaded skitterleap with a grey seer. although slaven don’t have anything reliable to get a casting throw of 12. also I’m not certain how warpstone sparks will work with the new primortial dice rules (need to see the rules myself)
  19. True, yet I’m pretty much interested in seeing how well skaven will do considering thanqoul and launchon combo isn’t going to be a thing anymore
  20. I know mate. every time I look at my four bells, I just gotta als, what exactly did it do to deserve such a fate? it currently cost 80points more then the bell at the beginning of second edition and that thing was a hundred times better then what it is now it hurts it really hurts. and even though some skaven players seem to be happy seeing a reduction in points for the bell, i just don’t know why I would even play it. at this point they would have to reduce the points in such a way that you’re capable of adding more points to spend for other units when taking a screaming bell
  21. Considering the aztec style of some sort of a door and the green aura around i, I would have said that it screams out pestilence a lot. but I might be wrong. it could be eshin or a mixture of both
  22. Well…. I play skaven, I think that army currently has it’s own lack of positivity in total at this point we stay positive as best as we can😜😅😂
  23. Well if it comes to positivity, personally I could see a possibility where almost all skaven players will be thankful, for that grand, greatest update the skaven are apparently getting, considering rumors. if not well….. then at least the stormcast players will be getting another trillion units, doing the same thing just better then the last trillion units they have gotten😂.
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