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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. I think you can post the screenshot it isnt a leak cause we're past the NDA date judging from the fact the video exists. Send it to me if you dont wanna post it here please. Our allies table matters a lot to my army! I'm also really surprised by these changes. Cities had multiple point decreases but for us it's only the tzaangor units?
  2. Love these guys, have 6 already. I knew they were bigger than GW but I didn't realize quite how much bigger. They fit on 50's though so it's fine with me. As an aside the artwork on Totalwarhammers khorne minotaur is almost exactly my scheme for mine and I'm about to look a lot less original lol.
  3. Easy access to +1 hit is nice but it's unfortunate that he isn't a wizard to get flaming weapon. Finest hour and monster abilities will be nice for him though. They made all forests wyldwoods but not AWAKENED wyldwoods so thats a missed opportunity. It's worth noting that if you like to play on forest themed tables you have to expect you'll have tons of LoS blocking which is relevant for our shooting armies.
  4. I like the old dwarves but they dont really fit my aesthetic for my wood elves army unless maybe I made some living runestone construct.
  5. Yeah cursed city only. We have runelords too but I have a great conversion to be Cleona (plus I have the actual model) so to each their own. On further inspection the Runelord might be better. 10 points less (currently), has +2 to dispel rolls, and sure his prayers arent as good if you dont bring dwarves but on the topic of casting curse they're equal (admittedly her ability to throw mortal wounds or heals on turns she doesnt curse is actually pretty good) not to mention the 4+ save instead of a 6+. Just a thought I suppose.
  6. He's a unique character and enhancements (which grant access to spells outside of the warscroll) can never be given to unique characters. Now the spell enhancement says you take it and ALL wizards in your army benefit but the section for enhancements clearly says enhancements are taken and GIVEN to units in your army and since unique characters can't be GIVEN enhancements named characters can't access their own spell lore. It explains why Alarielles latest warscroll is clear that she knows all spells from the lore of deep woods but until they clarify it anybody without a new warscroll that is unique is just SoL apparently. Depending on how you read it. I personally think they clearly didnt mean to lock named characters out of using spells and prayers but (possibly in an effort to future proof their rules) that is currently how it seems to be written.
  7. Yeah we'll almost definitely be running a path to glory campaign so they'll still get table time for sure. I'm caught up in the bias for matched play though because I play so rarely that I would say I'm still learning the rules so it's easiest if I'm learning one set of rules without all the exceptions.
  8. And cant take spells from our own lore depending on how you read that argument in the rules thread lol
  9. Does anyone know a ritual to summon whitefang to your post? I don't need the winning lottery numbers but I am distressed by the fact I can't run a brass despoilers army anymore. All of a sudden I have a bunch of useless khorne stuff (heroes, terrain, prayers) that I just cant use and it would be a real relief to know that GW at least knows that removing batallions invalidated any beasts of GOD armies and have a fix incoming. Even just "you can ally GOD units" would be fine but it's currently really dampened my excitement to continue working on my converted Beasts of Khorne army.
  10. Valid criticism but it doesnt cost an enhancement does it? You get one of each category automatically and she won't have any prayers to choose from our book so she takes a generic one. It would probably only work in the double turn or if they charged something nearby and either didn't kill it or it wasnt the sisters.
  11. I think our best answer is going to have to be shooting (sadly). We could jump through a hundred hoops to stop our valuable targets getting unleashed all to hell, but the easiest answer feels like it will be "deepstriking" another shooting unit to blast theirs out.
  12. I'm thinking Nomad Prince general for 30 elf blocks of sisters "unleashing hell". Im also legitimately considering bring Cleona with the generic prayer "curse" so that's 60 shots with 6's to hit deal MW in addition followed by 6's to wound deal MW in addition. The range and needing LoS obviously keeps them off Sentinels level but it feels like it could be pretty competitive to ambush big blocks of sisters with small screens of spears. The unit is going to be getting its points worth of shooting whether it makes its points back is up to the dice.
  13. I was referring to the GH (generals handbook) in his comment.
  14. If? It's already up for pre order isnt it? Which is actually my slimmest hope for beasts of khorne. But hey I could stand to convert a neat shaggoth. Plus most of my khorne daemons are the old metal beastial looking ones who will fit right in if I need to summon some gors. I'll survive either way I think but it certainly doesnt look like the edition alone is going to make beasts great. Still any time you get to try a bunch of new stuff is neat.
  15. I forgot about rallying 40 clanrats though so there's also that. I also want to slap the +1 wound artifact on the verminlord warbringer plus the flaming sword spell and he might actually put out a lot of damage. Not to mention he can heal now too.
  16. So with the new prayers (curse - target an enemy every 6 to hit deals a MW in addition) combined with 25mm clanrats I'm thinking we could deal a lot of damage. Not to mention the new spells like +1 wound or fly, really benefit our verminlord. Skaven seem like they might not have come out of this edition change too badly.
  17. I'm incredibly bummed by the loss of being able to run my blades of khorne brass despoiler army but the GHB is coming out on the same day so I can't commit to being gutted just yet as it feels like having half the rules. Also the idea of running allherd and just throwing out extra Call Points every turn seems nice, especially now that every monster we can summon is a little more impactful.
  18. Nerf to ranged MW output and yet still somehow another nerf to going into melee lol
  19. Looks like everything's coming up farmhouse.
  20. But... I was responding to you saying: "And yet they add a ton of multi phase interactions that both players can do during eachothers turns and phases. That alone will slow down the game far more then a reduced model count" Change your mind that fast?
  21. If I trusted GW I'd say they reduced the points because they added the things you mentioned. Imagine if it had just been adding the extra stuff how long games would be.
  22. At the very least they confirmed today we'll at least get a deep dive article where we will learn that BoC are good at winning the game if they score more points than the other guy...
  23. My list was running out of blades of khorne thanks to Brass Despoilers so I definitely have some concerns, but as is I only run one unit over minimum size and that's 6 bulls who I would probably break down to 2×3 anyway because of these terrible coherency rules anyway.
  24. I mean I see what you're getting at but it has to be Charlie Sheen right? Like he's halfway to daemon prince of slaanesh by now.
  25. I wasn't expecting a party or anything. I was just surprised the rumor hadn't even been mentioned. I'm starting to think some of you play beastmen because of the kinship you feel from their long faces lol. In all seriousness no I'm not sure I put much stock in the rumors either. The only reason I even mention it is because a more reputable source agreed that some of what was said lined up with his own knowledge so it's a bare spark of possibility. EDIT: It got the whitefang seal of confusion so its pretty much bunk.
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