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Everything posted by eciu

  1. Well apparently noone is getting my last sentence right
  2. Ok. KO battletome have had received numerous erratas/changes/tweaks. For some it does no longer create a internally integral faction/vision. SE are thematicly a copy (with a degree of changes) of SM. For some it's advantage, for some it's a drawback. And still some people just find an idea of flying shark funny. What wrong with funny ideas ? @Gaz Taylor: Is it good enough ? Man this newspeak is quite fun mental exercise.
  3. Be annyoed as much as you like but such is the truth. KO rules are a joke and failure, SE are copy/paste of SM from "the other setting", and yes some people find idea of flying sharks funny.
  4. Isn't damage output similar (if not bit worse) than a new Wrecking Teams ? (big double Squigs)
  5. I was looking at Celestial Hurricanum as for late, and it struck me that most of the rules it has would perfectly fit Disposssed "Anvil of Doom" equivalent. Storm of Shemtek works well as "Rune of Shattering", +1 to hit is some generic "buff from ancients" etc. In general its also good for Dispossed to proxy old (great) Anvil and just use "ally" and rules from celestial hurricanum.
  6. Did we ever got results ? What were the questions ?
  7. Sush denayers! Simple fact that a few sculps and background elements sparks so fierce and hot debate about possibility of Dispossesed getting attention/models/Battletome proves a truth that such faction is loved/needed/awaited by a quite few players (read: worth investing by GW).
  8. Do they have anything but mad angry naked midgets (and big lava lizarsd) ?
  9. From Total War: Warhammer From Old Dwarf's Codex: Damn, those beardlings again skip Loremasters classes!
  10. Irondrakes are literally hand-held flamethrowers. Also old Flame cannons and Organ guns are/were named "Tunnel Artillery" just because they were actually heavily used in underearth fights against Skavens and Goblins...
  11. Nah, don't you know it's official White Dwarf model ? ^^ As could it could be, the stormcasts have much better resiliance due to various armor buffs. It would be cool if gromril armor just gave "enemy rend is 1 point less effective up to 0" instead of just "ignore rend if it is -1". Also those shield actually should have something alongside Chaos Warrios of ward against MW (again it's even named properly "Runic Shields").
  12. GW said you can ally wizard. Why are you not wanting to ally some Stormcast Wizard ? Go ally Stormcast Wizard! Why didn't you ally Stormcast Wizard ? (...) <looks at Runelord and Endless Spells> <laughter>
  13. Yes, every setting need redshirts So are Dispossesed quite often seen in fluff, yet it (also) hadn't brought them anything (except being robbed of their artillery for Ironweld Arsenal).
  14. Should it depend on the roll or the actuall distance traveled ? (mind that the second might be easy to exploit)
  15. Because good sales of KO brought them good rules and attention from GW ^^
  16. And find out that most armies beats your collection without breaking sweat ? It's really bear favor you are doing here mate.
  17. Welcome to KO. All the money, none of might 😜
  18. Well sad nothing for dwarfs as FEC and those Skaven are occupying Chamon. Though nice for FEC and Skaven. And hurrey its not Sigmarines.
  19. Does it count as Dispossesed release then ?;P
  20. Thats one of the best and most iconic artworks. Damn I miss WHFB
  21. Damn. Thats literal and methaphorical showing off 😜
  22. Did you just combined 2 very rare and expensive models ?xD
  23. And imho that's boring stuff. Gods are eternal immortal etc. itd. so that their strife is mostly about who control "these turfs" (in this century), because "next century" previous god will strike back etc. So there are literally no stakes in this struggle (see old strife between chaos gods in the Old World).
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