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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. Perhaps I wasnt clear. I'm not presuming guilt. I'm saying that if someone told me my friend who doesn't drink got wasted and arrested for public indecency while taking a whizz on a courthouse I would ASSUME that was incorrect until I knew it wasn't. If that same friend had been spending the last few months posting progressively more alarming photos of themselves going on wild benders then I would be much more quick to assume the worst and need to be convinced otherwise. Let me put it in a more relatable way for us. If a leak comes our tomorrow saying the next codex is nurgle we would all find that very believable due to a number of factors and prevailing opinions. If a leak comes out saying it's grotbag scuttlers then the rumour would be met with much less acceptance and subject to much more scrutiny. The way this has been received is indicative of how more people than before are viewing the company and that's not good for the game and thus not good for the community. Now you can blame the public for its shift in opinion but I propose to blame the source. I want GW to succeed as a company, but what I was saying is that the fact this is a plausible NDA (and I must assume it is since people were willing to defend GW's right to do things that may have been faked just to be seen as a draconian overreach of anti consumerism and I ASSUME people wouldn't defend something if it wasn't at least reasonable in their mind) instead of something that could be immediately dismissed out of hand is indicative that GW's public image has been degraded sharply over the last year or so which should be concerning to the fanbase at large. Best case scenario, every single person who thinks poorly of GW is wrong and everything GW has done is fine and the health of the game would still be threatened by this *undeserved* damage to their PR. More likely the communities generally more sour attitude towards GW (as opposed to say 2 years ago) has been brought on in part by actions taken by the company. I dont think companies are evil in the same way I dont think chaos demons are evil. They're both just doing what they exist to do. One exists to make money (and long term public goodwill doesnt show up in quarterly reports).
  2. If its real then it's bad and predatory. If its fake then we still learned that GW has recently acted at least bad enough that it's plausible AND that many customers would defend their actions.
  3. I feel like we still have good and fun games as long as the other army wants to play the combat phase. I always have fun crashing into orcs or slaves to darkness and even stormcast because they generally want to fight too so at least as we die we get to use our stuff. Armies like lumineth or seraphon or daughters on the other hand will decimate us before they even get out of the hero phase and it's like "thanks for painting your models, dont they look nice going back into the box!" I think that's a problem of how they've pushed ranged (magic and shooting) too far ahead though. I'd be hard pressed to come up with a fluffy reason for us to be more defensively capable (I'm sure I could, like mists of blood and rage obscure us from sight as we wash over our enemies in a crimson haze of violence! But it would be shoehorned) so it just becomes a question of, are we supposed to be a chaff faction that's pointed super low¿ are shooting armies overturned in the damage department? Or are we supposed to pay equal points for lesser output? Idk. The game got less killy in melee but more Lilly in shooting it feels like though and as an army that can't abuse save stacking (it doesnt suit us thematically anyway) it feels like we're gonna struggle unless we just get the kind of buffs that say powercreep. But maybe that's just me being a cynic.
  4. Real or fake I'm not okay with the number of people defending this (before they thought it was fake).
  5. See I'm even more cynical because they probably won't even give us Morghur lol
  6. Welp that was fun. Agreed to play a seraphon list (2 stegadon, slaan, skink priest, bastilidon, engine of the gods, 5 saurus guard, gotrek) and got tabled turn 3 including summoned units after I got the double turn on him. Lost 17-5. I screened Gotrek properly so that he ultimately killed 10 bloodreavers and that was it but even with basically a 400 point handicap I was able to kill 3 units the whole game. I dont play this army to win but we desperately need some help. Just wanted to take a moment to bellyache lol. My opponent was a cool dude so it was still "fun" but like... socializing, not the game lol.
  7. Did they gain the elite keyword in the FAQ or do they have a sgt?
  8. And now I need theee different 50 dollar battletomes to play a living cities army. 150 dollars in paper alone just to bring 2 coalition units that are baked right into my armies rules. Playing Blades of Khorne with S2D and BoC unts puts me in the exact same boat. Will I do that? No, I'll use warhapedia or some other third party site to get the single warscroll I need, but if I were a brand new player (I mean I've been in for years now and somehow just discovered warhapedia myself) and you told me that if I want to play those cool humans with the guns and steam tanks I'll need to shell out 150 dollars on rules alone (or gimp myself in army selection) I wouldnt play that army and I probably wouldnt play that game. The question then becomes why? Who is benefiting from this decision (shareholders) and is their gain worth the communities loss?
  9. On that note in recently discovered that the skarbrand box comes with almost everything needed to build a bloodthirster on top of skarbrand. Is it true I only need the core body extra?
  10. Probably means a model is incoming. They dont offer rules for models they dont make anymore. Maybe the new Scyla Anfingrimm they showed a while back?
  11. Good news. I just finished painting my demon prince of khorne (slightly converted old belakor) so that almost a guarantee we'll get a new prince kit soon lol. Paints not as thick as it looks in person I promise. The left side of his face is a bit messed up from too much super glue and yet somehow that eye came out almost perfectly when there isnt actually an eye there lol. The socket got filled with glue so that's just some scraping with the hobby knife to make a line and then painted.
  12. If not a priest than a totem at the very least. He feels a bit more like a mutuality vortex beast on steroids than a priest per se. He doesn't preach chaos. He IS chaos. He should be a caster or a priest to represent this but I'd also accept an aura like the mutaliths but with more control (ironically) because he isn't just a focal point but a conductor of warp energy. Something like Krondys spell that has multiple options but maybe only able to pick each one once a game and make it automatic? And maybe this is too wishlisty but something akin to the fire Phoenix rebirth once a game on top of regeneration to represent how hard he is to kill? He should be difficult to kill as the other big named god likes (archaon, morathi, gotrek) but I dont want to just copy any of their rules.
  13. When whitefang reacts this post and you "win the thread" and we have to "shut it down bois because this is it", where will we go for our rumours and other off topic chatter?
  14. Wasnt there a debunked rumor of a Goblins versus beasts or something box?
  15. An app error doesn't override rules imo. Unless we get an FAQ saying its intentional I'm not going to let bad programming affect my games. If we treated errors as rules then nobody can bring endless spells (error: you can only bring one of [insert endless spell that I only have one of]) among many other things.
  16. Reposting them into 2 separate slaughterpriests for my Beasts of Khorme is going to take some work but it's going to be so worth it.
  17. Come now. You know if GW gave any kind of advance warning about anything to their customers then their stocks would plummet through the floor faster than you can say "this is a bit of a stretch for a line but I guess?" Just ask high elves lol
  18. Idk. A "runty" singular named man crusher who also happened to be a wizard or priest could make a great addition to a range that lacks granularity.
  19. Literally the most dissapointing rendtion of a piece of art I've seen in a while. Like I saw the pic and was like "oh I might actually want those guys" and instead we get a bunch of weirdly static "dynamic poses". Very dissapointing and I even LIKE the new stormcast look mostly. I'd legitimately quit the game. No hyperbole. So if you're actively trolling I have nothing to say to you per forum rules about civility.
  20. I'd be super happy for even a proper tease of the incoming chaos battletome. Actually on that note if we're assuming that white dwarf updates mean "no battletome soon" then the chaos book is either not beasts or they're not getting souped with slaves like I half feared.
  21. No you're right. The open beta is a good idea. I think I'm just bitter because I know I'm not going to be getting this particular product if it does end up with half of it locked behind warhammer+ to artificially drive subscriptions.
  22. The warscrolls aren't free if they're locked behind a subscription. Looks like you'll have to buy the books to unlock the rules portion (that's fine but it's not as good as the old app where we could just buy a full digital version of the battletome with all the fluff and everything instead of getting it for "free" if you buy a 50 dollar physical book you may or may not want). And the warscrolls will be locked behind a subscription fo W+ which is exclusively a downgrade from the old app. In unsure whether you have to subscribe to see the warscrolls from your book if you have the digital code to unlock the rules but I mean. I doubt it right?
  23. Can you clarify what you mean by (abilities not included). You mean like army rules and spells and stuff yeah? Can you subscribe to the app separately from subscribing to W+ and if so do you know if that has changed since the launch of W+ If they make the warscrolls free and lock the book rules behind purchase of books and the army builder behind a subscription that would be fine with me. Still a step backwards since the battletome rules aren't really equal to a digital battletome but it's also "free" if you buy the 50 dollar book that just went up in cost... this got less fine as I typed. All at what I assume (no proof one way or the other) will be an increased cost.
  24. I think its saying you DONT have to have a subscription to access the rules to the battletome you already paid for. A good thing but we'll see how much of the app stays locked even when you buy the books. It could easily be enough to make it not worth it if you don't pay. Built in inconvenience to market convenience is a well known strategy.
  25. Imagine your HoA put a gate up to block off the road you were using to get into your neighborhood and then happily announced that access to this awesome gate is included with one purchase of a pool pass (for a pool that has like 3 feet of water in it but dont worry we're gonna fill it up later!) Oh and you can't buy it any other way so 'included' may not be the BEST term.
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